
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

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15 Chs

The Fragment of Xitalu

Daimos looked around calmly and saw the destruction around him whilesThusixla had a blood thirsty grin and Likyl looked to be lost in thought like always... They were a very odd group.

The dust had already settled but they were still standing there for a good reason... they were lost. Yes, they did not know where or which direction they came from... Thusixla forgot to activate her markers, Daimos couldn't and Likyl... Likyl was just Likyl?.

The reason they were lost was because for some reason, the single hallway that led to the armory, no, the cleansing hall, suddenly split into five paths.

Thusixla used her minds eye to inspect each path, but was not able to see the end. It was like they went on and on, Daimos did the same, but all he saw was the same dirty souls flying about. Using this, he would not know if the passage was booby trapped or if the passage had turns. This was one of the downsides of using someone as weak as Likyl. This further incresed his thoughts of changing her to another powerful seer.

Yes she somehow found a fragment, which he still did not know how it looked like, and she somehow triggered a trial from the book, these achievements did not mean shit. If her mind space was powerful, then maybe he won't be doing this stupid trial.

"It seems they were well prepared for something like this happening." Likyl said. {But I feel that these passage ways aren't made of power, or their form of power is a bit different from us} She said this in her mind, as the two people she was linked with also heard it.

"We should be careful about how we enter them." Daimos instantly caught on.{You can sense the difference?} He asked in the mind link.

{Yes... but slightly, when we use our abilities and arts, we are somehow summoning them into reality} She said.

{Well duh, we all know that}. Thusixla said rolling her eyes.

{You don't understand, when that man and woman were guiding us, I felt like their bodies were too smooth, I have seen a lot of Humans before, and their skin sren't that smooth, unless they used cosmetics and some nano tech to change their appearance}. She analysed. "Okay, so which way do you think is the safest?"

"Let's pick the one on the left." Thusixla replied. {How do you know that their skin was different?}. She had also seen humans before and didn't see anything wrong with the humans of this dimension.

"Okay," The group then headed to the the last passage on the left. {They did not have hairs on their body, except their face which still had eye brows, and there were no visble pores on their body, and if you noticed the first time we came, the old lady did not really have the wrinkly body old humans have}. Daimos said as they entered the passage and were engulfed in darkness yet again.

"These guys sure love the dark" Thusixla said with some disdain, but inwardly, mainly her mind, she was shocked.

Now that she thought about it, the humans were totally diffrent than the ones in her their own dimension. The humans here had peole with hair and eye colors that you would hardly see on a human being unless they dyed it and used contact lens... of course there was nano bot surgery too, a new form of plastic surgery... maybe she should guy for that?... Off topic, she saw some of them with emerald green hair, that some elves had, fiery red hair that mostly belonged to those of the fire race, blue hair like the mermaid and naga race and lastly white hair, that were usually among the roc race.

If she remebered the man had blonde hair and the woman had blue hair, the old lady had green... wait.

{You noticed it too?}. Likyl aksed none of them in particular, she was not able to see their faces in the dark, but she knew that for people like them, whose race depended heavily on mind arts and abilities... Except Thusixla, she was clearly a gorilla, I mean who places tracking marks around a place and forgets to activate them before placing it? It's like putting a tracking device on someone and forget to turn it on before putting it.

Thusixla did not know why, but she felt like someone insulted her... Her guess was Likyl. {Yes I did}. She said.

Daimos did not say anything, but Likyl knew he agreed.

{If my guess is correct, then the humans of this dimension can manipulate the elements, and this is easily identifiable through their hair color}. Likyl said.

{That means that man might have the ability to control light} Thusixla mused.

{Yes and that means that old lady could control the earth or wood} Likyl also conlcluded.

{Then how did they summon us then?} Daimos asked.

If what Likyl said was true, then these humans wuold not be able to control space and time. Even if there was someone who could, the amount of power to open a rift to other dimensions would turn the wielders into living corpses or even kill them, and they won't be able to open it.

{I also thought of that, and my only conclusion was that they used a fragment of an ancient one}. Thusixla and Daimos raised their eyebrows when they heard her.

{why did you think of that?} Thusixla asked, even though it was in her mind, Likyl could still feel the disdain in her question.

{Think about it, the boo-}




{What? I was just correcting you} Thusixla defended.

{... Anyways, the grimoire could have taken us to a different location, but it brought us here instead, and from what those guides said, they have been doing this for centuries}

{We can't believe their words after this stunt} Thusixla retorted.

Daimos just kept silent as they were still walking. He did not know why, but he felt that this walk was strange. {Did you place any markers?} Daimos aksed Thusixla through the mind link.




{You forgot to turn them on again, didn't you?}



In that temples library.

Luke had also felt the earth quake too but did not think much about it, just like the other disciples in the library.

He was currently looking at a book in his hands with a complicated expression.

The book he was reading was an encyclopedia about the various races in their neighbouring kingdoms, who refused to follow the warnings of the temple and still kept half-breeds and beast kin in their territory. With other races like slimes, goblins and even undeads.

They were of course kept as slaves, but the temple wanted these races eradicated. The elves, dwarves, giants and some powerful beastkins like foxes, manticores, wolves and centaurs had their own kingdoms and lands.

That was not all, during some of the summonings, some races also passed through those portals. Some were unknown, some were like other variants of the races here, like dark elves, multi tailed foxes and cats, and even some undeads.

Of course the temple put them down instantly. Some were hard to defeat, like the multi tailed foxes that charmed men and women alike, some were just too easy, like the cats and the elves.

As luke kept reading the book, he felt his communication crystal vibrate and shinned, meaning someone was initiating a call with him.

He took it out and instantly gained the attention of the other disciples in the library. Lke just smiled inwardly and gathered his magic power into the crystal.

[Come to my office now!] It was the old hag that called him, but judging from her tone, it seemed urgent... But. 'Maybe it's about Agatha disobeying her authority again'.

He thought as he first went through the book again and kept back in the shelf after an unsuccesful search. 'Walking to the door would be a pain'.

The temple library was not just any library that just stored knowledge and books, but was also a place where books that had skills for every element could be found. It could be considered the largest library in the Human kingdom. And with this huge volume of books, of course the library would be very large and was also very tall in height.

Luke just used his light element to quickly move to the entrance, creating as little noise as possible and appeared at the entrace in the blink of an eye, scaring the shit out of some of the disciples that were standing at the enatrance waiting to get in.

This was against the rules set-up in the library, but Luke did not really care as he gallantly made his way to the old hags office, forgetting about the new race he was researching on.

In the summoning hall, right under the platform that Daimos, Thusixla and Likyl appeared. An eye ball could be seen floating in a transparent tube like container of about seven inches wide and two feet tall with what looked like tallismans all over the container, for some reason, the eyeball was just facing one direction and suddenly a wave of light passed over the eyeball.

As if it had suddenly been awakened, the eyeball started banging against the container, creating slushing and sickening thudding sound when it hit the wall of it's prison. The wave of light passed again and the intensityb of the hitting grew more intense.

Finally it's hard work paid of as small cracks appeared on the container and some of the fluid in it leaked out. The same wave of light passed again and this time a tiny bit of it passed throuht the crack of the container and touched the eyeball that was still hitting the wall of the container.

When the eyeball felt the light wave, it paused... it felt that something was not right about this light wave, but with only the intelligence of a two year old child, it ignored it's feeliing and continued the onslaught agains the container.

Back to Daimos group.

If Daimos had looked at the book through Likyl's eyes, he would have seen a new message on the book, no, Grimoire.

[Fragment Detected>>>> The Fragment of Xitalu the being of a higher dimension]

Decided to upload two cahpters today, since I felt like the chapters in my book seemed little.

Might still upload one chapter on monday tho ;P

papylioncreators' thoughts