
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

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Yuan Kongye's information

After everyone finished eating, their stomachs were full and some were very drunk.

For example, Fatty Xu, for example, was so frightened during the battle that he almost peed his pants, so after he came back, he enjoyed himself crazily and drank two bottles of Zhuang-level dry red by himself!

Uncle You carried him to the bathroom and let him vomit for a long time before taking him back to the room to rest.

Zhang Yi also drank a lot, but he had a good capacity for drinking, so he was not drunk.

After the banquet was over, he called Yang Xinxin.

"Xinxin, come with me to the control room."

Yang Xinxin nodded, and then came to the control room with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi opened the thick alloy door of the control room and reached out to turn on the light.

Bright lights illuminate the huge control room, and everything inside shows a gorgeous futuristic style, like the console of a battleship.

Even the ceiling and feet are OLED transparent displays.

Zhang Yi pushed Yang Xinxin through the door and closed the door behind her back.

There are some things that he doesn't want to hide from others.

Rather, he wants to figure it out for himself first, and then tell everyone selectively.

After all, some things are not easy to discuss when there are many people. On the contrary, it will interfere with personal thinking because everyone has their own ideas.

Therefore, Zhang Yi likes to discuss issues with Yang Xinxin the most.

Because she is very smart, and like Zhang Yi, she is an absolutely rational person.

Zhang Yi came to the console and opened it to receive the information sent by Xiao Honglian.

Soon, he got the information of the leaders and deputies of the major forces.

Of course, there is no Yangsheng base.

But among the information, what Zhang Yi really wanted to see was only the information about two people.

Yuan Kongye, and Zheng Yixian.

As for the others, they were just smoke bombs to prevent Xiao Honglian from knowing his true purpose.

Yang Xinxin sat next to Zhang Yi, curiously watching him open the information one by one.

"Brother, what are you doing? Can you tell me?"

Zhang Yi did not hide his thoughts from Yang Xinxin.

He took a deep breath and told Yang Xinxin exactly what he saw at the Snow Worship Cult camp during this period.

At the same time, he also expressed his suspicions.

"Although there is no evidence at the moment, I think the Snow Worship Cult may be related to the zombie riot in Tianhai City."

"If there is really a huge conspiracy behind this, then it will definitely pose great danger to us."

"So, I want to investigate this matter clearly. If I can't do it, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Yang Xinxin's eyes showed surprise.

Although she is not a conspiracy theorist, if it is true as Zhang Yi said, then the person behind everything is definitely a top conspirator!

Yang Xinxin was not in a hurry to give her opinion.

After all, as Zhang Yi said, everything is just speculation at the moment.

She came over and checked the information of Yuan Kongye and Zheng Yixian with Zhang Yi.

The first thing Zhang Yi opened was Yuan Kongye's information.

Xiao Honglian did not lie. The information she collected was very complete.

It records Yuan Kongye's personal life in detail, including her family background and growth experience.

After Zhang Yi and Yang Xinxin carefully read her information, they fell into silence for a long time.

Because the story about her is really... unbearable to read.

The basic summary is as follows:

Hara Sora Ye, twenty years old, is a mixed race of Chinese and Neon countries, born in Nara Prefecture of Neon country.

His father's name is Hara Suiyun, and his mother's name is Kamiko Gatsuma.

Both of them are loyal followers of a sect called Shenlijiao in Neon Country.

When Yuan Kongye was three years old, he followed his parents to Tianhai City, China, and lived at No. 256 Jinling Street, Changlan District.

In the same year, Yuan Suiyun and my wife Kamiko established a branch of the Theological Sect in Tianhai City.

(Note: Theosophy is classified as a cult organization in China and has been engaged in underground activities.)

Former Suiyun served as the leader of the Theological Sect, and my wife Kamiko served as the high priest.

In order to attract believers, the couple lied that their daughter, Sora Ye, had supernatural powers and designated her as a saint of theosophy.

Relying on religious inspiration, Yuan Suiyun's family quickly gained huge wealth.

Therefore, Yuan Kongye lived a comfortable life from childhood to adulthood.

Within the Theological Sect, she is treated like a princess.

However, this life ended when Yuan Kongye turned sixteen.

When his parents went to Neon Country to attend a Theological Sect gathering, they encountered a plane crash and both of them died on the spot.

After the deaths of Hara Suiyun and my wife Kamiko, the members of the Theological Sect gradually realized that they had been deceived.

The still young Yuan Kongye was unable to control the situation, and it was revealed that she had no divine power at all.

The doctrine of Theological Religion is that believers can obtain divine blessings by donating property, and can enter the Kingdom of God after death.

Even the person who donates the most assets can choose the country where he will be reincarnated in his next life.

Therefore, a large number of theosophical believers did not hesitate to bankrupt their fortunes and donate to Yuan Suiyun and my wife Kamiko.

After the death of Yuan Suiyun and his wife, the angry believers wanted to take back their property.

However, most of these properties have been squandered by Yuan Suiyun's family of three.

So, the angry believers vented their grievances on Yuan Kongye, who was only sixteen years old.

Tianhai City Police received a report in 2046 and recorded the incident.

The nature of this case is extremely egregious.

When Yuan Kongye was sent to the hospital, he was already badly tortured and had multiple permanent lacerations on his body.

But because it involves a cult organization and there are too many people involved, the subsequent handling of the case is ambiguous.

Since then, Yuan Kongye disappeared as if he had evaporated.

When she reappeared, after the end of the world, she suddenly transformed and became the leader of the Snow Worship Cult.

Relying on the methods of demagoguery learned in theology, he gradually grew his power, making the Snow Worship Sect one of the largest organizations in Tianhai City.


Zhang Yi and Yang Xinxin fell into silence after reading Yuan Kongye's personal information.

For a long time, the two of them gasped, but they didn't know how to speak.

Xiao Honglian worked in the police system before, so she knew the case very well and even had the contents of the file.

According to information, as many as 136 people were involved.

So it's hard to imagine how painful Yuan Kongye's experience was.

After a long time, Zhang Yi said: "Isn't it strange that such a person can become the savior in the last days?"

He looked at Yang Xinxin: "Do you believe it?"

Yang Xinxin shook her head.

Her eyes were dark, and she said slowly: "After experiencing this kind of thing, it is impossible to maintain a normal mental state. If it were me, all I would think about is destroying the entire world! Or making the world become what I want."

Zhang Yi crossed his arms and took another deep breath.

"Now, I can probably think about some things."

"Before, neither I nor others thought that the Snow Worship Sect suffered the heaviest losses during this zombie crisis."

"Because they lost nearly 10,000 believers!"

Zhang Yi changed the subject, "But now, I think it's not like this."

"Perhaps Yuan Kongye doesn't care about the life and death of those people at all."

"Perhaps she was deliberately using the deaths of those people to cover up her conspiracy."

Yang Xinxin raised her head and looked at Zhang Yi.

"Brother, do you have any evidence to prove this?"

Zhang Yi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "It didn't happen before, but now it does."

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