
The World Is Falling

A high school student named Eiji Lewyiin at the spade kingdom school, where there is a developed country and full of wealth of knowledge, but the rulers of the sky appointed the earth to be a scenario place for humans, making Eiji Lewyiin have to survive with his new friends, andbeing the vessel of the King of Darkness, they all must be ready for the changing era.

T_Moriarty · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

001 #The Beginning

This is like the world is starting to fall, student in my school get killed one by one by monsters, all my classmate are trying to blocking the door, the monster not really strong but they have a speed

my classmate face are look like scare

They face like dont know what to do,

I hear some girls crying in the corner of the classroom

Eiji : I cant calm in this situation, I kept seeing the time on the screen continuing to run

"Okay Eiji calm and think Eiji, you can know this situation and know what to do"


"You all get the starter pack for this know you have 10.000 foins in your account do what you want with that money" <SYSTEM LEFT>

(Notification Sound) "10.000 Foins has sent to your account"

Foins : f10.000

<Statistics >

Strength : 1/999

Agility : 1/999

Defense : 1/999

Mana : 1/999

Critical : 1/999

Eiji confused, "Statistics? Should i upgrade it

(This is looks like mmorpg game)

Sterngth 1 ---> 10

1000 foins has change to Strength

Agility 1 ---> 12

1200 foins has change to Agility

Defense 1 ---> 8

800 foins has change to Defense

<foins >: f,7000

After upgrading a stats i try to leave the class and a girls shout loudly my Name

"Eiji, Wait "she shout loudly "

Loraine angry "Are you want to dead? Eiji why you want to leave the class??"

She is Loraine Eralith, she is the smartest girl in class, she always get the first rank in class, I hate to say it she is very beautifull

Oh, i want to kill some monsters

Loraine looking at me like small angry, "are you want to give your life to this dumb quest are you really know this??"

I don't know, but this look like it has to be finished and i curious with the prize

You only just want prize "Loraine Shocked"

Yes (•_•) The reward have god item starrelics class, maybe this class the higest

Loraine face change from angry to shy, "OK, if that's what you want, But C..Can I going with you im scare in this class"

We walking to the stairs in school, but when we pass school hallway The atmosphere became tense and I didn't know what to say, but Loraine's face looked scared and confused, and I started a joke while walking in the school hallway to lighten the mood

(Walking in hallway of school), "be carefull with your surroundings when outside the classroom don't die okay"

Eiji said in a joking tone

Loraine answer with read face and small angry face, " I'm not weak why are you scoffed me hmphh(Loraine facing left shyly), Hmmm I stil don't believe with this world, this world like start to falling, you not scare with all of this?? "

I'm scare but i have to do this to survive, now it's like a mmorpg game

You Lie you not scare, aha your face always flat are you don't have emotion?

Eiji laugh and say, "Haha when focus maybe I always flat emotions but I have a heart and emotions"

Raaaaakkhhhhh (ground Rat Used Fear lv.1)

"The rat appear in front of us" Loraine shocked

Loraine scare and shocked, she hold tight my arm "Monsterss are appear, are you want to kill that 4 monsters with empty hands only? "

Sure and You just assist my monsters okay, and stay behind me and please to release your arm from my arm

Loraine release her arm from Eiji arm "Sorry for this Eiji. O.. Okay, and be carefull Eiji-ssi, i will do the best"

Eiji start running to the mosters and start threw his punch

The punch hit the mosters and knock up the monster for a time

"I want to help Eiji Maybe I should search a sharp item" Loraine searching a sharp object to finish the monsters, she finds a sharp iron hose

Eiji looked to Loraine she so smart she know what to do, she not weak to be my partner

Eiji shout "Loraine stab the monsters in your left side that monsters cant stand again"

Loraine running to the mosters and starting stabbing "You get 500 foins from killing the ground rat" the screen in loraine has change from Monster killed : 0 to Monsters killed : 1 "Thanks you Eiji-ssi"

Eiji threw his punch "left hook right uppercut and he kicked the mosters feet""the rat have a hard skin my hand really hurt"

"The mosters knocked up" Eiji shout to Loraine to throw the sharp item which was

Loraine throw the item to Eiji "Uh thanks", Eiji start stab the monsters in head "You get 500 foins from killing the ground rat"

"The 4 ground rat has kill"

Main Quest #1 Main Quest #1

<Nickname:Eiji > <Nickname:Loraine >

Monsters Killed : 3 Monsters Killed : 1

deadline: 3 Mnt deadline : 3 mnt

foins : f. 9000 foins : f. 8500

Hufft.. "My hand is hurt the monsters have a hard skins"


Only 3 Minutes Left

If you cannot killed the monsters "" YOU DIED""<

Loraine with not believe face "I cant believe you can kill all the rats you so cool and strong"

Thanks you Loraine-san "I want to sit down for a moment"

Loraine smilling to Eiji "Are you tired Eiji-kun? Want some drink? " Loraine give Eiji some drink

Thanks you Loraine-san

By killing this rat we get 500 foins that worth it

Loraine sit next to Eiji "What you want to do after this quest?"

Do the next quest and reach the end, you Loraine what you want to do after this?

Loraine shy "I don't know but I'm scare when alone can I follow you? "


The quest has finish and congrats

Now you Can pick the 3 Starrelics item

Quest compensation

Pick 3 Items in Starrelics line


-Now of fearless(s)

-Shield of justice(A+)


-Midnight Star Blade (SSS)

(Only the choosen can use this)

-Battle Coat(Ss)

... 4765 Items More

(If you doesnt want to pick you can save the pick)

Loraine confused "What you pick Eiji?

Are you pick a weapon or item?

I'm pick a sword and coat

What you pick Loraine-san ?

Maybe only Heavens Magic Rings

We can save it I want to save my 2 pick for next quest


The Compensation Has sent to your account

This sword is good and very light I like this

Skill "Fearless 1st wall" has active

Huh?? Skill? This skills like mentaly barrier maybe because the name is wall

Loraine happly "Eiji-ssi you get Lie Detector eyes to? "

No I'm not get that skills, you get a usefull skills Loraine-san

Loraine Very happy, "This skills is usefull? I'm So happy hear that, can i test to you are you trust me or not?, hahah I'm just kidding

Eiji staring at Loraine eyes, Loraine face turn red Loraine ask shyly "why you looking at me Eiji-ssi, I'm shy"

You look so happy Loraine-san

Loraine answer shyly, " Hah really? Thanks you"(Turn more red (face))


"The next Quest will be started in 30 minutes

Prepare for next quest all"

Loraine annoyed, "the next quest start very fast.".