

You are journalist like no other. one rainy day in paris, an interview with a mysterious philantropist send you on a journey down the river of time.. >>> " welcome madame fleming, a soft velvety voice came from depths of the house. My heart started to pounding faster. " Honestly, it's like i'm eighteen, not one hundred and thirty years old". Notice:- This story mentions some real events of the pasts, however, the plot does not claim to be historical corrected. >> PS:- this story is copy right of romance club..

nurseayomide8 · Sejarah
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Back to the roots

Looking at the firelight dancing on her hands" Alexis smiled." You may know a lot about arts, but you don't seem to know much about journalism..

" That's where you are wrong, I read alot, I'm familiar with your articles, among other things. One might say i'm fan of yours" he replied.

" Of course, i have gathered a good deal of experience over so many years" Alexis lift her chin and smirked.

" To be honest, your style remained me little another journalist, he silent for a while before continue " she wrote the first world war, what her name"...

There was a lump in her throat, Alexis attempt at swallowing it were failed.

" oh, I remember! THEODARA AVERY" Monsieur exclaimed, " a truly talented young woman and a fearless one, go to a war as a correspondent and at that time when there was no respect for women in journalism.

" Yes, I read about her" Alexis replied him.

" To be more precise, I was her" she thought..

In Alexis memories, 1914 appeared like a haze, a distant faded year, full of dispair, fear and ethereal hopes; the year she become an immortal.....

USA 1914

" And be sure to remember that your mother inlaw is the woman, who gave birth to your husband to the world." Try not to argue with her and listen to her advice. This way, we are confident that, you will be in her good grace" articles by THEODARA AVERY...