
The World Of Mana

This story is mostly on literally mocking magic in its face in every way possible. That includes applying physics which may or may not make it more realistic,sometimes including jokes and references. Anyway now that i summed it up,if you happen to want to read this,pls tell me what you think so that i can improve this story and make it more better. That's all for now,peace.

Inkthatsfamous · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 10:Lady In The Lake Became My Fiance!!!!

For all those who have read about King Arthur and his holy sword or Excaliber must have known the part that the Lady of the Lake have given him that particular sword.

Aero however only encountered one thing when he arrive,A guy was protecting the a beautiful girl and another guy was trying to kill the guard of the girl.

Aero was teached by his mom to help those in need and he decided to help the guard protect the girl.

However it was too late,the guard in his noble quest died honorably by fighting to his last breath,and died.

The man then laughed as he shouted in a very creepy and obsessed tone.

You are finally mine!!!!.

But in the end,Aero stabbed him in the back and help the lady stand up.

Aero copying the book he read when saving a damsel in distress.

Are you,unharmed my lady said Aero.

Huh?,a surprised and confused tone was uttered as the girl was staring at Aero.

Can you stop staring at me,it's creepy said Aero with a very trollish face.

(If you know the reference,you get a cookie)

5 minutes later.....

So if i heard you right,the guy who was defending you was a boy who challenge your husband to a fight to get your hand in marriage.


And because i stab your victorius husband in the back i became your husband instead...

Of course my love...

Aero then fallen down to the ground in a very dramatic way as the surrounding dimmed and a light fallen down in Aero's fallen form and said.

Goodbye,the glorious life of bachelor hood(insert sad face).

And because of that my love,you must stay with my family and will forever be banned from going anywhere else.

!!!!,Aero's surprised face was seen as he began backing away from the girl.

Don't go Aero,it's not that bad!!!.

Screw this,Teleportation said Aero with a very hurried voice.


Aero,you can never hide from the Lady of the Lake.

-Aero's House,Woodhall Village-


Mom,Dad hide me, a crazy girl and a princess was chasing me.

Don't worry son,just use the invisibility magic and it will hide you.

Thanks dad,good idea.

Aerooooo,come out wherever you are,let's get married and be mine forever!!!said a familiar voice in very creepy manner.


Oh there you are,come out now and get married!!!.



Huh,well whatever let's check the other side of the house.

Don't you think mother,father???.

mmmph mmmph mmph

Oh right your lips are still tied up,well whatever,it doesn't matter i will still find him wherever he goes.

To Be Continued...