
Level Upping To level 10

Winston calmly watch Lachius stats and he was quite regretful. Because when he saw his stats he was amazed.

[Lachius Grayla] (Elf) Level 22

Talent:S Grade

state: Heavily injured(In the brink of death)

'Such a pity that you would die on my band's He thought inwardly. He eventually raised his newly acquired sword and raise it up and he cut Lachius throut. He then signaled Anthony to drink Lachius Grayla's blood. Nathony excitedly obeyed. Under everyone's envious gazes he immediately started drinking Lachius blood.

When Helena and the remaining 3 elves saw what happened to their leader they where furious and screamed while cursing at the top of their lungs saying:

"Bastards how dare you!"

"Pls stop what you are doing"

"You animals!!!"

Of course Helena was the most fierce curser. She said that all of them would be dead when the reinforcements of their highness come.

Winston did not mind her curses before because he was so focused at his stats.


[You have level up to level 9]

[ You have level up to level 10]

It did not stop their. It only stop when his exp bar was 98 percent.

When Winston heared what she said his interest was immediately picked. So he started walking to the direction where the captured elves where.

He then calmly stared at her. She also stared at him but with hatred in her eyes.

"Would you like to repeat what you said earlier miss." He suddenly smiled charmingly but for Helena and the other elves it was like a Death smiling at them or a pervert molesting a 10 year old girl on a alley.( Paedophile)

"Don't you come near me!" She said in fear.

"Don't worry miss, I won't hurt you."He smiled gently. Then continued. " You will just to answer some questions from me. OK" He again smiled which made Helena again shuddered. Not wanting to reply.

"Did you hear me miss?"


"Ok now I'll asked some questions ok?"


When Winston was done questioning her. He immediately begun to think of a way to delay the elven warriors who where going yo enter the underwater cave. He eventually come up with an answer.

"Anthony come with me." He called Anthony who was done drinking Lachius blood. Then he turned around facing Lich. " Lock them in a room. We can still store them as the vampires food." He paused for a while before he continued." Feed those two to the ones who did not join the battle."

Lich just nod it's bony head and went back to the prison.

Anthony immediately come to Winston.

"Bring some ordinary vampires and come with me." He said calmly to Anthony. Anthony obliged and he brought 5 ordinary vampires.

Winston lead the way while Anthony and the others kept quiet since they did not know where Winston would bring them.

He lead them to the hole which he used to come in this cave.

"Where here!" He said with a sigh." Think of a way to block this entrance. So those bloody elven bastards can't come in."

Anthony and the five vampires where surprise to see that the hole was big enough to fit 5 people.

They thought about it for a while before coming a plan on how to temporarily block the hole in which the elves reinforcement would come.

" Your Majesty, we can block it using stones but we have no stones near here." A vampire said while he look around.

"Its simple use your claws and dig some stones at the walls here." Winston said calmly.

When Anthony and the others heard what he said they felt it was so senseless and immature but they have to oblige, since it was the majority's order, they have to do what he said.

They reluctantly started digging the walls using their claws.

They dig a massive stone and used it to block the entrance of the cave.


The main force that will search the whole prison did not know that their entrance was block by a massive stone.

So when they where at their destination, they where domfounded and petrified at the same time when they saw a massive stone was blocking their way.

They immediately went back to the river bank and reported that a massive stone was blocking the entrance to the secret cave.

In a massive tent in the middle of the elven camp. A thunderous voice come out from the massive tent.

"The fucking shit are you spouting!"

When Rashiel heard what they reported he was immediately enraged. Rashiel was the commander that was ordered to be the commander that would command this exploration. He doesn't have a good temper so he was famous for being the Bad Tempered Commander.

"Idiots find a way to open that entrance!" He ordered fiercely.

"But sir we can't move the thing. " One of the members of the main force that would enter the secret cave complained.

"Then break it! You bastards can't even lift a God damn boulder."

"Sir it's not a boulder but a massive stone." One of his general said.

"Shut Up! I don't care if that thing that is blocking our way to the entrance of the cave is a giant boulder or a massive stone. I just wanted you to enter that cave and now you where block by this piece of shit stone!" He said angrily.

"Are you fucking kidding me!!!!"

"Uncle chill, okay just be calm okay?" A pleasant and sweat voice come out from the forest. A beautiful elf was walking out of the forest.

When the elves saw the beautiful elf coming out of the forest they immediately bowed down.

"Your Highness 3rd princess." They respect fully said.

"Okay enough with the formalities every one. Please stand up." She said with a warmth smile.

"Oh Yuling, you should get back to your tent." Rashiel was now trying to smooth his anger and frustration.

"Its okay uncle, don't be mad. I just wanted to walk around and went sight seeing in the beautiful scenery here." She is the elf who was the one who ordered the maskedman to search the hole. She was also the third princess of the Chigan Kingdom.

Rachuis was also the 14th Prince and was then biological brother of the current king of the elven kingdom.

"Oh yeah uncle. Second brother and fifth sister wanted to come but they. where busy defending the borders so they can't come here so. we should make the expedition faster." She said sadly. In her beautiful eyes you could see a hint of disappointment. When the elves saw the pitiful appearance of Yuling they immediately consoled her.

"Don't worry your highness third princess dont worry when we can force the Sheju Clan to be pushed back away from our. borders." One of the general comforted her.

"Yes your highness He is right."

"Yeah Highness third princess General Gurai was right. Since those Shejun Bastards are to overbearing and too unreasonable. "


They immediately turned around and saw a majestic Eagle hovering in the sky's. When it saw her highness third princess Yuling it became excited.

A mighty Blue eagle hovered on the air and it landed gracefully on the tent where they where at.

On its left a letter was wrap on it.

Sheju clan- A middle sized clan that can be matched of a middle sized elven kingdoms like CheJun. It also can overpower many small kingdoms.