
Chapter 8

(Sarah's POV)

The next morning, I woke up due to my alarm going off. "Get up girls! It's morning!" I shout.

Sophie and Rachel whine and groan. Sophie sits up on her elbows, "Why so early tho Sarah? What time is it?"

I laugh " Come on lazy butts! We have a big day today! It's 8 am Sophie so it's not early!" I threw their clothes at them.

Rachel covers her face with her blanket and groans. "Come on Rachel get dressed!" I said.

They get up and get dressed the whole time complaining. We head downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning girls!" Sophie's mom says. "Good morning!" we all say.

"What are you girls gonna be doing today?" She asks.

"We're gonna go girl shopping today mom." Sophie says.

"And we might go to the carnival and have some fun on the rides." I put in.

"Oooh can we go to the circus?" Rachel asks.

"Girls that sound a lot of fun but do be careful, and if you need anything don't hesitate to call." Sophie's mom says.