
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


I lazily get up and walk over to my bed. I lay down and cover myself with the blanket Almos put on me. I curl up into a ball and said, "1 hour. Anything more and I will not be happy."

I close my eyes and drift off into sleep. I usually never get dreams. If I did, they are never good. And lucky me, I get a nightmare. This is how it went. I was back at the manor. When I still lived with Alexander and Alina. But I was watching myself. Like I was watching myself through a movie. I watch as I undressed. The cuts on my arm were not there yet. Adriana came running in. She was out of breath. Her deep brown hair framing her beautiful face.

She was smiling widely and said, "Are you finally going to confront him?"

I turn to her as I was buttoning up a white silk shirt. I gave her a smile and said, "Yeah. I found some dirt. I will finally get to end it."

I turn back around and said, "Can you help me with my tie?"

She goes to a drawer and pulls out a tie. I turn back towards her. But it was not Adriana. It was Hunter. He had a knife in his hands. He grabbed my wrists. His hands felt like flames. I scream in pain. I began to cough. As if I had inhaled smoke. He plunged the knife into my gut and his voice sounded like Adriana's when he said, "It should have been you that died."

I woke up with tears streaming down my face. Almos bolted up from sleeping with his head on my bed. I quickly wipe away the tears and curled myself up. I shake my head and try to remove the thought. But Adriana's voice kept echoing through my head. "It should have been you that died."

Almos sat on the bed and said, "Are you okay Asher?"

I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face. I said, "Does it fucking look like I am okay?!"

He said, "What happened. You were sleeping so peacefully. I even saw you smile."

I gave a weak laugh and said, "Everyone is happy at the start of a nightmare."

I get up and go into the bathroom and clean my face from the tears. I said, "I am going to get back to work."

Almos said, "You are not going to do that."

I sigh and said, "Fine."

My phone went off. Unknown number. I answer it. A strong male voice said, "Are you Asher Wild?"

I said, "Yes. How may I be of help?"

He said, "You cut my daughters hair and injured three of her body guards."

"I am aware of that sir. Is there a place we can meet up to discuss. I prefer to talk business face to face."

I heard him move a few things around and said, "I have a meeting in an hour. I will meet you at the address I will send right now."

The phone call ended. I sigh and, "Now, where did I put that contract."

Almos said, "You just cried and now you are going to do business. I will not allow that."

I sigh and said, "You can come then. Just do not speak unless spoken to."

I grab a white button up and some pants. I said, "I am taking a shower. Get dressed. And dress nice."

I close and lock the bathroom door. I strip and hop in the shower. I clean my filthy body. I made sure I did not touch my cut. I turn off the water and dry myself off. I then pull on fresh underwear and pull on some black pants. I pull on a sports bra and start to do the button up. I brush my hair and put it into a high ponytail. I put in clips and walk out. Almos walked in with a nice shirt and jeans.

I said, "Good enough."

I pull on a coat and add some high tops. I grab my backpack. I check my phone and see the address. I said, "We are leaving now."

I walk out and he follows me. We see Kian. He glares at me and said, "And where exactly are you going dressed like that?"

I said, "And what do you mean by that?"

"You are wearing a suit and he is dressed up."

"I know. I asked him to. He has been shadowing me today. Might as well."

I tried to walk past him but he stuck his arm out. He said, "And where exactly are you going?"

I narrow my eyes at him and said, "We are going to look up an address and I am going to memorize the lay out. I have business to do. So please move."

He moves his arm and said, "Be back before dark."

I roll my eyes and said, "I can not control meetings."

We walk past. But he stopped Almos and whispered something to him. I watched his lips. He whispered, "Keep an eye on her. Make sure she does not get you killed or hurt. If she does anything you do not like. Attack her."

I turned on my heel and went into the elevator. He catches up. I said, "You attack me and I might have to hurt you."

He gave me a confused look and said, "Why would I attack you? Where did you even get that idea?"

I sigh and said, "Just saying."

We walk out and a car is waiting. Almos looked confused.