
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


He sighed and said, "Is that all the damage?"

I nodded. I said, "To my physically yes."

He said, "And emotionally?"

I sigh and said, "Emotional wreck."

He walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. He vent down to where we could meet at eye level. He said, "Have you thought of therapy?"

I said, "I do not trust therapists. Last time I went to therapy, they used it as a way to make sure I never leave."

He gave me a sad look and said, "If it helps, you can talk to me. I am free whenever you need me."

I nodded. I sigh and said, "Thanks. But I am not fully there to understand my feelings."

He nods and said, "I understand."

He goes to his desk and took out a piece of paper. He wrote something down. He walked back and handed me the paper. He said, "This is my personal phone number. You can call or text me at any time. No matter what the subject is."

I nodded and took the paper. I said, "Thank you Mr. Woods."

He gave me a smile. He then went into a back room and came back out with a stack if papers. He said, "I got things I need you to do."

I take the papers and said, "What would you like me to do?"

"I need you to mark people who did not complete this and grade them."

I nodded and held them in my hands. I said, "I will get these to you as soon as I can."

He nods and said, "Off you go then."

I nod and walk out. I walk back to my room and take my backpack out. I put the papers in a folder and place the folder gently into the backpack. I sling it on and walk back out. Next was Madam De la Croix. She was the french teacher. I walk up to her open door. She was playing some music and typing. I walk in and stand in front of her desk. She looks up and smiles warmly. She then frowned. She said, "What happened to your face sweetie?"

I looked at her and said, "I got into a fight earlier."

She gave me a sad look, "How does the cut feel?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I hurts but I am used to this."

She got up and went into a file cabinet and pulled out a stack of papers. She handed them to me and said, "Do you mind grading them?"

I nodded and replied, "Of course."

I gently place the stack on a desk and drop my backpack. I pull out an empty folder and place the work inside. I put the folder back into my backpack and thanked her. She said, "I do hope you cut gets better."

I nodded my thanks to her and walked out. I let out a big sigh and kept walking. I needed sleep. My eyes were starting to droop on their own. I shake them awake. I need to get this done before I can go to sleep. I make my way to Professor Diaz. I could hear music coming from his room as well. I knock on his closed door. A few seconds passed by and the door opened. He said, "So you must be the..."

His voice trailed off. I nodded, "I am. And yes, my cheek is fine."

He slowly nods and lets me in. He closes the door softly and gave me a stack of papers. I do the same thing I did in Madam De la Croix. I stand back up and thank him. I kinda wanted to get done with this. I am tired. I walk out and finally reach the last class. Mrs. Morgan. I was about to knock when she opened the door. She sees me and said, "I have you papers right here."

She handed me the papers. I took them and turned on my heel. I said, "Thank you Mrs. Morgan."

I walk away and cross the field. I make it back to my floor. I walk towards my room and see it was opened. Did Bellamy actually close it or is someone in my room. I take out a knife. I gently stepped towards my door and could hear walking. It step in with my knives ready to kill. I heard something drop to the floor. I look and see Bacchus and Almos. Almos had bolted up from his sleep. Bacchus had dropped a water bottle.

I put my knives away. Bacchus said, "You scared me Asher."

I sigh and said, "Sorry. I am just tired. My reflexes are slow today."

Almos said, "Why are you tired?"

I sit down at my desk. I pull out the folders and look them over. I began to grade them. I said, "I have not slept in a few days. And I lost my appetite when Kian came in to yell at me for eating in my room."

Bacchus said, "He lets me eat in our room."

I rest my head against the papers and said, "I dunno man. I hate eating in front of people. I am not comfortable with it at all. Probably going to be a while before I eat again."

Bacchus handed me a apple. I shake my head no as my face scrunches up in disgust. I said, "I am not hungry."

Almos said,"How much have you eaten today?"

I look at him and said, "A few pieces of popcorn that he left."

Almos said, "Then why not eat then?"

I sigh and said, "I just said that I am not hungry."


"Because I am not hungry."

"But why?"

I growl and said, "Are you going to keep asking why until I give you a legit answer?"

He nods. I sigh, "Fine. I hate eating. The thought of food disgust me and makes me not wanting to eat. I eat whenever I absolutely have to. Even if it is small. That was the first amount of food I have had in three days. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

I work some more. I then felt someone wrap a blanket around me. I look at whoever did it. Almos was standing there. He said, "You need to sleep."

I shake my head no and said, "No, I need to work. Work is more important. I also need to train. I can do that later then."

Almos said, "Do not make me do it."

I raise an eyebrow and said, "And do what? Knock me out?"

He shakes his head and said, "Nope."

He kissed my forehead. I gave him a strange look. Sleep then hit me like a train. I felt my head start to fall. I fight it back. I keep working as fast as I could. Almos said, "Go to sleep."

I yawn and said, "Not until I am done. I can fight it. I have done this before."

He kissed the top of my head and another wave of heavy sleep washed over me. I try to fight it some more. But sleep was starting to win. Almos sigh and said, "You can really are a fighter."

I said, "Fine. I will take a small nap. Wake me up in an hour."