
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasi
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93 Chs


As Kerren entered the car, staring at the person inside the door behind him closer for good. Kerren felt that if he wanted to get out he'll need to extend a considerable amount of mana...

The person sitting there, however, wasn't someone Kerren knew. However, even if that was the case Kerren wouldn't be able to recognize them, as that person was under the effect of a spell that hid one's appearance and aura.

It's not like Kerren did want to try to see through it with his spells, but that could be considered rude... Thinking about being rude after being kidnapped is strange, i agree.

- Brave enough to kidnap me but not brave enough to start talking first? Interesting -- Kerren said with an anusing expression on his face.

- Kidnap? -- the person answered -- I merely invited you. -- the figure smiled.

- Whatever. The hell do you want from me? Join your whatever bullcrap guild, organization or something? -- Kerren forgot that he was supposed to be scared now.

- No. -- the figure kept it short.

- Oh my f*kking god, start speaking now or i'll just blast the whole car. You have 5 seconds. -- he also forgot that blasting the car would probably kill him too.

- You are an interesting person indeed. -- the figure suddenly said -- We only want one thing - explain to us how you managed to leave the closed dungeon. -- the figure smiled as it said it's thing -- Of course, we will pay you for that information. Is 100kg of 100% pure "A" crystals enough? -- if only the figure knew that for that amount Kerren wouldn't even bother to move...

- Are you joking right now? -- it was now Kerren's turn to be mysterious.

- Is the price not good? How about 150kg then? -- the figure didn't stop offering Kerren that change.

- Stop the car, i didn't think you were so stupid -- He didn't even try to ask for more.

In Kerren's eyes such a method, even if it existed, could only be sold for several unique skill books. Forget about crystals, who cares about them?

Moreover, he didn't even have it and bullcrapping his way out of this situation was somewhat hard in his eyes, thus he decided to leave.

However, even after he said it the door didn't open.

- I see that you guys think too highly of yourself... -- he said as he started collecting mana deep inside of his body.

- It's a pity. We didn't want to hurt you but alas, you chose the hard way -- the figure said as it tried to grab Kerren!

- Too bad you're no better than me in making decisions. -- he answered as he blasted a spell from his right hand!

It was another mana wave! Could he not use anything but that?... He could, it's just that it only had one downside compared to other spell - it's mana consumption.

Many other spells that he knew either had to be prepared or had limitations of some sorts. Mana wave however only required mana, everything else could be changed... for a price.

Thus, he used it as his main attack method. It was very effective. For example, righ now he blasted away the figure and half of the car without harming anything else but that!

Not even the road they were on was damaged! He had great control over his spells and wont risk harming anything he didn't want to harm in such situations!

The figure of whoever it was disappeared without a trace! What bothered Kerren is that... he didn't even feel that his wave hit it, as it was never there in the first place!

Of course, such spells did exist, but this one was too real... Either it was a great illusion casted by a strong mage or it was a phantom. Both had properties of being real and not real at the same time.

As he exited what was left of the car he saw that the driver's seat was empty aswell. He didn't even bother looking there as he already knew about phantoms, why waste time?

Many onlookers gathered to see what the hell happened here, why half of that car just disappeared and who's that guy walking out of it.

Kerren didn't stop to explain anything or to chat with them, he simply walked towards his apartment, thinking about his own things.


- How did it go? -- a figure in black asked in an unknown place.

- He managed to harm the body. -- another figure in black answered shortly after.

- Stronger than he looks, but stupid. Going against us wont do him any good. -- the first one said back.

- What about you? You seem to know more than us. -- the second figure suddenly asked the third figure who wore white and sat there silently.

- He's disobedient but not stupid. I think the price we offered wasn't high enough. He accepted the duel from a girl for... a unique skill book! -- she made a dramatic pause before revealing.

- A unique skill book? -- first figure gasped -- Where the hell did she get one? -- even for him it was too much.

- Dont bother asking, nobody knows who she really is. Trying to harm her could destroy our whole plan, so forget about it -- third figure looked at the second one.

- Hey, i didn't think about it!.. yet... -- it admitted it's thoughts.

- Maybe the girl gave him the method to escape the closed dungeon? -- first figure suddenly said.

- Perhaps, i wont be surprised if she actually has such methods. -- the third one answered immediately.

- Let's observe, we still have some time left. If none of our methods work we'll have to sacrifice them both. -- the second figure said with a heavy tone.

- I hope we dont have to do it... -- the third added quietly...


Several hours later Kerren was back home. He wasn't that far initially but that damned car tried to take him god knows where! He didn't even know where he is at first and had to use spells to see.

He didn't tell anybody about what happened or asked who could it be, he simply walked back alone.

He thought about many things, such as the unique skill book that was hair width close to completion, that figure, Yusaya and her knowledge that seemingly was too much for this world and the principle, who somehow knew how special Yusaya was.

All of that wasn't a coincidence and was somehow connected, but he didn't have enough information. Of course, he could just link them all together and be done with it, but doing so without any proof would just mean that he's stupid!

Thus, he sat on his bed and started reading the book. He had enough resolution to finish whatever was left! He had to get the skill since in some time he may have lots of problems because of whatever he got into!

Yusaya and the dungeon was one thing, but that figure? Who the hell was it? How did it know about the method? Did the guildmaster tell them? Kerren could only imagine that he solved that mystery...