
Tamakoma Branch

After making up his mind about Tamakoma branch, Ryu decided to head out and see where they were located. From his memory he knew Tamakoma base was an abandoned building located in the middle of a river, on the outer edge of the danger zone.

Except Jin-san, there were only 3 more people composing the self-defense group members. The Tamakoma Branch is a group composed of only a talented select few! and they are ealso known as the borders strongest team. With few people in their branch Ryu thought it would be easy join the group.

After looking through the memories and running around the outer he finally found Tamakoma branch. Ryu looked stupefied. the base was not very big from the out side, but one thing that got to Ryu was that the base looked Run down. Also from the looks of it there didn't seem to be any sort of defensive measure. Feeling conflicted Ryu walked towards the door, preparing to knock on it. that's the last thing he remembered.

Waking up Ryu was surrounded by people he did not know. "Are you ok!!" asked Shiori.

"what happened to me.""i was walking and the next thing i know i am here". said Ryu.

"you were knock shot by a trion gun, but because they have safety mechanism that stops them from harming normal humans you were only knocked out". Konami chimed in.

After making sure Ryu was fine Konami, Renji and Karasuma heeded out.

"they are going out for defence duty" said shiori.

After siting for a while Shiori asked Ryu why he was walking towards Tamakoma Base.

Since Ryu didn't have any ideas in how to join tamakoma branch, Ryu told Shiori he wanted to join tamakoma branch and join Border as tamakoma branch member.

Shiori told Ryu that joining the branch was easy but he would have to talk to Either someone called Jin or the branch manager. She also wanted to know why he wanted to join tamakoma branch out of all 6 branch. for this he gave her simple answer. he told her because he liked the way members of tamakoma branch thought about neighbors. Tamakoma Branch believe that not all Neighbors are bad, and want to befriend all those which can be their allies. he liked this way of thinking and thus decided to join the branch. In case his huge trion capacity was discovered he did not want to be experimented upon or worst, used as weapons. Ryu did not tell them the last reason, as he didnot want people finding out about his trion capability so soon.

After finishing his talk with Shiori Usami he wanted to rest as he was still feeling a bit hazzy from the afternoon. with that he took a nap while waiting for Jin or Branch manager to Return.