

You are journalist like no other. one rainy day in paris, an interview with a mysterious philantropist send you on a journey down the river of time.. >>> " welcome madame fleming, a soft velvety voice came from depths of the house. My heart started to pounding faster. " Honestly, it's like i'm eighteen, not one hundred and thirty years old". Notice:- This story mentions some real events of the pasts, however, the plot does not claim to be historical corrected. >> PS:- this story is copy right of romance club..

nurseayomide8 · Sejarah
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6 Chs

Back to roots.

paris, 2019.

Damn it. alexis flick her lighter again, trying to light up a cigarette. the smoke of her last one still lingering in the car, but her nerves were on edge and she need to calm down.

" finally" she muttered.

Taking a drag, Alexis leaned back in her seat, " it's just an interview. she have lost count of how many she have done over the years.

Yet the thought of this impending meeting made her stomach turn. it was not an ordinary interview, as the subject was special: a man who turned down all journalists. All expect her. she wonder why he agreed.....

For the thousandth time, alexis repeated to herself what little information was known about him.

" The name is Monsieur LaChance. No one knows whether that's a pseudonym or not.

No one ever seen him. A philantropist, he's known for sponsoring artists, mainly musicians and composers..

" yeah, it's not too much, she muttered under her breath"