
The World Creator System

The main character died from an accident on earth and has been lucky enough to be born in a cultivation world as the 10th prince of an empire that has been occupying half of the continent’s land. He will have great cultivation talent detected and a hidden rune talent. The main character was an addicted gamer on earth and died of a heart attack due to excessive drinking of energy drinks. He has played all the games the earth can offer. The main character will design worlds based on Earth's game which the system will create. All he needs to do is to pay appropriate energy stones to the system.

TheUnknownVlogger · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Book 1 - Chapter 8: The First User (3)

When all the information has been installed within Fiona's mind, her eyes went to complete shock. The details of the bracelet as well as the power to create the amazing rune have made her sure that her son was a completely monstrous genius!

She excitedly looked into Eric's eyes directly and asked, "S-son… this…" Eric knew what he needed to do, and so, he quickly explained how he made the rune, of course, he never mentioned the system's help but did a story about the rune talent giving him techniques he never knew before and was able to create the rune within a year.

Fiona believed it and asked if Eric could create more bracelets like the one she held, which Eric confirmed positively, then, she got excited and then realized the 1,000 bracelets Eric asked for before. She wanted to confirm with Eric if he already made 1,000 of the bracelets. Eric saw the expression of his mother and before Fiona even asked what was on her mind, Eric confirmed that all the 1,000 bracelets were already imbued with the same rune.

She went silent and quickly called out her main guard and asked them to convene at the training yard, all 1,000 guards assigned to her as her personal guards, were provided by her own family.

After a few whiles, Eric, his mother, maids, and guards were all gathered at the training yard. Since she wants to avoid anyone knowing the extra talents her son has, she asked Eric to summon the bracelets out and have them transferred to her own spatial item.

Fiona quickly brought out the bracelets of her spatial item and quickly asked the maids to distribute each of her guards.

The guards stood still while being handed the bracelets to them. Although curious, they all remained silent due to their training as soldiers and guards of the imperial concubine as well as the soldiers of the Middleton Noble Family.

Once all the bracelets were handed to each guard, Fiona ordered them all to wear the bracelets and sit down. When the guards followed, she asked them to bring out 2 low-grade energy stones and place them above the bracelets and activate their energies toward the bracelet.

They did and the same thing that has happened to Fiona happened to all 1,000 guards. Which made them all shocked.

Fiona called them out to remain calm and asked them all to select the Monster Island world within the bracelet and choose to log in. She also added that they had to remain in the world for 15 days and no one was allowed to log out.

They all followed and once all 1,000 guards chose to log in, all of their minds were transported instantly within the world and experienced the same thing Eric did.

Since the cultivation levels of each guard varied, some were in the earth realms while some were in Heavenly realms, so, the highest level of monsters within the world to be summoned as the last wave would be those of heavenly realms.

All 1,000 guards went silent after sitting and then, Eric heard a notification from the system as well as the hologram notification showing the result of logins.




Eric was pleased to learn that he earned a thousand points. It was a big number so definitely it was pleasing!

As minutes passed, both mother and son, with some maids, observed the silent and sitting guards, while the guards in the monster island world were being beaten black and blue by the infinite number of mortal waves of monsters.

[to be continued]

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