
Themyscira's women not letting me go

The image is not mine as well. I got it from online. It was a cover of some comic or page. I don't know. And also please read the note first as well, A boy born in Themsycria by a perverted god who gave him a system. A system that he lost. "We will send him out of Themsycria when he becomes 14." When he becomes 14 years old. "We cannot let a boy be corrupted by the world of men," "Yeah, he is too innocent." "Let's keep him here." Alex who wanted to leave his room "Please, let me go." "Forget about that, here let me hug you." ------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer None of the characters belong to me or anything. The image is also not mine as well.

phantompain · Komik
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34 Chs


He claimed the beginner package, suddenly a black void descended upon him, as he screamed with pain. Knowledge began to be imprinted inside his mind regarding each and everyone of these skills. How to cook a Krabby patty. Brewing alcohol, the function of the shop system. The Tartarus system. He was soon screaming in pain as he fell to his knees. These were some of the most painful moments of his life. Especially when his body was bestowed with One for all and the knowledge of the eight inner gates. Electricity flowed through his entire body as he almost fainted from the pain. Each of his inner gates opened and closed. Making it easier to access it through using one for all.

The pain stopped and he slowly got to his feet. Leaning against the counter top near him.


"Fuck, that hurts." He had mumbled to himself as he held his head. Feeling the after effects of a very strong headache.

[User, the front of the door is being attacked. Please stop the attackers.]

"What now." He had mumbled to himself as he had moved outside. A giant shield was surrounding the building as it was continiously being attacked by the six women present outside.

All of them had stopped as they had seen Alex come outside. And so Alex had panicked as he had seen five women running at him. Did he forget to mention the fact that they all were powered up in front of him. 'Damn you, one above one above all. No, I will call you Being X from now on. Just wait for my holy crusade on you.' He was shaking his fist in his mind against that fucking clown that put him in this situation.

The now being named as Being X was eating popcorn while watching this entire scene. 'I think heresy of this level should deserve some kind of punishment.' Being X had thought to himself. 'Oh, I can do that.'

Now, we go back to Alex who was mentally shaking his hand at the being X who had done all of this to him as he saw how he was being rushed by the 6 super powered women. Maybe, the shield will protect him.

[Authority overwritten, shield deactivated.]

"Take that brat" Being X yelled while in his domain. "You don't insult me."

There was only one way left for him to survive. He had to use one for all.

[User does not have the required strength to use one for all.]

"Oh crap." He had said out loud as 6 women had surrounded him and started fussing over him. Touching his all over his body. Did he just feel a hand feel his ass, how rude. Nope, there are two hands. There was not a single part of his body that was not left untouched as everyone had been checking his for any sign of injuries.

"Stop, I am alright." He had yelled out. That had stopped them all from fretting over him for the moment.

"Are you sure Alex." Diana had asked him.

"Yeah, that was a side effect of me awakening my powers and for Tartarus to be completed." Alex replied.

"And what is this Tartarus." Hippolyta had crossed her arms and asked him. This was an extremely ominous name. The deepest part of hell where the worst of the worst were locked up. In time, it had come to mean all of the underworld. The name had worried her a lot.

Alex who was unaware of her thoughts had pointed to the sign on the giant tavern. Tartarus was written there.

It was at this moment that Artemis had spoken. "You talked about someplace to train ourselves."

That was her main concern. It would be concerning for her if there was a decrease in combat effectiveness for the soldiers that were under her. The Amazonians had gone without an enemy or a serious battle for a long time. It was her worry that their skill may have atrophied and they may not be prepared to face any serious enemy.

"It is not ready yet." Alex had sighed at that. "It will take me some time to prepare it. I will inform you as soon as it is done." He had informed them. It was strange, Alex was feeling a burst of confidence from somewhere deep within himself. He still had problems drawing it out yet. A spark of electricity passed over his hand but for the moment, that was all he could draw out.

"Did, you just control electricity." He was asked by Nubia.

"I believe so. I need to train more in order to draw it out." More bioelectricity had passed through his hand. Until his connection was cut off as drawing anymore would result in the harm of his body.

"If it is control of lightning, I believe that I can train him best." Nubia had said as electricity began to course through her body.

"Training fall under my responsibilities." Artemis had interfered. "And this bioelectricity enhanced his body. It falls under the more physical method of training."

In the end, they both had decided to share his training.

"Then, I believe that I will take care of his magical education." Derion had said out loud.

"And I will teach him about the outside world." Diana had crossed her arms as she said that. "Maybe even get him started with a few inventions from the outside world and their uses just in case."

"Hopefully he would never have to use them." Derion mutter to herself.

"Very well then, I would start his lessons within diplomacy and tactics." Antiope had nodded to herself.

"I believe that I am better suited for that little sister." There was a sharp edge to Hippolyta's voice.

Alex had enough at that point. This would go on forever, if he did not interfere at this point. So, he had spoken. "I can make some food right now if you guys want. The tavern is up and running."

That had caught all of their attention. The food of their beloved. That would be interesting.

So they had all followed him in, and found themselves inside a large tavern with a medieval look. The room itself had felt cold as they entered. A good relief from the outside heat.

He had led them to a booth in the corner of the room. The entire group had settled down and opened the menu in front of them There was only three items on there.

1. Krabby Patty

2. Spring Soda. (Small, Medium and Large)

3. French Fries. (Small, Medium and Large)

Alex had laughed awkwardly as they had seen the menu. "Sorry, I need time to prepare a few more items. Don't worry. For the first time, the items would be free." He had laughed at that.

Diana had looked at him skeptically. "I saw these in the outside world. They are not that healthy and I have always found them to be too oily and greasy. Is this all you got." She had looked down at the menu in disappointment.

A vein popped on his head. He would show her this day.

"Nothing wrong in trying what my son has made for me" Hippolyta had said dreamily. "Besides, Alex can feed it to me. You guys may leave now." There was a smile on her face as she stared at her daughter. Diana slapped her hand on the table. "Bring it on Alex. If it is not good little bro, I will make sure that you would feed it to me mouth to mouth."

Alex sighed in relief when he saw that the table was alright. He had no points and it would do no good for him to go into the negatives now.

And so he went into the kitchen and began to make some Krabby patties.

[Warning user, points will go in the negative if you give the patties for free.]

Alex hardened his heart and continued to make them. He would have those stupid bimbo Amazonians drooling out pretty soon out of their dumb mouths.

He had prepared the first order, a combination of Krabby patties, soda and fries for each of them. He carried a large tray and placed it in front of them.

Diana had skeptically tasted her own burger. It was not oily at all, it was fluffy and the patty melted inside her mouth, delivering a vast and complex combination of flavors all blending together in a harmonious way. Sweet, tomatoey, a little bit spicy as well. The taste was not something that she could describe. The patty itself was rare. Juices from it gathering inside her mouth. After one bite, she began to scarf the rest of it down. All manners discarded. The others looking at Diana soon followed suit and began to scarf their own burger down.

He heard a loud roar from them. "More."

So, he went to the kitchen and prepared 3 burger each for them. Seeing his points going into the negative. He was crying. So, he came back with more. Soon, they were finished as well.

Before anyone could ask for more, and he could go further into debt. He said. "We are finished. I need points to buy more ingredients."

Originally, all of them had plans to grope him within the tavern but they were too distracted by the food.

"This cannot be compared to the food with man's world. Little bro, please get the thing that generates points up for us."

"Yes." Artemis nodded. All of them sheepishly left. Too embarrassed to do anything more sexy with Alex.

But Alex had no idea that his cooking had taken them by surprise. But from now on, all of them would hold nothing back.

Alex, still unaware would from now on face a life in heaven and hell.


Author notes.

ooph. alright guys. See you tomorrow.