

You are journalist like no other. one rainy day in paris, an interview with a mysterious philantropist send you on a journey down the river of time.. >>> " welcome madame fleming, a soft velvety voice came from depths of the house. My heart started to pounding faster. " Honestly, it's like i'm eighteen, not one hundred and thirty years old". Notice:- This story mentions some real events of the pasts, however, the plot does not claim to be historical corrected. >> PS:- this story is copy right of romance club..

nurseayomide8 · Sejarah
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" What a load of craps" theodara muttered rubbing her temples, putting aside the freshly printed issue of "Housewife's secrets" the magazine she worked for..

" I should have used a pseudonym, I never going to live this down" theodara muttered looking around, she made sure no one is watching her..

Sheila was planing articles for the next issue, Gloria was hastily finishing the review of a new cooking pot and Norman swinging lazily on chair with a pencil inside his mouth looking though reader's letters.

theodara carefully took out the morning edition " The California times" from her bag.

" Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in sarajevo: is a war in Europe imminent" theodara looked from the newspaper to the cover of " Housewife's secrets" and let out of a sigh..." Why do some people get to write about the assassinations of political figures, and others only write about how to tell a ripe tomatoes from unripe ones" she asked herself..

" What are you up to, miss avery?, theodara jumped in surprise when she heard her editor in chief's low baritone voice behinde her back.

There was no point of hiding the newspaper any longer, he has already noticed it..

" Have you heard that Austrian Archduke was assassinated?, there's going to be war in europe" theodara asked him in order to change the topic.

" Yes, so i've heard it, but I just don't remember adding "reading newspapers in the workplace" to the list of your task. His words should have sound like a scolding , but the warm, almost fatherly smile that spread across his face made it clear that the editor wasn't actually annoyed..