
They call her Ace

They call her Ace, that's only because no one knows her real name. She runs this city as the Raingate Mafia leader. A cold-hearted killing machine that lives a lavish life, but who was she before this life of crime? To her it didn't matter who she used to be. That girl was long gone, but little did she know that someone from her past will remind her of who she really is. ------------------------ She froze not because the man was handsome. No, it wasn't that. Many handsome men walked into her life, but there was a reason that Ace stopped in her tracks for this one. It wasn't the breathtaking smile or the gorgeous hair. It was because she knew him.   She didn't know him in this life. No, she knew him in another life. A life that she had tried her best to forget. A life where she wasn't Ace. A life where she had people that she loved and cared about. A life where she didn't kill men and where she didn't live in an extravagant mansion with butlers and maids to do as she directed.   Ace was frozen. Her heart had stopped. How did he find her? ------------------ ----- ------- ------ Cover artist: Roxanne Jane black insta: Roxanne.janeblack

QingMojidori · perkotaan
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25 Chs

Grayson Greens is a criminal

The next day Christopher couldn't focus on his work. He was supposed to be approving a project to renovate the police station, but he couldn't even get his mind together. It was to the point where Grayson had to tell him that his socks didn't even match.

Christopher massaged his temples and set the stack of papers to the side of his desk. He had the worst headache and reading over the tiny words made the headache worse.

His brunette assistant walked into his office without knocking and tried to be seductive as she walked over and sat on his desk. She crossed her legs under her pencil skirt and leaned closer to him,

"You look stressed Chris."

He shooed her, "Mr. Greens is fine, Kimberly, and I'll feel better when you bring my coffee that I asked you for thirty minutes ago." He spoke with his head down on the desk and ignored the woman before him.

She rolled her eyes and bit her bottom lip in annoyance, "Yes I will get that to you right away, Mr. Greens. I just thought that you needed some company." Kimberly said "Mr. Greens" in a mocking tone.

"No, I don't need any company. I need that coffee and it'd be nice to have it now."

Kimberly was running out of ideas, "Oh well..um....I got a new lip stick. Did you notice?"

Christopher sighed and looked up at Kimberly who was trying to catch his attention by licking her lips.

"Now, Kimberly, now. I want my coffee now. What am I paying you for?

Kimberly rolled her eyes and stormed out of his office. As she walked out Christopher thought about something and furrowed his eyebrows before pressing the button on his intercom,

"Jessica, you go get my coffee for today." Kimberly walked out of his office angry and he wasn't going to risk drinking coffee that she got. Who knows what she might do to it.

Christopher continued massaging his temples. He couldn't focus on anything. The only thing that he could think about is how Ace was so quick to leave when he mentioned he was moving to Raingate. What was wrong with moving closer to her? He was trying to think of what he could've possibly did that made her hate him so much, but he couldn't find a single reason why she wanted to be so far from him. His hands stopped their movements as his eyes grew wide.

"Ivan." He pushed all his work to the side of his desk, pulled his laptop closer to him, and started typing.

search: Ivan Poma

The moment he pressed enter his phone binged. Chris scrambled to pull it out his pocket and turn it on. It was a message from an unknown number. He squinted and clicked to the contents of the message. Christopher's heart stopped.


[today 10:32]

unknown: I'm sorry about what I said last night. I was overwhelmed. Dinner tonight @ 10?


♜ ♜ ♜ ♜ ♜ ♜ ♜ ♜

"What do you mean less demanding?" Ace shot a cold glare at Jack who shrunk back in fear.

Ace called Jack over to her house, so that Jack could help her with "a serious matter". Jack was bewildered to discover that the "serious matter" at hand was about a text message. He was even more shocked to find out that the text message was about a date. Ace was trying to ask someone out on a date!

When he walked through her front door he found Ace sprawled over the couch in pajamas. She looked a mess and Jack hasn't ever seen her like that before. He guessed that this date had to be really important.

Grayson had given Ace Christopher's number earlier that morning. He was surprised when she asked for it, but didn't ask any questions. He was just hoping that whatever she said was going to make Christopher get himself together.

"I..I was just saying that you want to ask him to dinner. Not tell him. Saying "We're having dinner at 10" just seems a little...demanding."

Ace squinted at him for a little longer before looking back down at her phone and biting her thumb nail. She then started typing and said the words out loud,

"Dinner is at ten. Be ready."

"Still demanding."

"UHG!" Ace threw her phone and Jack ducked as it flew over his head.

Scully scurried over to pick it up and walked over to return it to her.

"Thanks Scully."

He nodded, "Of course, madame...Actually if it's okay miss, do I have permission to state my opinion on the situation?"

Ace nodded and kicked her feet up on the couch as she listened.

"I think it's best to start off with an apology for last night." Scully softly smiled.

"Apology? For what? Saving his life?"

"He doesn't know that, madame. All he knows is that you ran from the dinner table."

Jack creased his eyebrows. He didn't know what the two were talking about. Running from dinner tables? Last night? He didn't even know who this mysterious man was that caught Ace's attention.

That was one thing that Jack couldn't get off of his mind. Who could this man be? There were so many rich and handsome men that had tried to have a shot at Ace and all of them were rejected. Ace didn't do relationships. She did business. With that being said, who was this man that somehow turned Ace's head and how did he do it?

"Boss, who is this man?" Jack gathered the courage to ask.

Scully and Ace stopped their side conversation and both looked at him.

"Christopher Greens." Ace responded nonchalantly.

Goose bumps trickled up Jack's arms and his heart skipped a beat. He sat there slack-jawed. Christopher Greens? He laughed in disbelief and lifted his head back on the couch as he ran his fingers through his hair. Christopher Greens. THE Christopher Greens.

"So you're asking Christopher Greens on a date?" He asked just to make sure that he wasn't hearing things.

Ace rolled her eyes, "Yes, Jack, keep up."

Jack furrowed his eyes brows, "But...then who's Grayson Greens to you? The street racer?"

Ace raised an eyebrow.

"Grayson Greens. The man you asked my father to track down."

Ace asked Jack's father to get that information so that she could see if Grayson had criminal ties, but after last night she knew for a fact who he was. Grayson Greens was a criminal, but he wasn't the type of criminal that wanted to take down the biggest crime lord that the city has ever seen. After Grayson told Ace who he was it took off a little of her paranoia.

"He's Christopher's brother and I'm pretty sure I wanted that information by tuesday. Today is tuesday Jack and I still don't have anything from your father."

Brother? Jack didn't know Christopher Greens had a brother!

"Oh! I'm sorry, boss! I do have information. My father said that he couldn't find much on a Grayson Greens. He found a couple of birth records and there's not much on him in his normal life. The last records we could find of him are from when he was seventeen and after that he fell off the grid."

"Everything you just said is useless to me."

"That was what he found from his legal resources. Now, on the criminal side of things he discovered that Grayson Greens is an illegal street racer and he doesn't go by the name Grayson. His street name is apparently Jay."

Ace laughed. Jay? Grayson didn't tell her that she wasn't the only one going by a different name.

'Two criminals at the table indeed.' Ace joked to herself.

"His street name?"

"Yes, but that's not the biggest thing I wanted to tell you. Did you know that a few of you guard dogs like fast cars?" Jack raised his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"Small world, is it not?" Ace turned towards Scully and they both smiled.

I don't know why, but my favorite thing to write is "Scully scurried." I love that phrase so much.

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