
Chapter 303: "I'm delirious, seeing hallucinations, I need to sleep some more." _2


Wang Zhongyi stared in confusion at Chen Yi's retreating figure, feeling that today's dusk seemed somewhat dazzling. He could understand each of those words, but when combined, they seemed strangely unfamiliar. He could only mutter blankly.

"But this world has always been like this, hasn't it? It has been this way for a very long time."

"Always like this."

"Just because it has always been like this, does it make it right?"

Chen Yi suddenly turned to face Wang Zhongyi, raised his right arm with fierce conviction, and spoke with a voice that rose and fell with controlled passion, "Right?"

"Don't you want your children to be able to walk the streets in peace?"

"Don't you want your children to have a carefree childhood?"

"What I want is not just to be the King of Aomarket, but the King of Rogue Star!"