
They call her Ace

They call her Ace, that's only because no one knows her real name. She runs this city as the Raingate Mafia leader. A cold-hearted killing machine that lives a lavish life, but who was she before this life of crime? To her it didn't matter who she used to be. That girl was long gone, but little did she know that someone from her past will remind her of who she really is. ------------------------ She froze not because the man was handsome. No, it wasn't that. Many handsome men walked into her life, but there was a reason that Ace stopped in her tracks for this one. It wasn't the breathtaking smile or the gorgeous hair. It was because she knew him.   She didn't know him in this life. No, she knew him in another life. A life that she had tried her best to forget. A life where she wasn't Ace. A life where she had people that she loved and cared about. A life where she didn't kill men and where she didn't live in an extravagant mansion with butlers and maids to do as she directed.   Ace was frozen. Her heart had stopped. How did he find her? ------------------ ----- ------- ------ Cover artist: Roxanne Jane black insta: Roxanne.janeblack

QingMojidori · perkotaan
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25 Chs


After Christopher and Grayson took their showers, Grayson put on Christopher's favorite soap opera. It was about a lot of drama that went on in a hospital and had one of the female doctors as a narrator.

This was the two brothers' routine every night. They would finish up their day with a shower and then they'd sit on the couch together to watch dramatic soap operas. Grayson glanced over at his brother who was stuffing his mouth with spoon-fulls of mint chocolate ice cream. Grayson didn't want to ask questions. He already knew that his brother was a mess over Ace. Christopher never wanted to get over her and never seemed attracted to any other female since she left.

There was a reason that Grayson accepted the fact that she was a changed person. It was because he knew who she really was. Well at least he thought that he knew who she truly was. The night that Grayson ran into Ace at the Tin's event, Jenna explained more about her encounter with Ace and how she saved her. One of the racers that was going to be at Grayson's race overheard their conversation and informed him that Ace wasn't someone to be messed with.

Grayson wasn't going to inform the little bit of information that he knew about Ace to his brother. He wanted Christopher to get over his fantasy that she was going to run back to him by himself. Grayson was actually fine with Ace saying she wanted to keep her distance because he knew that she was doing it to protect Chris. That meant that Grayson and Ace had the same goal and that goal was to protect Christopher. The only problem with protecting Christopher is that he isn't the type to give up so easily.

Together the two brothers sat in silence. They sat there for an hour before Christopher spoke for the first time since Ace walked out of the restaurant,

"She will be mine."

"But Chris, she is literally a different person. She isn't seventeen anymore and neither are you! You need to stop acting like it."

Christopher scraped the last bit of ice cream out of the bowl and repeated himself again like his brother didn't hear him the first time, "She will be mine." he put an extra emphasis on the word "will" this time.

♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠

Ace walked through the door to find Scully dusting off an antique statue that was sitting above her fireplace. She sighed as she threw her heels across the room and dragged her feet across the floor until she fell on the couch.

Scully turned towards her, "How was your evening madame?"

"What do you think?"

Scully shrugged and started dusting off another antique item, "Well, madame, I think from the looks of it you're evening didn't go so well."

"Actually, I just told my delusional ex to stay away from me before he got himself killed."

Scully paused and slightly furrowed his eyebrows before continuing to dust, "Well it is the smart thing to do. It's what your father did." Scully froze again and realized he had made a mistake for mentioning her father and he felt the room get cold, but it soon turned warm again. He turned to face Ace,

" I am sorry madame I-"

Ace cut him off, "No it's fine Scully. But if my father did the same with my mother then why am I here? I shouldn't exist if he kept her away."

"That's because he loved her and she loved danger."

Ace smirked. It did sound like her mom. She always did love a thrill. Scully had been her dad's butler as well, but he quit years ago. Her father said that Scully was the best butler he ever had and so Ace offered him the job again.

She believed that the reason Scully did everything to her liking was because he once worked for her father and understood his ways which meant Scully understood her ways. The thing is, she never knew why Scully quit when he worked for her father.

"Now, why don't you tell me about this delusional ex of yours." Scully lightly chuckled.

Ace spent the next thirty minutes telling him about the encounter with her "delusional ex" and his brother. Scully had become so invested in the story that he had sat down on the couch next to Ace. She never opened up like this and Scully wasn't going to miss this rare occasion.

"You're telling me...that your ex boyfriend is Christopher Greens?"

Ace nodded and Scully shook his head, "What a man, madame. You really know how to pick them."

Ace sat up and threw her hands in the air, "That was years ago, Scully! Years! Before people referred him as "the" Christopher Greens."

Scully nodded and rubbed his saggy chin, "I understand that you want to keep him away from this life, but do you want him?"

Ace's eyes widened at his direct question and she ran her fingers through her hair. When she didn't answer, Scully threw another question at her, "Do you love him?"

Ace's heart stopped. Did she love him? what kind of question was that?

"Love him? I care nothing for that man anymore and I do not love. Love isn't a thing that I do. What would make you say such a thing?"

Scully shrugged, "Well, madame, it's just that you seem so worked up over this man."

Ace abruptly stood up. "Worked up? who's worked up? Me worked up? No, never that!"

"I don't see why you think that you're not allowed to love in this life. Your father loved-"

"My father was stupid. He let love blind him of his responsibilities and it got him killed. I refuse to let the same happen to me."

Scully understood and nodded, "So your ex boyfriend is the Christopher Greens?"

"Yes, Scully. You already asked that. I understand that you're getting old, but try to keep up!" Ace rolled her eyes.

"Hm...The Christopher Greens.....Anyone who could get him on their side would be unstoppable." He spoke barely over a whisper, but Ace heard him. He looked at her and she knew exactly what he was thinking.

The coldness in her eyes melted and she sat on her fur carpet. She then repeated Scully's words to herself, "Anyone who can get Christopher Greens on their side....would be unstoppable."

Ace thanked Scully for the talk and started up her elegant stairs and into her room. She slammed the door closed before dashing to her bathroom.

As she stood under the shower head she smiled diabolically. She finger combed her long shampoo covered hair and laughed as she spoke to herself,

"Whoever can get Christopher Greens on their side will be unstoppable!" She laughed so hard that she almost fell down in the shower. Water ran down her beautiful features and she continued to smile as she again spoke to herself,

"Good thing he's already on my side."

sorry that I didn't update yesterday! But here's a mass release, I hope you enjoy! <3

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