
The World Champion Is Me!

Story follows the life of Kyousuke Sadako, A first year highschool student who lost his will to pursue his dream of becoming one of the World's Champions in the World Tournament that happens once every year.

OwariDa · Masa Muda
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1 Chs

The Day I Found a New Goal

"The Korean Eagles has been defeated by the Europe Warlords in the Semi Finals!"

An articulate voice of a shoutcaster echoed from the mobile phone I am holding.

I took a deep breath before I sighed. Took my butt out of the chair and goes out of our house with the phone in my hand, showing a banner of "Defeat."

Looking at it, my eyes looks more depressed than usual, it's only natural, I guess. Seeing the team and the champion you admired so much, a team with a lot of hopes for them, getting utterly defeated in a world tournament without having a chance to fight back. Seeing the moment where you thought they will reclaim their throne but instead falling rock-bottom really hits me.

It felt like pain and grief started coursing through me, as if I was actually a member of their team. Well, being able to be a part of powerful champions is out of my reach. But this feeling, this feeling that felt like it's going to crush me... It's almost like I've also hit rock-bottom like them.

"Hey, Kyousuke! Are you ready, yet? You need to hurry or you'll miss the jeepney!"

A sweet and calming call of my mother rang through my ears, I erased all the thoughts that I had in mind as I stand up. Taking my rectangular bag and putting the handle in my left shoulder, I walked out of my room that I will never see for a while as I gave my Mother a reply.

"I'm ready!"

As I walk pass the dining table, I quickly took two pieces of the toasted egg sandwich my Mother made.

Doing so, I say my last few words to part ways with them, with my Mother and my Father who's sitting in front of the table while watching the TV.

"Father, Mother, I'm leaving. I'll come back as soon as I graduate."

"Yes! Good luck, Kyousuke!"

My Mother enthusiastically and cheerfully replied. So is my Father before he moves back to watching the TV.

"Be careful, Kyousuke. Good luck."

"Thank you, Father, Mother. Then..."

Incidentally, my head spins around towards the TV as I heard a breaking news of a Sentinel rampaging in the middle of a train station. But shortly after, I took my exit from our house in a rather quiet manner. Then, I went to the jeepney station.




As I arrive at the jeepney station, I suddenly felt a bit uneasy, and the atmosphere become strangely hot just a few seconds ago. I thought perhaps it was because of the sun bathing me with its blinding heat and light as I take a line from getting to ride on one of the jeepneys, standing right beneath the scorching sky.

However, without a single notice, a giant Fire Sentinel, monster that is bigger and taller than a normal house came out of nowhere occupying the road where jeepneys supposed to go through.

"A Sentinel?"

Panic spreads wide and quick around the people in the station as the giant sentinel destroys one of the electric pillars standing beside the road its blocking off.

But unlike the people being startled at the giant monster, I took a stand, facing forward towards it. I let go off my back as I extend my right hand to the side.

Countless wisps of light appears as it slowly takes form of a black sword. With my mind set on taking down the monster with a purpose of letting off steam from what I watched not long ago, I took a grip of the sword I summoned and dashed forward with an irregular speed, charging towards the monster.

"Look! He's a champion!"

"Kill it! Kid!"

"Hey look!"

The crowd started cheering for me as get closer and closer to the Sentinel. After reaching enough distance, standing from above, facing the Sentinel who noticed me...


I took a high, quick leap directly towards its enormous head, and hits it hard with my sword.


But, when I thought I was the only one in the area who had the ability to fight monsters, as I pierce through in it's head.


Something sharp and metal hits my own sword.

I looked forward and what I see is a face of a pretty girl, looking confused and surprised as our swords meets one another.

After that, everything went back to normal as I get to ride on a jeepney towards the school I'm admitted.

Hi! It's Christa Scarletblood Author! Just want to confirm that I won't stop it's story and focus on this one, I simply want this one to get out of my head before I forget it. This story is heavily inspired by the game that I really like and the events of the tournament that happened recently. Anyway, I'm thinking continuing to release chapters of this story, but i don't think it'll happen very often, but anyways, I'm out for now. Thanks everyone.

OwariDacreators' thoughts