
The Special Meeting

One evening as Evans was pondering on what to do next after his break up with Helen, he decided to call Isaac his long time friend.

"Hello Ike pee" he said

"Hello wyclef" he answered

"It's been a while oo"

"yes oo"

As their conversation went on, then Evans asked Ike about Charlotte and he told Evans that yes he even heard from her just two days ago, then Evans asked Ike for Charlotte's contact and they said bye to each other on the phone.

The next day, he called her and Charlotte was very surprised to hear from Evans. Evans asked her to meet him which she agreed.

They met at a restaurant around Charlotte's area.

Charlotte was very happy to see Evans as well as him too. They spoke happily their past friends, school and others.

Then Evans decided to try his luck one more time, but it didn't work out because Charlotte told him she was already in a relationship and would not like to break her partners heart.

At first Evans thought it was a joke but later believed her when she showed the picture of her lover to him but she told him they can still be friends.

He then changed the topic and asked her to take him to her house because he would like to know where she lives currently.

"Alryt, that's not a problem" Charlotte said.

They went to her house where Evans met Charlotte's parents and Siblings. They were all happy to see him. He stayed for a while and left to him house.

After that day, Evans never stoped thinking about Charlotte.

Charlotte on the other hand was happy with her new love but one day something happened!

Charlotte found another picture on her boyfriend's phone

"Solomon!, who is this lady and what were you doing with her. Ooh my God! you were kissing her?"

Solomon tried to explain but it was very clear that he was cheating. Charlotte called for a break up.

After the break up, Charlotte was left heartbroken, she doesn't want to talk to anymore but alone.

Weeks past and everything became normal again then guess what?

Evans paid her a visit. She was busily washing some clothes when Evans came to the house. She was very surprised to see him and happy too. They sat and had a long chat then Evans left to his house