
Cuties in the restaurant.

Young master Lu finally calmed down and followed Sarah out if the garden.

"What do you think we should do?" Sandra asked.

"Huh?" Jake was confused.

"Let's leave the school."

"Huh? How?" He asked innocently that she wondered if there is anyone as innocent as him.

She ruffled his hair and smiled before pointing at the wall beside them.

"What insolence! How dare you think you can lure me to commit that atrocity?" He refused angrily.

Sandra felt like smacking his head and only glared at him.

"Fine don't worry. I will go and check the view myself." She said and carried a large stone. She placed it on the floor and she stepped on it.

Lu Jake watched her with curiosity. When he saw that she managed to climb the wall, he also follow her and climbed the wall.

Ad if Sandra knew he would come, she waited for him at the other side of the wall.

Jake was embarrassed when she was looking at him intently.

"S.s.stop looking at me that way. I'm following you so u can save you from trouble." He stuttered looking away from her gaze.

She smiled to cover up his lies and began walking, while he followed.

"Thank you for yesterday " She suddenly said.

"It's nothing."

"Yes it's nothing. What are we friends for if you can take this pretty little bun to her house." Sandra said.

Lu Jake bulged his eyes and looked at the girl calling herself pretty.

"Who told you that you are pretty?" He asked with his puffed cheek.

"Of course mom and dad."

"Then your parent might be lying."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"It's only a blind girl that will believe you."

"Of course you might be blind to see that you are pretty. You are not beautiful at all."

Sandra only glared hard. She thought in her heart what she would have done to him when she was still young in her past life. When she remembered that she is seventeen years older than this little lad, she got over it.

"What's your favorite food?" He suddenly asked when he noticed that her mood had turned worse.

"Just buy me chicken." She said looking at the cafeteria in front of her.

They both entered the cafeteria.

The waiter there couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the four years old in uniform, coming to a restaurant alone.

"Aren't you kid suppose to be in school?" The owner of the shop asked.

"Uncle, we are hungry, so we came to eat chicken." Li Sandra said with a smile.

Everyone in the restaurant couldn't help but be in awe of the small kids.

"Hahahaha!" The man laughed. "Let me give you free chicken. You are too cute to not be treated well. Your mother must be very proud of you." The owner of the chicken Restaurant said and the people there agreed with me.

"Hey witch. How did you manage to make the man fall for you? You must really have some magic to do this." Lu Jake whispered with a big smile.

'Damn! Little Lu Jake is dumb. Is the older one dumb too? That's why they fooled him too?'

Li Sandra couldn't help but think of this, with her head shaking.