
Chapter 184: The Ulamog: Third phase

'Damn... I can't last long with this injury..."

"Don't say that sir, the medical team are working so hard to put you in a better shape." Korral cautioned Hlofgar.

"You as well know, Korral. The reason I needed to jump in front of that attack. Once the attack hits him, he's gone"

Korral tightened his fist, "we will do our best to keep you alive. You can't die on imus vice-principal, I won't let you."


Just like Lionte's but larger and more enormous, chains covered the ulamog and disappeared. 

"My lord! Katherine! Hit it harder this time"

 Katherine jumped like a cat from the roof she stood, her leaping off destroyed the whole slate, with concise speed she collided with the ulamog, the ulamog went two steps back and she crashed back into the floor.