
there's no hero

It is necessary to be able to survive in the lies, tradegy of government devilness underrated government who's unfair to others we need to learn equality.

valllllent · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

chapter 8

Emily's pov

They—we planned to escape here because we don't really know what we're gonna do and

cry until we die?

But no we will not. We will survive! We doesn't discriminate our own self.

I used to say no one will help me but look what we're doing helping each other to escape a

damn prison.

Mia speaked "okay our job in planning is done we got to wait morning!" she happily said

Mia gain some idea to no be bore and down again story she loves story so we'll tell a story

but inspired by our own story what we are trying to say what is the mood of our lives what's

the moral of our own story!

Connie talked first she's not you know shy right now

"My moral of my own story hmm? The moral of my story is not anyone can accept

you like they accept others it is totally fine if no one doesn't accept you your soul your hair

your body your personality your nationality your color what special is you don't hurts others

feelings sure they hated you but that's not the sign for you to hate them too."

It was teo's turn

""the moral of mine is you need to learn to stand on your own you need to be alone

sometimes so if you lose someone you know what to do! Evryone is not there for you all the

time you need to learn to stand for yourself not all people will carry you to stand up

sometimes you moves your butt to stand for yourself don't just expect from people who's not

gonna be on your side forever."

And it was my turn

"i uh dunno—okay, it sounds like teo's one but a little different yeah don't expect from

people who's not gonna be there forever but sometimes your so focused to the people you

expect from you doesn't actually realize that others is making efforts for you to help you

they're helping you but you don't see it because again you're so focused to people that won't

really help you."

"Next devorra!" mia trying hard shouting

"mine's a bit different from what i telled you last time, all the time you don't to be so

cruel don't be cruel! Because karma is going back to seek revenge to you so believe in good

and bad karma!"

And it was mia's

"This is not my moral of the story this is what i observed,people is can be unfair

sometimes but all the time they can! They're unfair but you doesn't know why they're unfair

because sometimes they seek revenge to innocent ones they seek revenge who doesn't

even do anything bad because you maybe did not did anything bad but your

sibling,parents,friend or who's around you because they know that they can't seek revenge

to that person so they will seek revenge who's close to that person and sometimes it's the

innocent ones!"

We talked and debate for some things and slept because we have a big day tomorrow a big

day to escape!

We woke up with nightmares.

Mia and teo began to crack the back of the prison which is a gate to but that's only for exit

that doesn't have a soldier on while they're doing that i distracting the soldier in front talking

like a clumsy weirdo connie and devorra preapared some tools i can see the nervous on

their faces that cannot be pictured because their fake smile is kind of suspicious? I heard the

talk last night i think there's something that their not telling to me that i need to know right

now but i won't do it it may breake our escape plan.

As a 30 minutes of escape plan they began to act strange they all i was so confused

because teo began to float? Like he's killing his self with a rope i sweated my tears are flying

down i don't know what to do connie with scissor and stabbing her heart! I immediately run to

in the end of the prison the exit mia lookes like being shot with a gun devorra who looked like

she's drowning i need to help them! Why can't i touch mia? Devorra? Connie? Teo? They

began to disappear

"run and gave us the-. . Revenge that we wanted we're real but kind if not we're real. . 20

years ago but now we came to. . . He.. lp.. you! There's a gun and all weapon below of this

prison!" devorra drowned i don't know what to do so my body freezed but i got off the prison

kind of cage and goes below it where devorra that there's a weapon.

As i walked with my elbow and knee it still hurts! I saw several weapon even a poison!

There's three gun five bomb 1 archer with 5 arrows and a poison there's a holder to hold all

of it.

I'm doing this for all of you for harry,connie,mia,devorra,teo,my family and americans who

died here because of the fudging french!

As i run with heavy things again but now i did not tripped as i sprinting i saw the names of

the people who died a second ago

devorra leora warren 1943-1960

Teo ricko warren 1945-1960

Kcarl cedric Sinclair 1923-1940

Mia shaina cobb 1942-1960

Connie risa Murakami 1943-1960

Llynell denise Wellington 1921-1938

Harry phil adam 1942-1959

Karlene grace shizimi 1899-1922

Guys this is for you!! you inspired me to get my butt up and seek revenge who killed y'all.

I ran ran and sprinted till i saw a government prison then i sprintes through the stairs i saw

no one but six soldiers a mayor a governor they're soldier is just six i could kill all of these

fudging french easily!!

The mayor shouted to the soldiers to get me but i ran through the mayor and hold his neck

punched him on the face and another one i heard the six soldiers i kicked one of the with my

already holded my hair it stretches so bad i could feel my brain feel off the soldiers held my

shirt it broke a little with scratching sound but it opened and throw the bomb at them even

they're near at me the bomb also hurts.

The mayor didn't taking off his hand at my hair so i kicked him that made him slip to the floor

and made my head fell off the ground to before the governor came near me i arched him on

the feet suddenly some of the soldier moved their body to get up i arched them but it hits the

air the hand of the mayor is still on my head so i sprayed peppermint spray right onto his

face the soldier jumped to me an caught me but i have archer and stabbed his back after i

stabbed his back i used it to aim the other soldier the governor had my feet but i arched him

someone arched back to my legs i saw another soldier i taked it off and throw bomb at them.

my legs rained with blood i arched the other soldier again but hit the air again because i don't

know how to use guns i saw the mayor escaping so i aim the archer but the other soldier got

my hands and caught my archer i lose all of my things i only have one gun with ten bullets

because i checked it before using it and i used it to kill the last too soldier and sprint slowly

because right leg hurts.

Until i got near him i pointed a gun he heard it and flow his hand up to the air he turned over

and then wink i heard bullet and i felt it it hit my left legs when i turned back i saw another

soldier i though i killed all of them the soldier suddenly fell off i suddenly sit because both of

my legs is damaged i run even though it hurts and the blood is running out.

I remember this is for them (mia,harry,adam,devorra,connie,teo and the other three)

I sprinted a little bit i saw the evil mayor running through the stairs i shooted but miss it he

turned to look back at me i shoot another one and miss it again and another one guess

what? Missed again i had an brilliant idea i throwed the gun and it hits his head and fell

through the stairs and died. I won!