
The World Creator System

The main character died from an accident on earth and has been lucky enough to be born in a cultivation world as the 10th prince of an empire that has been occupying half of the continent’s land. He will have great cultivation talent detected and a hidden rune talent. The main character was an addicted gamer on earth and died of a heart attack due to excessive drinking of energy drinks. He has played all the games the earth can offer. The main character will design worlds based on Earth's game which the system will create. All he needs to do is to pay appropriate energy stones to the system.

TheUnknownVlogger · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Book 1 - Chapter 21: After 14 years... (2)

After reminiscing that morning, he quickly washed himself and dressed up in his imperial robes. His height has reached 6'1 already and could be said to be a tall young man by Earth's standards, but for the cultivation world, not really.

As he exited his courtyard, he was met with his maid and they both walked towards his mother's room to let her know that he'll be attending a meeting with the emperor, his father, along with his other siblings.

The day was the exact planned date for Eric to swear allegiance to his eldest brother as a supporter for him to be the next emperor in line. Eric knew how politics work and how dirty it could get with the monarchy system and it really didn't match Eric's ambitions.

Eric and his maid reached his mother's courtyard and stepped inside, he saw his mother sitting on a chair and smiling and watching as the birds were playing in the yard.

"Mother." Eric called.

"Oh, Eric? How's your morning?" Fiona asked.

"It's a good one Mother. Just want to tell you that I'm on my way to the meeting." Eric answered solemnly.

"Is that so? Then, be on your way now, lest you get there late." Fiona urged with a soft smile on her face.

"Okay, mother. See you later." Eric bid farewell to his mother and walked out.

*** *** ***

At the throne hall,

The emperor, ministers, Eric, and his siblings were there uniformly to start the meeting to discuss the state of the empire.

As the discussion started, Eric just stood on the sideline and never spoke a word. He only listened to their plans. At the moment, the empire has its army improved through that Monster Island world Eric created. His father was very satisfied with its results and his father has many times mentioned the unification of the entire continent under their banner.

After hours of discussions, Eric's father asked each of the princes who attended the meeting on what would be their suggestions or views on the plan to unify the continent. The eldest brother of Eric and the crowned imperial prince, Raven, provided his own insights and use power to completely dissolve the sects and make a single institution within the empire to teach the cultivators and mortals of the empire regarding cultivation, this was, according the Eric's eldest brother, would make every citizen attached to the empire until their death.

On the side, Eric nodded a bit, and this was noticed by his father who then turned his head toward Eric and asked the same.

"Father, I believe eldest brother is right. I support his view on this one." Eric said.

This made his father and his other siblings surprised as this would show that their youngest brother was aligning himself with their eldest brother, the crown prince. However, Raven, the crowned prince, was quite cautious towards Eric. It was not hidden, and has been explicitly shown by their father the favors he gave to Eric, so, he must tread carefully and make sure Eric won't take his light off of him on this meeting.

"Brother, if that is so, I'm glad that we're of one mind, do you mind telling us your own plan on how to implement this?" Raven asked. Their father went silent as he wants to know also on how his youngest genius of a son would solve this puzzle of conquering the whole continent.

"Well, brothers, father, and ministers. I would like to announce first something if that's okay?" Eric replied.

All the people around Eric nodded and his father signaled him to go ahead.

"I'd like to swear allegiance to our eldest brother as the current crowned prince of the empire and would be his greatest ally until his death!" Eric spoke resolutely.

[to be continued]

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