
Chapter 12

It had been five months since I got out of my two weeks in the hospital JYP is now letting me do a solo album and the first song was with key and I didn't realize how much of a perfectionist he was until we started to record the song.

I was in the process of practicing for another song in the dance studio showing Amber, Shay, Tana, Jackson, Chanyaol and Xuimin.

I had asked JYP for the use of the older female trainees as back up dancers so they would get some experience before they debuts. He granted it,  only asking me to tell him which ones were professional during their time with me and to judge their talent in dancing.

We where working on this dance for a month, and there is only one girl that I had a problem with she was a good dancer and could sing too but, she bullied the other girls and she would result in childish acts by tripping those who would do better than her.

I needed to talk to JYP about Park Soo-hyan and today waste last straw I saw that she kicked Jimin the oldest girl making her fall.

When the song was over I yelled so angry I could bust, " Soohyna I have told you time, and time again that if you can't be nice to your teammates you will be gone! Now your tripping your Sunbae! I have had it with your Bullie attitude I will be talking to JYP, and you are dismissed from my dance group starting now, I would suggest you go to your dorm and think about what you have done and prey that your not fired!"

Everyone in the studio was quiet because of shock I usually take people to the side to scold them not yell in front of everyone. I was done, I left the room slamming the door behind me and went to JYP's office pissed.

His older secretary with her kind eyes and neat and tidy clothes, took one look at my face and Buzz his office saying," you need to take this artist now sir she looks livid."

he replied with a bored voice, "let her in." I marched in and he was startled to see me one of the less angry idols he has.

I looked at him with my arms crossed and said,"if you don't get rid of Park Soo-hyun than you are going to have a lot of headaches later she has been bulling the other trainees and completely disregards me when I tell her to stop. I have been dealing with it for a month now and today she tripped a Sunbae trainee I will not work with that disrespectful woman any longer!"

He nodded and said, "I have been getting a lot of complaints about her now that she is disrespecting a Sunbae who is giving her a chance I can't keep her."

I nodded, "I just can't believe she did it while some idols from S.M. where watching. I am happy Cl and Lisa where too busy to come."

His eyes raised and he gave a look of total disbelief and said, "I will talk to Young Min about it. Hopefully no one will talk about it and hurt our reputation."

I ran happy he took my side and gave him a bone crushing hug with toppled over his chair in the process and said, "thank you Appa for hearing me out I hate being angry." I gave my cutesy Tommy face to cheer him up.

He smiled while I helped him up  from the floor that we currently been on  and  asked,"will you give me your assessment about the other trainees by the end of the week, I'm only going to let you have four for your backup dancers."

I let his hand go that I had been holding smiling nodded then bowed to him leaving his new contemporary office a little better than when I got there.

I made my way back to the dance studio when I overheard Soo-hyun on the phone saying, "daddy I really want you to get a lawyer she can't yell at me like that just because I accidentally tripped a Sunbae! Isn't this like verbal abuse or something?"

I opened up a room she was in and cleared my throat after I said, "I record all of my practices from beginning to when I am the about to leave you really want to go there? I bet my lawyers would love to see those. And do a counter suit for defamation of character. Social media would have a field day to since you talk very disrespectful towards me alot too your Sunbae. I have been in this game far longer than you and I am working on a degree in Korean and American law. Try me honey your daddy will be bankrupt by the end of the fight. Oh and did I forget I know your daddy Park Sun-min of woo Corp he is CEO right ask him who is one of the biggest share holders of his company is."

I had been busy since I got out of the hospital with JYP's help I had saved up money and invested in a bunch of companies to secure a future for myself once I retired from being a singer/model/actress.

  I left a stunned Soohyun in the large connfrance room looking after me with a stunned face as if I had out did her in the brat department.

I. Walked in and all eyes looked at me I smiled and said, "the tiny terror will no long be with us you all can breathe easy now. Now I am going to tell you all this once and only once. I will not tolerate bullies if I find you talking mean, hit, and/or any kind of hurtful things towards one another, or someone else, you will be kicked off this team, and face disaplinary action like Soohyun."

Everyone nodded and went back to stretching getting ready for our next song. Some of the male trainees hounded me to be in this one so I took the older more mature ones.

I grabbed Chris for my partner he started training the same time I did and I was the most comfortable with him he hadn't debuted yet since no one was really good enough to be in a group with him he was at pro level we had wanted him to do a solo career but he rejected the idea wanting to be 8n a group saying,  "why be alone when I can have friends surrounding me all the tin. "

He was smiling at me and asked, "so where you missing your training days? Why are you taking all the older trainees like me?"

Giving him a head tilt trying to be cute for him I said, "to give you experience and to show JYP he has people that are awesome and need to debut. Why you don't want the help from a friend?"

He gave me a hug and said, "I will take all the help you can give now get your cute butt on the dance floor so I have an excuse to put My hands on you."

I just laughed and went into position with Chris on one side and hero on the other I placed my hand on their shoulders and the lifted me off the ground I did a sexy air walk when I  herd the music. I then tuned out all distractions and did my thing.

When the dance was done it was lunch time so I ordered some chicken and Pizza for everyone. They cheered for the food than laid down and took a break.

I went to where everyone was watching and asked, "so what do my best buds think of my Dance's and song's?"

Chanyaol smiled kiss cheesiest puppy dogs smile and said, " Paradise Lost was my favorite one, you look so sexy in that one." His ears turning red with the honesty.

I smiled at that and turned to Xuimin and Jackson they just nodded in agreement Jackson giving me two thumbs up. Amber looked at me and said, "if I wasn't into Henry I would so be into you. Will you be my girl crush everyday?"

Shay and Tana crossed their arms and said, "too sexy maknae. We are going to have to start carrying around bats that's just to keep all the Fanboys away."

I laughed and than got a call from front desk, they told me the chicken and Pizza was here so Chanyaol offered to go with me to pick it up.

We where walking when all of a sudden Chanyaol grabbed my hand I blushed and looked at him he had a small blush also.

I liked holding his hands they where larger than mine with long slender fingers that where pale compared to my light olive skin. I smiled up at him liking the feeling of comfort. He let go when we got to the lobby, It felt as if he took all the warmth in my hands with him.

Looking at him I asked, "do you want to grab some drinks in the cafeteria before we pick up the food?" he nodded.

We picked up the sodas for everyone I placed them in a plastic bag provided,  and I grabbed the chicken and he grabbed the Pizza.

When we got to the room I noticed Someone waiting for me outside the door it was Taehyun, I didn't want to see him after all the hurt he caused me so I gave him the silence treatment letting him know that I was still angry.

I ignored him and opened the door to the studio everyone looked at us than came and got the food and drinks off our hands. I myself had completely lost my apatite from seeing Tae.

I still loved him, that was what hurt the most, he had betrayed my trust and he was the one person I trusted the most.

I was nibbling on some chicken, when all of a sudden I felt sick I got up and excused myself to the restroom.

Once out the door I ran to the toilet and started to throw up everything.

I made a call to my manger telling him I needed to go home I was sick.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the restroom door, right as I started to throw up again. I felt like I was on the verge of passing out when the door opened ump and in came my manger Chou JYP's personal manager, he helped me up flushing the toilet in the process.

I was so weak by then, that he had to pick me upland carry me out the  the sweat from the exertion glistening and under the fluorescent lights.

We passed Chanyaol and Tae talking, they both looked at me panicked. Chanyaol grabbed me out of my struggling managers arms, than we dashed to the elevator, leaving a shocked Tae behind not knowing what was wrong.

I held onto Chanyaol's  chest pressing my face to it his after shave soothing my nerves with it  Familiarity and comfort.

They got me to the hospital, where doctors took a look at me checked me over for a few minutes then they said," that due to a large amount of stress and dehydration your body was acting this way." He was than gave me a perception for some medicine and sent me home after I had drains a if full of a vitamin cocktail saline bag.

When I got home Chanyaol insisted that he stay with me for the night until I felt better Ater the if bag I felt much better but he didn't believe me.

He was going to sleep on the floor of my bedroom when I insisted he just sleep on the bed with me it was large enough for two people.

He crawled into bed with a blush and I just snuggled next to him enjoying his warmth. He tentatively wrapped his arms around me and let me fall asleep my head on his chest and my body snug against his.

Waking up on top of Chanyaol I smiled looking up at his handsome features while he held me close he had long eyelashes and a perfectly straight nose with a nice cupid bow mouth begging to be kissed his fair skin tone  setting off the rappers flawless good looks his company paid thousands to keep young and youthful looking like mine did foe me.

I wanted to stay in his arms longer admiring this man whom looked like a fairy prince form story books, but, a full bladder, and empty stomach, was preventing me to become comfortable.

Before I got up I gave him a kiss on the cheek, for being there for me than I removed his arms from me and went to the restroom.

When I got out of the restroom, and saw that he was still sleeping, I felt better so I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us.

Shay and Tana had schedules this morning so they were already gone it was just me and Chanyaol in the dorm.

I made us some bacon, eggs, and pancakes with syrup than placed it all on a try with our utensils and some orange juice, I carried our breakfast to my room and placed it on my side table.

Pushing aside his grayish purple, hair he reminded me of a elfin prince from fairy tales, he had an other worldly kind of beauty to him. I kissed him on the forehead and said, "its time to wake up Chanyaolie."

He opened his eyes and smiled saying, "that was the best nights sleep I had in a long time." He sat up and I placed our breakfast on his lap and crawled in to bed next to him and started to eat.

Chanyaol smiled and said, "now a man could get use to this. Breakfast in bed with a beautiful Woman next to him that woke him up."

I blushed and looked down at my hands not use to the complaints. My mind flashed back to the times Tae would call me pretty and my heart started to hurt, why did I have to fall for that ass was beyond me. Shaking all thoughts away from him I said, "you know Oppa you remind me of an handsome elfin prince from fairy tails. So, why wouldn't I give you breakfast in bed and be next to you?"

He smiled saying "people tell me I look like Yoda not a elfin prince I like yours better. " I hugged him and than finished eating my portion of our breakfast.

When done, I got up and went and got clothes for and got in to the shower. I heard a knock at the bathroom door knowing that it was chanyeol, I asked, "did you need something Chanyaolie?"

His voice was too muffled so I yelled "just open the door its unlocked. I can't understand you. "

He opened it up and said, "I am going to my dorms to get changed is their anything you need while I am out?" I told him "no just get back as soon as possible  I will miss you."

He than closed the door with a shy smile while he left me to my thoughts.   I heard my front door beep unlocked a few moments later the beeping sound alerting me that someone  had entered.

knowing that chanyeol just left I was wondering who it was so I got out the shower  and wrapped a towel around myself knowing that if it was one of the guys they didn't need to see me naked.

Silently I opened my bed room door and I looked sticking my head out my door way just enough not to be noticed , I saw several  tall muscular men in black mask, my heart beat speed up and my  adrenaline surged closing my door  quietly I  ran and got my phone off of my, Dresser and called 119 for the police.

I got an operator and told her who I was and what was happening real fast while locking myself in the bathroom. I hurriedly got my clothes on and got ready for a fight thanking god for Uncle Lee and his training in self defense.

My bathroom door was kicked open On the first try, and four big burly men came rushing in, I tried using my kick boxing skills. But, one man grabbed my leg and threw me into my mirror breaking it with the impact, I got up and started to punch, kick, and scream at them, which got me thrown threw my showers glass door shattering it. If they wanted me to go with them I was not going without a  fight.

I got up not wanting to go down with out a fight when I slipped on my own blood hitting my head on my toilet  I staggered back up feeling the blood trickle down my face from where I get my head.

They kept eyeing me up and down watching for an opening to grab me I grabbed a long sharp piece of my broken mirror off of the counter top and said, "the next person to touch me will get cut." The shard of glass was digging into my flesh keeping me awake.

The man that had been kicking my ass lunged at me  I stuck the shard of glass into his collarbone but he just tackled me  anyways I hit the shower knobs with enough  force to break them off I felt one of my ribs break water was spewing out everywhere mixing with my blood.

I slipped trying to get back up my arms in able to  hold my weight any longer the smallest man in a black mask  cautiously can close to me, ice like that in with my broken piece of glass at this point I would like a feral cat ready to strike out at anyone who came close. 

While one man got my attention another one had circled around behind me and all of a sudden I was hit in the head from behind my world went black.