
Master of all

Since noon when the fight had started between the two, it was already midnight.

"Please, kill me I-I want to stop... I have tried all I can I can't even land a hit on you no matter how fast... please just kill me" Garagos said.

Rein grinned, "who sent you?"

"Tempus" he answered straightway without wasting time.

"You are his exarch right?" 


"Serve me?" Rein said to him.

Garagos was on his knees, he looked up at Rein, "the moment I decide to serve another master, his grace stops being upon me, i return to being an ordinary monster" 

"Don't worry, I will bestow upon you powers even greater and you will be able to grow"

"Grow?" Garagos asked with a puzzled expression.


"That is impossible, growth is a term that is meant for only humans, dwarfs and elves, creatures such has monsters like us cannot seek growth, it's impossible."