
These Worlds Of All Places ?

Something I’m doing for fun sent a guy to DanMachi as a power house already to strong why not a little slice of life and picking up some chicks, as well as small multi Cover art not mine own nothing but my oc

Armoti_Nelson · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 1 : Lets Wander fightings not my thing really.

In a Forest miles away from anything there was a relatively large statues of a elf siting in a throne could seen. The passing of time has not been kind as vines wrapped around it breaking through the platform it sat on. Time past slowly until.



The stone started to crack as pieces began to fall revealing a black color underneath. the hands where raised and the head moved forward as the stone fell slowly to the ground and finally.

Kains pov

"Holy fucking shit that sucked of all the ways to be transferred I had to be the lucky guy to be trapped in stone waiting for it to break why !?" *sob sob

Well I'm kain can't remember much of my past life so I guess there's not much to talk about there. I got to meet a god yeah you know the whole meet a god get wishes yeah that happened nothing crazy. I didn't get to pick the world here I was thinking I'd get to live a peaceful out of the way life. Nope the god dropped me in DanMachi well could have been worse I saw death note and deadman wonderland on the wheel the god spun. 'Yeah no I'd rather be here'. Thinking to myself as I stretch and crack my neck.

'Plus there's hot chicks here well that and a kid that's annoying that some how has the luck of a god'. But back to more important matters.

My wishes ummm let me see well you see I'm one of the coolest bosses from the solo leveling world in my opinion. yup a ice elf Truly expect for my robes being black and gold along with the power of the ice monarch while having there accumulated experience. The god says no familia for me because I can't lvl up my lvl doesn't match this world. unless I want to be treated like a abnormality by the world or the so called gods. Which is fine by me I really don't want to fight.

(3 wish ice Monarch power the next wish Is there experience and the 3rd is the dragger)

Walking forward I turn back 'well I can't forget this' holding my hand out and my dagger shakes itself free from the stone flying into my hand. 'Can't lie that's fucking dope'. Cuting down trees like they were paper I walked toward the crystal clear lake. Seeing how I had to bend down under some branches I was tall 6'8 I'd say. Coming to the lake I went to one knee and looked at my reflection. 'Yup I'm a ice elf asshole'. My long spiky white hair a Constant serious expression and smirk. Blue skin with 3 red markers in the shape of a Leaf at the center of my forehead right in between with eyes. speaking of eyes which are bluish white. Lifting my shirt a little I saw what looked to be tribal tattoos. 'Yup I look like him really didn't think this whole appearance thing through'.

(A.N image here)

I don't have a system don't need that but I can do this I tap the tip of my dagger on the ground the ice Spread as a massive ice knight was formed.

(A.N image here)

Don't know what I'd do with all these Abilities but I could send them out to fight. They all have a part of my strength.

"Hey big guy" I pat the knight on its back as it turns to me and kneels. I tap that ground again and it disappears.

The only things I have are these abilities experience and this change of clothes. 'Great god I gotta say.....clothes yay (—_—)'.

Well I don't know where I am so let's wander I'll reach somewhere eventually.

Taking the water in my hand and rubbing it through my hair. I stand and start to walk cutting down trees as I make my way to....well to any where I end up. It didn't take long for me to enjoy it the sun shinning as the leaves fell. The high trees casing shadows that the light could past through.

Bitting the Apple I picked up . I crossed my arm behind my head leaning against a tree. Looking at the sun 'this world it's dangerous but it doesn't take away from its beauty'.


Breathing out a little vapor even if its hot?. 'guess I'm just cold'. "no wonder I didn't feel bothered by...*yawn..by the...*yawn..heat". Saying this and looking up at the sky I leaned more deeply and fell asleep.

*crack *ahhhhh!

My long ears twitched and with no hesitation my eyes shot open. All that greeted me was supposed to be endless darkness but it did not effect me. Getting up from my seated position I jump up reaching my hand out grabbing a breach and pulling myself up. Crouching on a branch with my hands resting on my chin I looked at the source of the sounds.

Watching as 3 small human figures fought a group of pig headed monsters 'orcs I gotta say there ugly'. Watching as they struggle against these 3 meter monsters.

'Well he's dead' I think as on of the adventures isn't paying attention and gets smashed to the ground.

Adventure 1/2 "Paul!" The two yells out as they watch there friend get smashed into the ground hit repeatedly until he was unmoving.


'Well let's move' I put my dagger from my back a creepy smile appeared on my face i didn't notice. Jumping down and moving at speeds that made me look like a blur i reached the first orc one smooth Motion I Decapitated it. Turn my body and performing a round house kick I make a Sharp thick needle like ice on my heel driving it in i the next orcs temple and smashing it into the ground cracking it. Watching as the two adventures were backed into a great tree by the remaining two orcs. I spun my dragger throwing it at the back of the head of one. Rushing forward and grabbing the other by the back on his neck like I drove his head into the ground over and over even though I knew it was dead.

Adventures "ah? Umm?!"

Looking up I must have scared them as they looked at me with horror. crouching down to there level I hold my hand out as my dragger comes to me. Never taking my eyes off them.

"So can you guys tell me which way orairo is and where this forest is?" In a not caring tune I ask.

Adventures "th....thi..this is Seolo Forest it's east of orairo just head that way and you'll reach it" pointing toward a certain Direction.

Distant voices "hey!!! Where are you....we need to hurry and find them!!...it's dangerous out here!!..." with my long ears I pick up sounds of a group coming this way.

Adventures "hey what's your...." they tried to say but I had already disappeared. The girl sees something shining leans forward and grabs it .

Adventure 2 "what is it?"

Adventure 1 "a ice rose" a beautiful crystal blue ice rose that didn't have any signs of melting. She hugged it got up.

Back to our mc.

'Well at least I wasn't that far I'd thought I'd be lost not that I don't care but I would like to try the hostess of fertility, from the manga and anime it's supposed to be amazing'. Glad they didn't see me take there dead friends money.

'Should be enough as I tossed the bag in the air catching it and walked a tree and fell asleep guess I'll see the famous city tomorrow'. As I drifted off.

[next day]

Waking up and pushing my hair back I stand and stretch. 'Let's get there already'. I disappeared using about half my speed to dash across the forest. Finally making it to something man made. I smile and follow the road for a hour or so and then there it was in front of me were two massive gates with people of all kinds. Muscular guys with animal features as well as girls. tanned hot chicks with there toned bellies wear not so conservative clothes. Cat people dwarfs and many others but for some reason everyone was looking at me well I am tall and have winter set clothes but still. Some of the girls I saw were elves looked at me with a gleam in there eye.

Walking to the gate the guard looked up at me.

Guard "never seen your kind before" squinting his eyes.

"Yeah you probably haven't I'm the last one" I say as if it was no big deal.

*gasp hearing a few gasps here and there from behind me.

Guard " *cough....well 50 valis for entry"

"Here" I had him what I amuse to be 50 valis he hands me back some and I walk into the city. And it doesn't take long for many to stop and look at me paying it no mind I walk up to another elf.

"Do you know where the hostess of fertility is ?"

Elf "yeah it's....it's..." she says looking at me with a strange expression.

"It's?" I say a little annoyed.

Elf "it's not far if you keep on this path it will be there you can't miss it" she says blushing and walking back into her store.

After what felt like ages I finally arrived walking in and having to bend me head a little I see. Ryuu lion and Anya fromel taking orders and different adventurer groups sitting in area throughout the place 2 groups stick out to me Loki's ace and bell fucking cranel. Walking to a Free seat I watch as Loki's familia stare me down. While bell has a look of fascination.

Ryuu "what would you like?" She says trying not to meet my eyes.

"Your ears and eyes are beautiful you know that" I say looking at her reaching out and touching her ear slightly.

Ryuu "thank you what will it be ?" She doesn't shy away from this and asks me again.

"The special or what you think is good ?" I say as I look over and see Anya with a look of disbelief.

Ryuu "it will be right out". As she rushes to the next table.

Bell "hey what are you ?" A excited bell ran up to my table asking me questions.

Blowing out color air like vapor bell again "that's so cool are you like a ice magic user? Where are you from? Why those clothes? What's your name?"

*sigh "yes I'm a ice user of sorts..I'm from a place far from here...I like these clothes and I'm the last of my kind a hyakki as for my name it's Baruka".

I saw as he's face got more excited as I answered until the last part he lowered his head.

Bell "sorry" I wave my hand in a dismissive manor.

Ryuu lion pov

The day passed by as it always did there was some interesting kid. Bell 'cute little guy gets flustered a lot hehe'. Taking orders and talking here and there it was a normal day until.

Hearing the door open I saw a tall blue skinned being walk in the door and my eyes fixated on his long elf ears. His bluish white eyes and the maker on his forehead.

'What kind of elf is he ?'.

Walking to him I could feel slight cold coming from his body it felt cool but refreshing.

"What would you like?" I ask while looking at every detail of his face. Seeing him open his mouth I'd thought he would order but he simply said

Baruka "Your ears and eyes are beautiful you know that?" before reaching his hand out and touching them but unlike most times I didn't pull away it felt nice and some what familiar.

"Thank you what will it be ?" Saying trying to get out of here because it was embarrassing.

Baruka "The house special or whatever you think is good?" He said in his deep but not so deep voice looking into my eyes.

"It will be right out" before I move away from the table I see Anya with a look of amazement on her face. I don't make it far before I see bell walking up to the elf and asking him questions my I back up a little my ears twitching trying to hear.

'Last of his kind? Hyakki? And Baruka' I'll ask if anyone knows. I say to myself before putting his order in.

End pov

Baruka pov

'Man this kid Is annoying but better then eating alone' I saw as Loki's familia especially ais looked at me intensely. I met her gaze and then someone even more annoying said something to her and stomped his puppy dog ass over to me.

Bete "hey freak what was that about?!"

"What ?" 'Here comes over protective brother'. I say not looking at him. While bell has a look of worry.

Bete " what do you mean what you were staring at ais ?!" He points back to a blank looking ais.

I turn my head to look past him to see Loki with her arm around ais and ais eyes never leaving my face. Turning back to bete.

"And?" I say with a smirk.

Bete "and weaklings like you should not...."

Bell"ehhh? Ahh?!"

"Say that again?" Before he can even finish it was off the ground choking as I gripped his neck looking at him my expression completely changed into a sinister smile.

(A.N image here)

Looking at him in his eyes my hands move and my slides from my back deflecting ais sword with no effort. She try's to regain her footing and moves in with a thrusting motion just for me to stop it with the flat side on my dragger. Seeing the others of Loki familia and her get up I finally look at ais.

"Weak" I say as I drop bete and push ais sword away.

"Guess I'll just eat else where" I raise my hand and make a Icy rose and holding it out to ais. * whistle...as I turn and walk towards the door spinning my dagger around my fingers then putting it back on the holder on my back.

Loki "Hey !" I hear someone call out as I turn around.

"Yes?" I say with a Grin while looking at Loki.

Loki "Your name ?"

"Baruka haha" I say as I walk out of the hostess with bell following.

Ais pov

Sitting with my famila we had planned to dive back in the dungeon after a meal. Seeing a boy with pure white hair he was interesting.

Or so I thought until the door opened and a tall elf of some kind came in and my instinct were screaming danger at me I could feel it like when I fight monsters in the dungeon no more so. This elf was strong really strong. I kept looking watching his movements. He ordered food and touched the waitress ears. To him talking to the white hair boy who sat down to talk to him. Then he looked at me and made a weird smile.

Bete "what are you staring at so much ais"

I heard bete ask me as he followed my line of site.

Bete "who's this asshole?!" He says as he gets up. "I'll teach him about staring".

Loki "you got that guy in trouble you know your mine" Loki says while wrapping her arm around me.

Tione/tiona "he doesn't look that strong but I've never seen any race like that"

I watch as Bete walks up and starts to yell. Not really caring about this I keep looking as he leans around bete and looks at me again and smiles. In the next second he moved I couldn't even follow bete was already in the air.

Loki "what?!"

No paying attention i move as fast as I can to Bete. Seeing he wouldn't see me from Bete covering his face I swing my sword just for it to be met by a dagger I didn't see him pull out I move my blade back to my chest and thrust with more effort just for it to be blocked by the side of his blades flat not moving at all. He finally looks down at me.

Baruka "weak" he says while dropping Bete and pushing my sword. the word ringing in my head.. was I so weak still?.

Baruka "guess I'll eat somewhere else" he says while forming a icy rose and hands into me i don't know why but I take it. He turns Around spinning his dagger and whistling.

Loki "hey!" Loki says in a voice when she doesn't get what she wants.

He turns around with a grin that wasn't a grin.

Baruka "yes?"

Loki "your name?" Honesty I wanted to know to.

Baruka "Baruka haha" laughing as he walks to the door With that young kid following.

'Baruka huh ? Maybe he can help me...'




"Hmmm?" I say looking at Loki and the twins yell my name.

Loki "help tionde and tionda with bete" point to the unconscious Bete still on the floor.

Looking at his neck there was ice build up around his neck I looked at the rose in my hand.

"Baruka" unknowingly saying it out loud.

Loki "Ais I know your dream but stay away from him he is dangerous I couldn't feel anything from him but coldness" she says to me as I think about what the elf Baruka said to me. 'Weak'.

"Hey let's go to the dungeon"

Loki/twins "huh?!" Looking at me with weird expressions while helping bete up.


The door opens again Finn comes rushing in

Finn "guys ! Guys ?! I just saw this big blue elf looking guy....hold on what happen to bete?!" Putting his hands up.

Loki "we know Finn he did this to bete"

Bete "get off me I'm fine where is the big elf!" Finally getting up yelling.

Tiona "bete he left calm down"

Tione "yeah all he did was squeeze your neck and you passed out give it a rest"

Finn " that blue elf beat bete ?! What did he sneak..."

Loki "no Finn bete bit of more then he can chew"

"I want to go into the dungeon" with my same dead face.

Finn "what?!"

Loki/twins "ok ok we can" placating me knowing I won't change my mind.

Ryuu "you guys are making a ruckus"

Loki "alright alright....hold on Ryuu your a elf do you know what kind of elf he was?"

Ryuu "no he said he was a hyakki and that he was the last" with a face like she wanted answers?

Loki "hyakki? Ice elves?" She says under her be breathe but her smile soon came back and she hugged me.

Finn "so we going into the dungeon?"

Twins "yeah I think ais didn't like what that Baruka guy said"

Finn "huh?"

Loki "he called her weak" rubbing her head on my face.

All besides bete "let's go"

Bete "next time I see him I'll kick his ass!" Stomping out of the hostess.

Spinning the rose in my hand we left toward the dungeon.

'I need to get stronger'.

End pov

Baruka pov

After leaving the hostess of fertility.

'Fuck he followed me !' Looking back at bell who was behind me.

"What's your plans uhhh what's your name?" Faking.

Bell "I'm bell...bell Carnel I was going in the dungeon what about you umm Baruka?"

"I guess I could join you let's see how strong these monsters are" as a creepy smile formed on my face.

Bell "aaaa..Baruka that's really creepy you know"

"Is it haha" I look down at bell heading towards the tower. everyone looked at us welll at me it was a strange mix a tall light blue elf and a short red eyed white haired kid.

Going into the dungeon The entrance to the Dungeon is on the first underground floor of Babel. In the center of the room is a ten meter long hole that leads straight into the Dungeon. Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals and above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky. Along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the Dungeon.

Walking up I can't help but think we'll seeing it in person is a whole different feeling coming to the first floor we come across kobolts not even worth mentioning I just kick a few in the head. As bell struggled but managed it.

Making our way up floor after floor until the 5th floor. With brownish green walls and luminous crystal lake rocks shining a green like color.

"Don't just swing the dagger around hoping to hit something it's a part of you the thing that is killing is you your dagger just helps you do so. It is a part of you as much as you are apart of it see?"

As the relatively large rock in the Direction I swong my dagger slide down with a perfect line.

Bell "so cool just how strong are you Baruka?! Your dagger and skills are amazing!" He said with stars in his eyes looking at my dagger.

'The strongest being around but I'll keep that to myself'. I think until I remember why does this look so familiar. My ears twitch as my eyes glow and shoot to the left I see two minotaurs.

"Hey bell stay here" as I walk away spinning my dagger.

Bell "bbb...but"

Reaching my hand out to the side of me i point down "stay here bell!". Disappearing into the dark.

Bell "ooo...ok".

Coming up to the beast I saw I rush lightly punching one with ice like brass knuckles send it into the wall as it's chest caved in and hit the walk before exploding into fiery black smoke. The other turns to me as i drive my knife in its head turning it yanking it out and walking away.

Bell "ahhhhhhhhh!!"

'Fuck I was gone for a min as I walk foward following bell yells coming to a dead end I seeing bell get smacked by the minotaur into the wall I see ais cut the back of it leg and arm spraying blood onto bells face.

Before she can end its life I appear grab the back of its head.

"That's to easy" before smashing its head over and over into the wall pushing its face in.

Bell "Baruka that's enough "

Before I throw on to the ground stomping its head in as it blew up my foot cracking the ground.

Ais "I've seen you are you ok?" She says while putting her sword in her Scabbard.

Bell "....." saying nothing and looks at ais with dreamy eyes.

Ais "Baruka" looking at me with her serious face I'm guessing as I pick bell up lost in his love world walking pass her I nob.

Bell "What's your name"

Ais "Ais Wallenstein"

"Everything is too weak" and disappearing.

Coming out of the dungeon bell finally comes back.

Bell "can you put me down Baruka"

"You looked like a love drunk girl back there"

Bell " she was beautiful" back into his world again as he took off covered in blood toward the guild hall. As people looked at him in a worried way.

Ais short pov

Coming back down from the 17th floor I heard a yell not waiting for my friends I rushed i the source just to see the white haired boy I saw before. Being chased by a minotaur rushing to the back of it after seeing the boy get thrown into a wall. pulling out my sword cutting the back of its knee and as it tried to punch dodging. stabbing its arm as I ran my blade down it until it's shoulder before I could finish it I felt a cold breeze as a figure grab the minotaur.

Baruka "that's to easy"

Knowing this voice I watch as the being smash it's head in to the wall over and over.

Bell "that's enough Baruka"

Hearing the name I felt a weird feeling I couldn't explain it cold and hot at the same time.

"Ive seen you are you ok" looking at the boy covered in blood but he just looks at me.

Turning my attention to the tall elf next to him.

"Baruka" while wonder why I couldn't see his movements.

He picks up the boy and walks away nodding.

Bell "what's your name"

"Ais Wallenstein" saying it so both of them could hear before hearing.

"Everything is to weak" I hear as I put away my sword. He says like being powerful is a burden if I had that strength I could.

"Save her"

Coming to my group i tell them how I saved a boy leaving Baruka out as I was lost in thought.

End pov

Baruka pov

Following the blood trail bell left behind I hear embell yelling to a short brown haired elf in a dress suit with no blazer.

Bell "I want to know everything about miss Ais Wallenstein" waving his hand while the lady made a weird noise throwing her papers in the air as she looked at the bloody bell.

Eina Tulle "bell! .....eeehhhh?!" Before looking at me.

Inside the guild room I sat in a chair off to the side I played with ice as I leaned my head back make shapes morph into others.

Eina Tulle "what were you thinking bell going to 5th floor alone at that!"

Bell who had cleaned himself up hung his head.

Bell "I wasn't alone Baruka was there" still looking down he points to me.

Eina Tulle looks at me and nods as I wink at her making a small blush appear and mouthing the words 'thank you'.

Eina Tulle "even so your still not ready let alone being without a partner"

"He has one now he's my little brother" saying as I go over and patt his head winking at her and walking out I hear bell.

Bell "reallyyy!"

Sitting outside I lean against the wall waiting and I see the king himself actually being taller then me tan skin brown short hair and brown bear like ears dude was muscular. Stopping he looked at me I did the same as people around us grew anxious. I let my aura leak a little as the area grew colder like the bright sun didn't exit he had a weird look before walking away as I closed my eyes.

A while later bell walked out and tapped me as I brought my dagger out.

Bell "ahhh !.... it's me Baruka"

"Oh bell"

Bell "Do you have a place to stay if not how about you stay with me and meet my goddess?"

"Why not"

Bell "alright let's go!"

We arrive at a run down church that was leaning to the side broken stain glass and a door that barely held on Opening the door.

Hestia "bell!.....eeehhh?!"

A tiny girl flew into me and hit the floor with her ass in the air.

Bell pokes he's head out from behind me "goddess?"

Hestia "bell who is this !" Hearing his voice and shooting straight up toward him smashing his face in her massive cleavage.

Sucking my teeth 'lucky blaster good thing I don't like lolitas.

Bell "goddess this is Baruka my partner!"

"Yo" walking over to the beat up couch and sitting down.

Hestia "you got partner bell that's great I'm Hestia goddess of this familia would you like to..."

"There huge"

Hestia "huh?....uhhh?" Following my eyes she covers her breast "I'm only be..."

"Yeah yeah only the kids who's so oblivious it's like a talent haha"

Bell "what do you mean Baruka?"


Hestia "would like to join my famila?" In deep thought about what I said.


Hestia/bell "huh?"

"Sleep" I say again as I walk to the little side room and lay down not caring anymore about there talk.

The next morning I saw as bell left probably for the dungeon I lay sleeping I love this even if it's not the best I can be as lazy as I want. taking my shirt off showing my ripped body I looked at the Tribal tattoos on my arms and scars deep and large or small. 'Guess the body comes as the owner had it not brand knew.

Turn my head I see a figure move away from the door and a loud banging sound.

"Haha" laughing as I lay down again drifting off. The day past and I got up with my stomach growling I guess not eating for 2 days will do it you.

Putting my top on I walk out seeing Hestia I wink and leave.

'Should I try the hostess again?..yeah fuck it'

Walking through the city at night watching drunk cat girls and adventures laughing I like the atmosphere walking to the entrance of the hostess and no one looks everyone engrossed in a story being told about Bete hearing the end of betes story.

Bete "you wouldn't waste your time with a cry baby you could totally crush he has no right to be even near you ....could you imagine a crotch sniffer like him as your partner no no not thy Ais Wallenstein"

I see bell his head get lower and lower as he turns to get up and he sees me with tears in his eyes I shake my head as he just sits there.

Coming up to bete turning him around I grab his neck as Loki ais tione and tiona look at me.

"I don't care if your drunk you dumb fuck only weak people talk about weaker people not realizing one day they could be stronger then you should I say how I made you piss yourself from choking you or should I do it again infront of everyone were you not that same boy when you were weaker tell me bete where did this confidence come from SHOW ME ! Show me this strength you possess ! Let me see it everything I fight Is so weak ! Can you make me feel something ! Come on bete give stimulation to my existence!" As my eyes glow a bluish white light as steam comes from my mouth.

Ais/bell/Ryuu "Baruka" they all say taking my words in different ways.

Ais "let him go Baruka" she says in a softer tone looking into my eyes them losing there color.

Ryuu "please calm down Baruka"

"They saved your life bete I don't want to hear words like weak again when I'm around or about my little brother again when your still weak and ais I know you have a hard time with feelings because What was taken from you but you'll always be weak if you don't use them"

Ais "Iii..." not able to Express herself and surprised about me knowing her lose.

"That rose if you ever want to become strong crush it"

Loki "damn it's crazy tonight" sitting at the bar looking at me walk to the table in the back .

"Come bell"

Bell "yes Baruka"

"Call me brother or partner" sitting at the table with my head back not seeing people from Loki familia came to apologize.

"Never run bell even when fear takes over you do not back down because even if its painful even at the cost of your life take that step forward or drown in that pain forever because you ran away trust me bell there are many things more painful then getting your feelings hurt."

"It seems that we have made our minds up, No more words to speak The memories of it all were left behind Remember caring for each other while judgements fell away? So please believe there is another moment of Traces of long lost joy still belonging to But curtains fall Moving on"

Saying and singing a song from my past life my sweet melancholic voice echoed throughout the bar.

Twins/riviera/lefiya "beautiful"

Looking up to see people standing around and bell who looks happier I smile. Seeing them turn to bell talking laughing and as ais and Ryuu have complicate expressions.

Before anyone knew it I had disappeared expect for 3 walking back to the abandoned church right outside the bar two girls ran out looking at my back disappear.

Ryuu/ais "Baruka"