

This story is about a bet going on between the forces of good and evil over humans ability to keep their new years resolution. THE YULETIDE BET. Over the years things had worked in favour of the evil forces will this year be any different. Five individuals will be chosen for this year's bet follow them as the forces also follow them to determine which group will be the winner in this year's Yuletide bet.

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Chapter five

The appearance of the weird-looking bowl with no bottom drew the attention of the demons and angels alike. Everyone surrounding it like in a burning fire. The only person not interested in looking into the ominous bowl was the tall brown-eyed angel with his white hair cut short to his ear.

He had learned the hair cut from the humans and had patterned his to look like theirs. This had brought different reactions from his brothers, Phanuel had complimented him on his new looks, Micheal had been indifferent, as well as Gabriel who hadn't noticed till the hair was five days old. The twins which the youngest archangels Selaphiel and Barachiel are nicknamed because of how similar they act had commented on the look, and their reaction a positive one. Well, another memorable reaction was one from our high and mighty Raphael. To say he was displeased will be an understatement, at his first sight of my hair he nose had turned up, his eyes mocking and filled with distaste, and with his snooty voice as he had heard humans refer to people that they feel are acting superior to others had commented: "I don't know why you insist on looking like humans, they are weak and should not be a source of emulation."

"Where is our great challenger, "a loud mocking voice asked loudly drawing Jegudiel from his inner musing as he looked up to feel twelve eyes staring at him, half of the twelve with varying eye colors and the other half with glowing red ones.

The mocking grin on Asmodeus's face made Jegudiel roll his eyes as he made his way forward, and his brothers parting for him like the sea did for Moses.

Asmodeus taunted the approaching angel with his smug grin, he could sense his reluctance in his slow steps and couldn't help smirking inside as he felt he could taste his next victory already. His eyes went to the side of their higher brothers and it was met by those of glowing sea-green eyes glaring at him like he wants to annihilate him, probably does Asmodeus thought with a wink in the angel's direction, not feeling threatened at all by the fire burning in those orbs. With the Creator's law still in place, he feels that he is protected.

Asmodeus' question drew Raphael's attention to the despicable demon, and when he saw the smug look on his face he couldn't help the fire shooting from his eyes towards him, and when the demon threw a wink at him he felt murderous.

"Scared of losing again little angel?" Asmodeus taunted the angel that had finally reached the open bowl.

"Care for a bet?" Mammon muttered to Beelzebub who was standing expressionlessly beside him, staring into his eyes.

The demon's only response was silence.

"Only you will wag a bet in a bet," Astaroth responded to his brother with an eye roll.

"What is the bet?" Belphegor asked from behind his brother drawing his grinning face towards him.

Mammon's grin grew wider when he saw someone was willing to play his game. "I wagger that it will only take the second month for the humans chosen, to wash out.

"Oh, I bet it will be the first, Belphegor replied with a twinkle in his eyes causing them to break into laughter.

"Will you guys shut up, "yelled Raphael and Gabriel at the same time, getting irritated at the demon's taunts.

Jegudiel who has yet to say anything was busy staring into the bowl that was showing images of the entire human race in different partitions. Most of the humans were in churches preparing to ushers in the new year, especially in the African region, others were at various parties drinking and celebrating the end of the year, others were locked up, some bedridden, and the ones that broke Jegudiel heart were the ones alone with no one to celebrate with.

"Ready to pick your humans?" Asmodeus mumbled to the angel who seems to have developed a case of muteness because he has yet to utter a word tonight.

Jegudiel drew his eyes away from the old woman in the region called India who was all alone staring out the window with no one to break the new year in with. Jegudiel sighed at the loneliness he could feel emanating from the woman and promised to go and bring the woman some comfort later.

"I am ready, "Jegudiel muttered softly, not feeling ready at all.

"Then get on with it, we don't have all day," Lucifer yelled harshly at the angel who has been taking her time to start the selection. With the snail pace he was going they might end up spending the whole night here.

"Yeah hurry up some of us has some fun to catch on to, "Asmodeus added with a lewd grin drawing another glare from the green-eyed angel.

Jegudiel began the search for his chosen, as he went through the various playing images the words of the Creator rang through his mind reminding him to have faith in the humans.

As he wielded through the sea of the many images filling the ball nothing was hitting at him till his eyes caught that of the fat African boy that was being teased by his peers. He was having dinner with his family. While the other members of his family were consuming their food with gusto, he was pushing his around peaking at them with a sad expression on his face before it was replaced by determination and he pushed the food away.

"Him, "Jegudiel said pointing at him, and Immediately, Asmodeus's loud laughter filled his ears.

"This one that looks like he can't do without food in his life that is the one you picked," Asmodeus muttered in high pitch mirth filled voice.

"Are you sure?" Raphael muttered lowly to his brother eyeing the fat boy skeptically, in his mind he can't see the boy being able to stay away from food?

Jegudiel ignored the doubt he heard in his brother's tone, and the mocking one of the demon beside him and went on to search for the second chosen.

He used his fingers to rotate the images bringing them closer to his sight. He just finished with Africa and was unto the continent of Asian, he went through all them, most of the countries were celebrating except for the China country which celebrates their base on the appearance of the full moon, in a festival they call the Lunar new year or spring festival.

Not seeing anything important Jegudiel moved on with Raphael breathing down his neck literally from behind. He could feel his impatience from the fastness of his breath as they fell on his shoulders, but this night Jegudiel was in no hurry, he wants to take his time this night.

Moving on to the next continent jegudiel stumbled upon the Russian country, the whole city was lit up with what the humans call fireworks people were outside firing those things to the sky where they break out into brilliant variable colors that are beautiful to watch Jegudiel thought as one human fired one into the sky as it released several sounds giving of those lights in chains creating a dazzling company.

Some of their people were inside the houses having to celebrate dinners with their loved ones, and then Jegudiel caught a face that looks familiar to him. The woman along with two small children were having dinner on a small table their little apartment beautifully decorated. The children were chattering so loudly but the woman seems not to be paying attention, rather her eyes were on the phone gadget in her hand and she seems to be staring with rancor at the screen which was showing her account balance with minimal amount inside, and when it came to jegudiel the woman was the one with the plenty bags, now he. understands her weird expression.

"That one," Jegudiel muttered pointing at the woman.

"what! she looks so boring," Asmodeus whined staring at the nondescript woman, surrounded by the little pest. Asmodeus frowned as he looked at the children. He dislikes children a lot to him they are whining little beings that are supposed to be in lockup 24/7 never to be seen nor heard.

Nobody dignified his words with a response as all were focused on the selection going on. Each wondering at the angel's weird selection this year. In the previous years he had always gone for the Christian ones but this year the selection seems random.

Jegudiel went on scrolling till he was looking till he was in the United States of America. The festivity was high here. People in different parties waiting for the count down all having one drink or the other.

Jegudiel brought up an image of what looks like to be a young people's party and the image of two couples going at it in the view of so many eyes like they are going to make it the next day appeared on the screen.

"Now that is my kind of scene, " Asmodeus yelled, with an impressed sound at the couple, but Jegudiel quickly swiped them away causing the demon to hiss in annoyance.

Another party pulled up, but unlike the first one, this looks tuned down, with a mature setting. A woman wearing a long black gown with a long sleeve and bare shoulders caught his eyes. She was having a drink in her glass but was staring at it with a contemplative stare without lifting it to her lips.

"Her, "Jevudiel quickly pointed recalling her as the woman he saved a few days ago.

"Oh, mine, you are making this easy, my good friends "Asmodeus muttered with a pat to the angel's shoulder.

"I am not your friend, "Jegudiel mumbled removing the hand on his shoulders.

" Of course not, " Asmodeus muttered sacastically.

"Can you pick up the pace, is taking you hours to pick this candidates, "Beelzebub mumbled for the first time feeling a little crowded by the people surrounding him. He has always preferred his solitude and was only here because the emperor mandated him.

"Yeah hurry up, he has some books to read," Mammon teased causing some of his brothers to chuckle even the twins, but the demon didn't react in any way to his brother taunting his face remaining flat.

Jegudiel was still cruising around the country when another party pulled up, the people here were of darker skin color, and the festive more lively with people chatting and laughing discussing in groups as food and drinks went around.

A woman in a short red dress that was mid-thigh was conversing with a tall handsome man, and with the way their conversation was flowing it seems to be leading to somewhere, and the heated looks they were giving each other as their body was riddled with tension shows where it was going.

The man stared at her licking his brown lips and the lady was taking him in her hand and leading him out the room into what looks to be a bathroom where she smashed his back to the wall and attacked his lips. The man welcomed her action eagerly as they kissed aggressively touching each other in places where the angel didn't want to think about.

"That is what I am talking about, "Asmodeus hailed watching the kissing duo, wishing they could take things to the next level as he felt his pants swell in reaction.

"What are you waiting for to scroll further" Raphael asked in irritation noticing the lust rising in the lust demon.

Jegudiel didn't respond but kept on staring at the couple there was something he was waiting for, as his instinct was telling him not to move on yet.

The woman pushed the man away, I can't she muttered running out of the room.


"What! "Raphael exclaimed in disbelief feeling the urge to strangle his brother fill him. He had to tight his fist to stop himself from smacking the angel at the back of his head.

The stare from the Son caused him to relax and losing his fingers.

Jegudiel didn't pay any attention to Raphael's words rather went on to the next image.

it was a hospital, Jegudiel wanted to move on quickly as this was not his scene when his eyes paused on an image. It was a room that had a young frail lanky boy lying lifelessly on it with only the rise of his chest an indication that he was still alive. Jegudiel stared at the young withdrawn face filled with remorse and said.


he felt his brother shake his head behind while the demon beside made a happy exclamation.

"Finally, "Beelzebub muttered hightailing it out of there without waiting to be dismissed.