
the yang lord and his guard dog

gilbert wanted to paint him, that's how it started... but how did maxim end up in his bed? and can this man save him from the nightmare he is living?

parafyna_art · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


Maxim stared between his master lying on the couch and the yang boy standing with anger burning his eyes. He wasn't sure what exactly was going on, wasn't this yang man the old master's new lover? Why was he upset on behalf of the yang lady? Maxim was confused. He avoided humans as much as possible since Lily's death and got stupid as his old master used to say. Maxim didn't care about being called stupid, humans were too much trouble. 

< this is wrong .. > the boy hissed and turned around leaving the room and slamming the door shut. 

He was quite a rude guest. 

 A soft sight came to his sensitive ears and Maxim turned to see his master sitting with his face buried in his hand. 

< patience .. patience .. > The yang lord was repeating these words like a mantra so softly if maxim didn't have sensitive hearing he may have missed it 

Huh … 

That didn't sound like someone who had given up …

Maxim wondered if his master was more of a performer than a painter. 

< maxim ..> came the voice calm and steady, as the loyal servant he should be, maxim walked closer waiting for the order < get my bath ready … I am going out tonight..> 

Out ?? 

It has been over a week since he started living in this mansion and his owner hasn't set foot outside the studio .. 

Maxim obeyed and walked to the connected bathroom to prepare the bath.

Maxim skillfully put the red mana stone by the bath as he was instructed.

Mana stone .. so big .. must cost a fortune 

The poor servant had seen one mana stone in his entire life, and it was a water mana stone on the ship, 

It was a huge one but it was what kept the trading ship trips always steady and safe despite the monsters inhabiting the sea.

Maxim did not know whatsoever of mana stone, he always stared at it fascinated 

< don't bother … > came the soft voice and Maxim felt his heart jump. He was so immersed in admiring these shiny red stones that he didn't notice the man walking into the bathroom. 

He flinched and finished his task < even if you manage to steal one you will never be able to sell it > his master continued.

Maxim felt a cold sweat on his back.. 


He never considered that .. he may have been a bit slow when dealing with people but he wasn't stupid.

He stood up and hurriedly kneeled in front of his owner showing submissiveness. Hoping that his master understood his demeanor

< calm down .. > the lord sighed again < stand up ..> Maxim obeyed and finally looked up to see the blond man undoing the long string on his T-shirt with a frown < help me with this ..> he let go and looked out to the studio eyes fixed on the unfinished painting. 

Maxim swallowed the lamb in his throat and reached out to untangle the long string. Slowly and carefully doing his best so his fingertip won't touch the porcelain skin. 

< I know you won't do that .. just .. > his voice stopped and Maxim looked up.

The soft light eliminated the delicate feature of the yang man, his half lazy demeanor and unguarded behavior made one think he trusted them and relied on them. 

Maxim was fascinated and confused at the same time.

Didn't this man hate being touched, hated being looked at, did he trust him?

The thought was gone just as fast as it appeared.

He was just a servant .. an attendant .. a .. slave .. he wasn't considered a threat to this man of noble blood, he .. wasn't even a man in his eyes, just a servant ..

Maxim was by no means a proud man, no commoner in this kingdom could afford something like pride. He knew his place, yet at this moment, a foreign feeling of unwillingness swallowed in his heart. 

He was not sure what came over him, but in a defying manner, he ran the tip of his finger on the soft skin as he pulled the last string off. 

A soft warm feeling brought Gilbert back from his daydream, and he snapped his head to the man in front of him. 

The bigger man pulled the disobeying strings and took a step back head bowed but a weird feeling was surrounding him.

< look at me ..> Gilbert ordered and the man looked up and a fire was burning in these beautiful eyes. Gilbert was surprised. He felt astonished.

This man … was angry...


< what .. what's wrong? > he asked unconsciously. Ever since he took in this man this was the first time he showed any type of emotion. He couldn't help but ask.

Maxim shook his head. And looked down. 

Refusing to answer? Or denying that there is anything wrong?

Gilbert frowned. 

This man was smart, he could write. He knew how to behave. He knows what to do to answer his master's question. 

He was refusing to answer ..

Unhappy Gilbert reached out and grabbed the man's jaw and forced him to look him in the eyes. < what are you angry about? Why are you throwing a tantrum? > he asked with an arched brow. 

Gilbert's movement made the loose shirt slide off his shoulder exposing his throat and left shoulder. 

< upset because I accused you of stealing? > he asked trying to read his attendant facial expression. 

He was not that good at reading people at all. 

He stared at the man's face slowly turned red and his lips were forced into a straight line. Gilbert's eyes widened as he looked at the taller man's red face and red ears straight lips pressed tight together like a child refusing to tell a secret. Eyes darting from his face to the side in an avoidant manner.

What ??

He couldn't hold it and laughter filled the bathroom. Gilbert let go of the comical face and laughed so hard his eyes were tearing again ..

He looked up at the tense man, no boy.. he was so sure that this servant was younger than him.

And laughed more holding his sides.

How can a tall steady, scary-looking man have a face like a child who was being bullied?

< alright .. fu > he breather out < you won't steal ..I know .. my bad .. > he said between laughter looking at the eyes that were looking at him and accusing him of bullying him < sorry .. sorry .. > Gilbert was amused .. this guy .. < I won't bully you again ..> looked like Josephine when she was upset . 

Cute ..