
The World is at stake!

Hey ! Gorbachev ! where is my state appointed Girlfriend ?? ha? . After all the Soviet Union should provide me with everything one need. Right? After all that's the essence of communism and equaliy. he..he.. Humph! I the embodiment of Soviet have seen through everything!! Because I am the Tyrant of Iron and Blood, New Tsar of the North, collector of beauties , Warden of the wall, liberator of Eastern Europe, Savior of the Soviets, , Nightmare of the Free World, sex symbol of the degenerates, Terror of Marvel Heroes. Leader of the Red Regime and the mass murderer extraordinaire the great butcher , the Great General Secretary! The enemies of the people who are also the people should all taste the iron fist of Soviet! Long live the soviet! Long live Capitalism!! -------------+++++-----+------

CodeZero587 · Komik
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: He must die!

[Six hours back]

On the afternoon of August 17, 1991, in the corridors of the Kremlin that had carried more than 100 years of history, high-ranking Soviet officials hurriedly stepped across the smooth marble floor to the highest meeting room. Everyone's face looked gloomy, as unpredictable as the weather on Moscow's Red Square.

But those who just came from Crimea looked a bit lost, they felt flabagusted how things has changed in Moscow.

Most of them accepted the reality pretty quickly , after all the 40,000 soldiers of the Moskow military district is no joke.

  After closing the heavy mahogany door carved with complicated patterns, members of the emergency committee gathered at a table, Yanayev, Pavlov, Baklanov, Yazov, Pugo, Kryuchkov, Sta Rodubtsev, Tdjakov members of the eight-member committee will make further discussions on the next declaration of a state of emergency.

( I need to obtain an official order from this council, or it'll be hard for me to justify the powergrab.)

 Anderi broke the ice, "Comrade Yazov, please convene a meeting of the commanders of the various military regions and issue this order: according to the situation, maintain order and strengthen the security of military facilities; in other cases, pay attention to listening to the radio and reading newspapers. And when necessary, troops can be dispatched to respond to disturbances and to Suppress any disturbances in the region." Anderi said solemnly.

  "It's just martial law, what do we need to suppress ?" Tiyakov said hesitantly, "After all, these are the people we swore to protect."

  "Comrade Tiyakov, keep your eyes open and see clearly. These guys who gather on the streets and try to deny the legitimacy of a regime through street politics can only be called thugs!" Anderi sneered disdainfully,

" Comrade Kryuchkov, there is no need to keep the news in your heart. It is time to speak out the news you have received about the imminent riot."

KGB Chairman Kryuchkov was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Anderi to know the news just received better than himself. He nodded and said,

"Everyone, a major disaster is about to happen in the Soviet Union. According to the news received by the KGB, someone There is going to insight an armed riot.

Those who want to overthrow our regime are going to lay siege to some strategic places in the capital, including the headquarters of the television station, the train station, and the two restaurants where the MPs live.

I also found a blacklist of The names of some government officials, including the vast majority of those present, will be executed along with their family members."

  Kryuchkov's words hit everyone's heart like a heavy hammer, and this kind of bad news made people breathless.

If Moscow is overthrown, the Soviet Union will inevitably fall into the quagmire of civil war.

  "So Moscow must be under martial law. We have to mobilize three mechanized infantry regiments, a tank regiment and a reconnaissance battalion from the Manta Division."

  Anderi spoke with authority as if he seems to have become the supreme leader of the Soviet Union at this time.

he issued an order to his colleagues in an orderly manner, "Comrade Pugo, the secret police of your Ministry of Internal Affairs have also been mobilized to enter the Red Square, important areas such as the Kremlin and the White House maintain martial law, remember to let them carry guns, once When something happens, shoot on the spot and never show mercy. I don't care who the guns are aimed at, as long as he violates the highest will of the Soviet Union and attempts to cause turmoil to the country, he must die."

  "In this way, will we betray our comrades?" Pugo worried that doing so would push the State of Emergency Committee into being the enemy of the people.

  Yanayev said coldly, "What? Could it be that MacArthur of the United States can bloodily suppress the veterans of World War I, and the Gwangju incident in democratic South Korea but we are not allowed to take up arms to protect the motherland? Comrade Pugo, if you are too soft-hearted, others will simply take advantage of you."

  Interior Minister Pugo was refuted speechless, while Defense Minister Yazov expressed support for Anderi's approach. Indicating that it is time to wake up those ignorant fools through iron and blood.

  Anderi is not afraid of those who are rebelling against the wall now. Major Yevdokimov, who supported Yeltsin, Major Agayev was taken from Moscow by him under one or another excuse half a month ago. The he was was transferred out.

Lieutenant General Grachev, Ivan rokozoski also became a political victim three months ago. The upper echelons of the Guards Division have already replaced reliable generals who are loyal to the Soviet Union.

It can be said that there is no one around Yeltsin who can protect him .

  "Comrades now the most important task is to assassinate the Soviet traitor, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin."


"Assassinate Yeltsin, did I hear you right? Comrade Anderi, I absolutely do not agree with your recklessness." Baklanov, vice chairman of the National Defense Committee, was the first to oppose Yanayev's plan, "We don't need to kill Yeltsin , we can just restrict his personal freedom and then coercing him to surrender his rights and resign from his post, there is no need to use assassination methods."

  "It will be too late " Andrei glanced at Baklanov and asked a question that left him speechless, "Yeltsin could move more than 100,000 supporters from Moscow's Science City to the stud field and it's just to protest the "Pravda" report about his drinking madness in the United States.

I wonder if anyone here can do this? Restricting Yeltsin's personal freedom, I am afraid that the news has not yet spread to the Kremlin, Yeltsin has already gathered armed fascist insurgents to support him."

  In history, the August 19 martial law and the plan to assassinate Yeltsin were only separated by one day, which led to the final tragedy.

At the moment when martial law began, Yeltsin acted faster than a cheetah, inciting people who didn't know the truth to riot in the streets. Compared with the emergency committee's slow action like a sick bear, Yeltsin obviously won at the starting line.

"Everyone, everyone, listen to me." Andrei took the videotape from Natalia that he was hiding this all the time, and said , "The videotape in my hand was given to me by Comrade Genorano, which recorded how Gorbachev was assassinated. The killer openly proclaimed himself as a Yeltsin supporter. If you are hesitating, being weak and compromising, Yeltsin will have a chance to continue to grow. The news of President Gorbachev's death has not been released yet, and the public does not know about it. So what if Yeltsin said that Gorbachev is assassinated by the Emergency Committee? At that time, Yeltsin's supporters will increase exponentially, and we will be crushed."

After a few more back and forth the the emergency council finally gave him the warent to assassinate Yeltsin.

Andrei came out of the meeting with a big smile. Natalia filled him in, " Sir, you there will be a midnight party in the kamlin, will you attend?"

The blonde in front of him is Natalia Poklonskaya, a a Ukrainian-born Russian lawyer. But Anderi knows about her as Putin's Waifu. He found her as a inturn and recruited her as his assistant, of course for her talent. Though Anderi has to admit she is turning out to be an excellent secretary then he thought.

"Of course, it's very important. Tell me about Lukasheko."

" Mr. Lukasheko has already secured most of the targets already, till now there has been minimal resistance though he is hesitant to find 14th number."

"Who is he ?" Natalia immediately took out the list .

"Oh.. it's General Negan Agayev from KGB, no wonder he couldn't find the courage. But he needs to be dealt with."

He turned to the other beauty beside him and said, " Yor take out this guy, he's from KGB so be careful."

"I know." She took the list and walked away coldly without a word.

Andrei couldn't help but to take a glance, (Nice thighs... Ah no.. this is not the time.. come on Andrei focus..)

"So that's the "Thorn Princess" of the east , you must have to spend quite a fortune to be able to recruit her, specially in times like these ."

Pugo spoke Anderi turned to face him. "Yes, nearly 10% of my father's wealth. And you know his frugality don't you. It's been a while, uncle."

"Well isn't this our little Andrei, so it's now or never for you ha? ... Whatever, i can't understand young people of these days.. so what's the plan?"

"The current battle plan is to quickly mobilize the army to enter Moscow under martial law, implement a state of war, and deal with anyone who violate the orders of the political commissars of the soldiers to be shot on the spot."

"When the army is stationed in Moscow and then issued an emergency order, we will catch Yeltsin by surprise, and the tank company will surround the White House as quickly as possible, without fighting, and completely surround the White House."

  "Surround but not fight, why?" pugo asked suspiciously.

  "Killing people is not what tanks do. Tanks are responsible for maintaining order and stability. We need to show the public how Yeltsin's tried to assassinate the General secratary."

" Why are you so determined to kill Boris? He's just a drunkard." Yanov couldn't help but to ask.

"You people underestimate him too much. Also he is backed by the west,we need to eliminate him. Moreover most importantly..."

Andrei paused for a moment

"Most importantly for the sake my asention to power Yeltsin must die!"


After the meeting they all came out of the venue with bloodless faces. Everyone knew that tonight would be a calm night before the storm, and tomorrow, the political situation in the Soviet Union would undergo an earth-shaking change.


At this time on the opposite side of the globe the United States was still in the dark afternoon of the setting sun.

In the Kennybonport Villa in Maine, an old man was sitting by the tv while his wife stood beside him, she patted the old man on the shoulder, and comforted him to relax .

  The old man couldn't relax.

He was the current President of the United States, George Bush, and beside him was the first lady, Barbara.

At this time, Bush was resting in the presidential holiday villa, but he was anxious all day by the news of the sudden coup d'état in the Soviet Union.

  Standing beside Bush is an old man with a bald head. He is the National Security Advisor of the United States, Brent Scowcroft.

It was through him that the news of the Soviet coup was passed on to Bush, who was still on vacation.

At this time, he was also in charge of becoming the mouthpiece between the intelligence agencies and the president, reporting the latest news to Bush.

"Brent, is there any latest data from the CIA ?" Bush asked, frowning. "According to the latest information, it seems that the situation is developing in a direction we did not expect. Damn it! "

  "I'm sorry, Your Mr president, the CIA is currently analyzing all the reliable intelligence. Presumably they will give you the best conclusion tonight." Brent said respectfully.

  "It seems that the intelligence department is having another sleepless night tonight." Bush laughed dryly, and blurted out his inner thoughts,

"I hope that the development of the situation in the Soviet Union will follow our direction, maybe the evil red empire will finally be dissolved under my turm."

"Rest assured Mr . President CIA has mobilized all the resources to support the democratic movements.

A few moments ago Boris Yeltsin contacted us for support and recognition. The situation will soon be in our favour."

"Is this okay? What if we would get found out?" Bush asked a bit hesitant.

" Please don't worry we contacted the bits to send their 007 and our Twilight to carry out missions. They'll definitely produce satisfactory results." He assured bush not knowing how fast the situation was changing in the Soviet union.


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