
Things get (Wild)er

When things go so wrong that it makes Asher a crying mess, how much drama can she take before she is pushed to her limits? She is not ready for the drama, but the better question, are you?

Bro_the_turtle_jr · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


You read about drama. You probably even watched drama series. But have you ever lived in a drama? Entirely different. Much more stressful if you ask me. Should I start with some backstory? Yes. Will I?Nah. You ask why? Because I am a bitch like that.

Do not like it? The fictional door is right there. Leave. I could care less. Have the door hit you on the way out. May it help you looks as best as it can. You still here? Cool. Let's begin shall we...