
The World Creator System

The main character died from an accident on earth and has been lucky enough to be born in a cultivation world as the 10th prince of an empire that has been occupying half of the continent’s land. He will have great cultivation talent detected and a hidden rune talent. The main character was an addicted gamer on earth and died of a heart attack due to excessive drinking of energy drinks. He has played all the games the earth can offer. The main character will design worlds based on Earth's game which the system will create. All he needs to do is to pay appropriate energy stones to the system.

TheUnknownVlogger · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Book 1 - Chapter 12: Proposal to the Emperor (2)

Eric closed the points shop as he only has 1,000 points in his balance and should think about buying things later on when he got enough to splurge on. As for the accumulated 4,000 energy points, he added them to his cultivation level, and from [3rd Stage Soul Realm (2,000/100,000 Energy Points)], it became [3rd Stage Soul Realm (6,000/100,000 Energy Points)]. Eric quickly felt the pure energy enveloping him and seeping inside his pores towards his energy core.

Satisfied with the result, he slept.

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Another day started and Eric woke up, ate, and prepared his clothes. After getting out and being assisted by his maids and guards, he met with his mother, who was also dressed up, and walked beside her toward the emperor's throne hall.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

When they arrived, the guard announced their arrival and got approved to go in. The emperor, Eric's father, was sitting on the throne and just gazing at his concubine and son. Silence covered the whole hall and all the ministers and the guards just stared at both mother and son, waiting for them to blunder whatever it was they wanted to ask of the emperor.

As soon as Eric bowed, he quickly gazed directly into the emperor's eyes and released his energy.

The guards and ministers were surprised and one of the ministers, who was on the empress' side quickly acted as if it was the most heinous thing the imperial prince has done in front of their majesty. "Presumptuous! How dare you show your energy in front of his majesty! How disrespectful of an imperial prince! I implore his majesty to discipline the imperial prince, hence he affects the attitudes of other imperial princes and princesses!"

The emperor heard it and just raised his left eyebrow. He was also wondering why his son, the 10th prince of his empire has done this, but he waited for his son to speak up. He actually respects his son to be daring and able to back it up! It's as if he was seeing his younger self in his son!

On the other side, Eric's grandfather was also laughing in his thoughts and remembered the time his son, the current emperor, did the same thing during his reign. What a father and son!

Again, silence enveloped the hall and the minister who talked was embarrassed as his speech didn't affect his majesty. All the other ministers who were against him were also smirking at him as if they were mocking him for acting stupid in front of them.

A few more seconds and the energy Eric released was turned off and silently disappeared. Eric then pulled a bracelet from his storage ring. This spatial item was issued by his mother to hide the fact that he has spatial talents and avoid being targeted further by his siblings and other concubines as well as the Empress.

All the people inside the hall curiously gazed at the bracelet Eric took out from his spatial item and quickly asked it to be handed to his father, the emperor.

The guard quickly approached Eric and took the bracelet and walked towards the emperor, he handed it to the minister and the minister personally handed the bracelet in his majesty's hands.

The emperor inspected the bracelet, but it appears to be a simple bracelet, he wondered what was in it for his son to give him this thing so he asked, "Eric, my son, what do you want to say by giving me this bracelet?"

Eric went silent for a few seconds and answered, "Father, my emperor, this bracelet is the result of my hard work, and would like for my father to check it if it's something that can help our empire."

"Oh." The emperor's curiosity quickly went up a notch when he heard something ridiculous from his son's mouth. Even the other people inside the throne hall were also surprised by the imperial prince's words, would the bracelet be something that can help the empire? But what kind of help? Was it a treasure of high value?

"I see that it's a low-grade item, so, how could this item be of help towards our empire?" The minister who instigated before speaking.

Eric heard it and smirked. "If Father wants to know, please input energy into the bracelet and put 2 low-grade energy above it. All the things you want to know about the bracelet will unfold."

Curiously, the emperor did what his son said, although trust between the emperor and his sons and daughters was tight, betrayal was still a thing for royal families. But what can a 6-year-old do? And how can the bracelet of low-grade quality hurt their powerful emperor?

And so, the energy was input inside the bracelet and the 2 low-grade energy stones were consumed. The emperor was surprised by the sequence of events and then, the introduction process has begun, all the information about the uses of the bracelet quickly went into the emperor's mind.

[to be continued]

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