


Aegon had finally received a coded message from Jon Connington. To anyone else the message would look like a love poem to a lover. It is actually a secret way to communicate between Aegon and Jon. He calls Sir Cade to a secret meeting in the house. "I have received word from Jon…"

The poem translates, my Prince I have learned the following information concerning your enemies in Westeros. First Robert Baratheon - The Usurper has become fat and lazy, he drinks, hunts, and sleeps with maids and whores. Sometimes he visits a whore house owned by Petyr Baelish his Master of Coin. His vices can be used to assassinate him if you so wish… He is not close to his brother Stannis who serves as Master of Ships - his brother Renly serves as Master of Laws and prefers men over women.

Queen Cersei Baratheon nee'Lannister - The Queen has a secret that can lead to a war between Houses Baratheon and Lannister… all three of her children are bastards - fathered by the Queen's brother Sir Jaime Lannister…

Jon Arryn the Hand of the King is a noble man, but he too is surrounded by enemies… His wife is often bedded by her childhood friend Petry Baelish… Robin Arryn is actually the son of Petyr Baelish

Petyr Baelish the Master of Coin… he is an ambitious man. Both he and Lysa Arryn are plotting against Jon Arryn. Baelish's ambitions go all the way to the Iron Throne. He comes from a minor House and still holds love for Catelyn Stark

House Dorne - Doran Martell is a sickly man plagued with gout. Our agents in Dorne have approached Prince Oberyn who would make a great ally in retaking Westeros.

House Stark - I have enquired about Lyanna Stark she died and is buried at Winterfell - More Importantly my prince I have recently learned that she did have a child, a son. Jon Snow as Eddard Stark claims that your nephew is his bastard…

Your Aunt Elia was raped and murdered by the Mountain that rides… who also killed her children

"What will you do?" Sir Cade asks.

"The time has come… for the past few years I have been sending gold to a man by the name of Kraznys mo Nakloz… I have one more payment to make… I want you to travel to Astapor, make the last payment and take command of the Unsullied army…" Aegon unrolls a map of Essos. "There are villages and towns near Astapor…" He places three headed Dragon markers over five towns and three villages."Take these towns and villages… kill every man over the age of thirteen… spare the old, young and women…"

"Then what?"

"Raise the Sigil of House Targaryen and wait for me to join you…"

The man who delivered Jon's message is standing there as well. Aegon writes a coded message and hands it to him. "Deliver that to Jon Connington… You will leave right now…"

"Where is Sir Cade?" Viserys asks the next morning at first meal.

"I sent him on a mission…"

"What mission or am I allowed to know that?"

"Soon brother I will tell you all if he succeeds…"

The House Steward enters the dining hall, "My King… There is a man here… He says he represents Ilyrio Mopatis…"

"Mopatis is one of the richest men in Essos, probably the world…" Aegon says.

"Show him in…"

The man enters and bows, "To their most exalted majesties King Viserys first of his name, Prince Aegon IV of his name and Princess Daenarys… greetings from Magister Ilyrio Mopatis… I was sent to extend an invitation to your graces on his behalf…"

"How did Mopatis find us?"

"My lord has connections all across Essos and Westsros… He offers sanctuary and information…"

"Does he wish to help me reclaim what is mine by birthright?"

"Of course…"

"How can Mopatis help us… We have been doing fine so far on our own…" Aegon asks which earns him a venomous look from Viserys.

"With all due respect your grace… If Magister Mopatis can figure out that the three of you are still alive, then so can the Usurper…"

"I serve as the King's Hand… We will discuss this in private before making a decision… In the meantime enjoy our hospitality…"


"Why did you do that?"

"We know nothing about Mopatis, his motives, or what he will want in return…"

"I am the King or do you wish to take my place Aegon?"

"I told you already… You are my brother…"

"Blood means nothing in the Game of Thrones…" Viserys storms out. He walks up to the man. "What is Mopatis' plan…"

"All I can say is that Magister Mopatis can arrange a powerful marriage alliance for the Princess…"

"With whom…"

"I was not made privy to that information…" When Aegon refuses to accept Mopatis' offer Viserys decides that it is time to take matters into his own hands. As before Viserys had been saving the gold Aegon gives to him to employ sell swords. Then he has Daenarys kidnapped.

"Viserys! What happened?"

"They took her… they took Dany for ransom…" Viserys had left the manor after Dany. The men he hired took Daenarys on his orders. Then they beat Viserys to sell the lie. ("Very clever Viserys… I didn't think you had in you…") Aegon says thinking to himself, "They want all our gold… They say that they know we made a lot of gold from pit fighting and investments…"

"There is no more gold… I made a bad investment and lost it all or rather the majority of it… I have a plan to get more that is the mission I sent Sir Cade on…"

"So how do we pay the ransom… If you had listened to me we would not be going through this…"

"True… The only thing we can do now is take Mopatis' offer…"

The servants pack their things to leave. When they arrive at the docks Visery's sell swords attack Aegon's men. They had been ordered to abandon Aegon. "Viserys…"

"I am sorry brother… but you have betrayed me…"

"I have always been loyal to you…"

"Have you… You didn't lose the gold… You sent Sir Cade to raise an army with it… An army that is rightfully mine…"

"You were behind Dany's kidnapping!"

He draws his word, "I will miss you brother…"

"Kill me and you taint your crown…" Viserys hesitates, "… The people will not support you if they learn you killed your own brother… But if you have these men turn me over to Robert Baratheon… You will rid yourself of me and make some gold in the process…"

"Or you plan to escape during your transport to King's Landing…" Viserys sheathes his sword, "But you are right… I will not spill my own brother's blood… Take him to the Usurper…" Viserys hands the man a bag of gold to buy passage on a ship. Then one of the sell-swords knocks Aegon unconscious.


Ilyrio Mopatis is the Magister of Pentos and one of the richest men in the world. His mansion is the largest in the city and he is protected by an army of unsullied. Mopatis had been looking for the surviving Tagaryens since they fled Braavos. When Aegon and Sir Cade started winning pit fights it was easier for him to locate the surviving Targaryens.

He stands in the courtyard of his mansion as King Viserys Targaryen arrives with fifty men and an unconscious Daenarys. "Welcome to my home…" He looks at Daenarys, "Your sister is she ill?"

"No just unconscious…"

"And your brother Prince Aegon…"

"Dead… He made a bad investment with our gold and was assassinated by his partners."

"I am sorry to hear that… Come prevail yourselves of my hospitality…" Later after he is refreshed Viserys meets in private with Mopatis.

"So your man tells me that you can help me take back the throne of my father…"

"Yes… Khal Drogo of the Dothraki is looking for a wife… Someone exotic… I have had dealings with the Dothraki before… I assume your sister has not been promised to anyone…"

"No she has not… But what can Khal Drogo do for me…"

"Give you an army sixty thousand strong… to take back your inheritance…"

"There was a knight with us… Sir Cade by name… My brother told me that he sent Sir Cade on mission… I believe Aegon gave him my gold


Dany was walking through the market when her guards are ambushed and killed. She is taken hostage and held in a secret underground room. Then she is forced to take a drug that renders her unconscious. She jumps up in bed and looks around at her strange surroundings. "You are awake my lady… I shall fetch your brother and my Master…"

"Wait! Where am I? Who are you?"

"This one is called Tyza… You are in the home of Ilyrio Mopatis Magister of Pentos and my master…" Dany gets up and changes clothes. As soon as she is done Viserys enters the room. "Viserys! Where is Aegon?"

"He made a bad investment… some people were unhappy and took their revenge… On him… Aegon is dead…"

Aegon had told Dany that Viserys would betray them, now she had to play along, "Aegon… no… What do we do now?"

"Come with me…" Reluctantly she follows her brother. A rather stout man sits at a table with all sorts of food spread across it. "Magister Mopatis… meet my sister Princess Daenarys Stormborn of House Targaryen…"

He bows, "Princess it is an honor… I had hoped to be able to help all three Targaryens…"

"My brother will be missed…" She knew in her heart that her brother was not dead. They sit and eat talking about news in the West. "And you will give us the gold to buy an army…"

"I am afraid it does not work like that my lady… You are young and beautiful… Marrying you off to someone with an army is the quickest way to the Iron Throne…"

"I am not ready for marriage…"

"You are a woman Dany… A Princess and my younger sister… I am afraid you have no say in the matter… :"

"If Aegon were here…" She goes quiet when he slams his fist on the table.

"Aegon is not here! I am and you will do as I command…"

Later Dany stands on the balcony of her room. Mopatis had sent word to Khal Drogo who will arrive soon. "Hurry Aegon… hurry and save me…"