

You are journalist like no other. one rainy day in paris, an interview with a mysterious philantropist send you on a journey down the river of time.. >>> " welcome madame fleming, a soft velvety voice came from depths of the house. My heart started to pounding faster. " Honestly, it's like i'm eighteen, not one hundred and thirty years old". Notice:- This story mentions some real events of the pasts, however, the plot does not claim to be historical corrected. >> PS:- this story is copy right of romance club..

nurseayomide8 · Sejarah
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6 Chs

Back to roots

Can I ask a question off the record" she asked him.

" Of course" alexis feel his gaze on her for while before he replied.

" Why am I here"

" I've been expecting this question, I was wondering if you would ask" she could hear playful smile in his voice. She studied the man in dark for a while and clearly see that he was holding a wine glass, swaying it side by side, before questioning him.

" You turned down all the journalists who reached out to you, but for some reason, you agreed to meet me." Alexis asked him.

" Let start with the fact that most of people are interested in air of mystery sorrunding me, rather than in what I actually do. but I take my work seriously, and I believe that's more important than who am I and where I came from, I received a numerous letters to public lately, not so much from people who need my help as a patron, but rather from journalists. But none of them are sound sincere to me, nor driven by good intentions, if you will, everyone need scoop, madame fleming.

" what made you think I don't need scoop? Alexis asked him.

" You can call it a gut feeling." he chuckled..

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