

The Founding day ceremony was nearer than ever, Rein had missed out on many activities and his A.P was now 60, he had to thoroughly prepare for the Founding day ceremony but thanks to his careless friends he was now a party leader, he jad many activities to get done but he was licensed to be able to enter the hunting ground which he was really thankful for, he steadily increased his levels and was determined to go through his first body enlightenment before the second test. But right now he had to get himself in order, even though he had no class, Rein didn't lack skills, in fact he had skills than many other earthlings. Rein caressed his jaw as he carefully sort out himself, he sat majestically in the thick leathered expensive couch, the party house was a very expensive place to behold it was extravagant and high class.

"hmm..... ..."

[status window]

Name : Weldeert Wimberley Reinard.

Level : 61

Class : ???

Class rating: ???

Profession :  pro gamer(upgradeable)

Health : 9510/9510

Mana pool stage : novice middle

Mana pool capacity : 300/5

Aura mastery : novice

Weight : 1100

Titles : pro gamer, SEER, Host of Godeye, Direwolf Alpha, First Artician

Titles effect : can acquire skills by just reading informations

                            about them, +1 stat points every time a skill is acquired, activates passive skill : stone wall, i can see everything. passive skill wolf language, all normal wolves you meet would enter the fear state, 20% exp gain when hunting monsters in pack with the direwolves. Exp gain +50%, when hunting for the first two weeks in the Artic continent.

Available stat points : 100

Class skills : ???

Profession mastery : advanced level 2

Acquired skill (30/6) : passive; stone wall(B) : blocks keen eyesight which forcibly reveals status window, passive; i can see everything(C); enables you to see 360° around you, wolf howl(C), draw sword(A), line sword(A), 100 000(S)

Saved skills : 300/17

Strength : 130

Vitality : 82

Agility : 150

Intelligence : 66

Persistency : 90

Insight : 283

Peep sight : 100

"my skill archive is so big... 300, at this rate I'll have skills and even forget I have them... But it really worries me that I have no class, I should hurry up and go through the first body enlightenment, things will get better from that point. For now I should check out these skills."

Rein grabbed the silver sword he had purchased earlier, he purchased a lot of expensive swords as he was indecisive which to use; longsword, broadsword, curvy blades, shortsword, Excalibur, katana-like, but he specifically loved the white sword, it was weightless and according to the blacksmith has what is called sword will, immediately he touched it before buying it a notification popped up,

[the sword of the white dragon]

[the ancient white dragon's soul rest in this sword as the sword was forged from it scales]

But the sword cost him a lot, it was more money than they had used to purchase the platinum class party house.

Rein arrived at the training hall which were neatly built, the floors were black tiled with in built damage absorber, every part of the hall had a damage absorber. He unshealthed the sword which made a short wailing sound.

'I don't have to shout at my skill name, all I have to do is picture it, like a virtual reality fantasy game' He closed his eyes, he calmed his breathe and in a split second he horizontally cut the hair, three seconds later the wall ahead of him made a smashing sound, few debris could be seen, he ran forward and touched the wall.

"I thought these were suppose to be damage absorber walls... Scams everywhere"

The wall hard a deep long straight cut in it, if Rein repeated the skill twice on that same spot, it would cut to the outside. To Rein surprise as he went back to his position the cut on the wall began to close, he's eyes widened. "it's a healing wall... Money sure is comfortable"

Unbeknownst to Rein he was the first in a hundred years to cut through a damage absorber wall.

He stood again and began to shoot the sword in the hair, his hand began to double, triple, quadruple till eyes could not tell how many times he was attacking the air it was in a short span of time but the skill took a toll on him, he was sweating as he stopped

[100 000 (S - rated) has a recoil, will you like to lock the skill in skill archive Y/N]

"no... It has a recoil but it's strong..." He looked up, several holes in the wall began to cover. The sword fell to the ground, he held his right hand and laid on the floor, "this should be enough to survive the founding day ceremony"

"this is nothing near enough" a footstep drew closer

"uh..." Reinard looked back and saw Jon coming.

"I appreciate that as our party leader you've got pretty deadly skills uo your sleeve, especially that last one 100 000 swords, it's incomplete isn't it?"

"how do you know that?" Rein sat up and looked at Jon, he doesn't seem to be surprised instead he was thankful he didn't call out the skill name, he would've looked so awkward. Jon reached him crouched and touch his arm.

"use it two more times and two more times and your hand will be ineffective."

"I can manage"

"haven't you been learning anything in class?"

"have they started teaching fight skills in your own class?... all the class I've attended so far they've mostly been dwelling on the history of each jobs, though it's helping, there's nothing I can do"

"oh as expected... warriors are a bit sloppy.... Anyways do not use that skill, if possible you might have to sit on the bench throughout the ceremony"

"you know I can't do that.... I've not participated in any activities while I was stuck in the library, what's your A.P?"


"mine's 60, if this week ends it'll go down to 50, at this rate I might get demoted"

"on that note there's an activity tomorrow, since it the last day of the week you might not want to miss it, and it'll be fun"

"fill me in", Rein stood up.

"it's a ball game... There's a ball guarder and a ball transporter, the ball transporter must get the ball past the opponent ball guarder to score A.P and by any means... I mean an.... y..... means"

"its sounds fun how many players"

"seven players, two ball transporters and one ball guarder"

"I'll try, I'll try"

He looked a bit remorseful, Jon looked at him and sigh. "are you scared?"

"I'm just a bit nervous, I'm pretty new to all this I wasted time in the library while you all got better and it wasn't like I was able to find so much of an answer to my problem"

Jon touched his shoulder, "lieutenant Reinard, right now you are weak, very weak..."

"you didn't have to spell out that fact.." Rein rolled his eyes at him,

"but you have great potential, even I am scared of how strong you'll be when we graduate, at the same time if you sit around and do nothing, all that potential will be wasted, so stand up and act, make your first debut tomorrow and make Vulla party proud "

" huh what is that? "

"Vulla... It's our party name"

"i thought I was in charge of names around here, and why don't you be the party leader if you want to be giving lame ass party names" Rein said.

"I'm sorry party leader..."

"I'll rename it"

"I originally came to give you report"


"we have alot of oppositions and there seem to be two more platinum parties which all seem to be stronger than us, even the gold class parties seem to think they can take us on and week because our party is weak, but regardless we have alot of applicant, it's just obvious they want to join because of the privileges that comes with being in a platinum class party"

Rein looked a bit frustrated, but soon clenched his fist,

'I want no one to look down on me, i must definitely get stronger'

Jon smiled, 'I like that look on your face'