
The World Beyond Me

Tags: Isekai, High Fantasy, Time Travel, Reincarnation, Philosophy, Psychology. Premise: In the depths of despair, a shattered soul devoid of hope becomes entangled in a life of crime. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn when, during a police chase, a speeding truck alters his existence forever, transporting him into a realm of fantasy. Here, he is bestowed with a fresh start – a new body, a new name, and a second chance at life. Little does he know, malevolent forces lurk in the shadows, concealing the true nature of this extraordinary world. Can he find redemption? Can he find happiness? Can he save the world? Find out in "The World Beyond Me"

hawgaminghq · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Interlude: The girl and the demon

 Five millennia in the past, during a forgotten era a girl was born. She was born into a humble villager family in the lands of the Graydragon empire, she embraced a tranquil and contented life, despite the meager earnings that sustained her household. Her upbringing followed the traditional expectations for a girl, immersing herself in the art of agriculture as she matured. At the tender age of five, she was bestowed with the name Ayaka. Yet, as the years unfolded and Ayaka blossomed into a spirited fifteen-year-old, an unexpected twist altered the course of her destiny. The threads of her fate wove into an arranged marriage with the scion of a wealthier family, a decision made by elders seeking to secure familial ties. The once carefree and independent Ayaka found herself shackled by this union, a prospect she vehemently despised. The weight of tradition and societal expectations clashed with her free-spirited nature, creating a turbulent internal conflict that would shape the trajectory of her life in the ancient realms of Graydragon.

One fateful day, Ayaka uttered a bold declaration, breaking the oppressive silence that surrounded her: "I want more."

Trapped in a loveless union with a man she despised, Ayaka found herself ensnared in a life that lacked fulfillment and joy. The stifling constraints imposed on her as a woman left her with limited options—she couldn't easily break free from the clutches of this unwanted marriage. The rugged, high-altitude mountain range that cradled the Graydragon empire stood as both a formidable barrier and a symbol of the challenges that thwarted her escape.

"I want more" the girl murmured again.

Questions tumbled through her mind like leaves caught in a tempest: Could she escape the shackles that bound her? Was it possible for her to rise above the circumstances that held her captive? Could she summon the courage to forge ahead into the unknown?

"Is my fate to wither away within these walls?" she mused, a cloud of uncertainty enveloping her thoughts. „I want more"

   Despite a lifetime of virtue and goodness, she found herself entangled in a marriage devoid of love and a life she longed to escape. The dissonance between the person she was and the existence she now endured left her grappling with the injustice of her situation. As she confronted the stark reality of her discontent, the girl's introspection unfolded like a delicate flower in bloom. In the silence of her contemplation, seeds of defiance sprouted within her, challenging the notion that she was destined for a life of unhappiness. The search for her own path to fulfillment began, as she entertained the idea that perhaps, just perhaps, she could redefine her destiny and break free from the chains that held her captive.

"I refuse to be confined; I can't allow this to happen. I yearn for more than this," she cried out, her voice carrying the weight of determination.


   Determined to address her stifling situation, Ayaka summoned the courage to confront her husband the next day. Despite her certainty that he would vehemently oppose any plea for freedom, she felt compelled to voice her grievances. His authoritarian nature, evident in the stringent restrictions he imposed on her life, left little room for autonomy. Every aspect of her existence seemed confined within the boundaries he set. In this town governed by her husband, who held the esteemed position of Mayor, Ayaka's every move was dictated. She could only venture outside for essential tasks like shopping, her wardrobe frozen in time by his decree. The notion of making friends, forming connections beyond the walls of their home, was dismissed as unnecessary. Her husband, with misguided intentions, claimed this strict control was an expression of his affection, an assertion Ayaka vehemently contested. For her, what he called cherishing felt more like captivity. As she prepared to confront the Mayor, Ayaka grappled with the realization that her fight for freedom would not be an easy one, challenging the very foundations of the life she had grown to resent.

   "My dear," Ayaka pleaded, her voice trembling with a mix of desperation and longing, "I yearn for more, to step outside and embrace the world. I miss the golden wheat fields and the whispering forest. I miss it all."

In response to her heartfelt expression, instead of understanding, she was met with a brutal slap. The sting of his hand against her cheek reverberated through the room, an echo of the oppressive silence that followed.

   "You're nothing but a worthless whiner!" he spat, his words dripping with disdain. "You can't even satisfy me properly in bed. "You can cook, you look good, but you're not even worth the money I paid for you. Five years together, and you can't even give me a child," he sneered, delivering another cruel blow.

It was true. As a married couple, it was expected that they shared a bed, and Ayaka dutifully committed herself to this aspect of their relationship, giving her all—or at least what she could muster. Whether it was a consequence of Ayaka's persistent struggle with depression or another underlying factor, the unfortunate truth remained that they had never succeeded in conceiving a child. This inability to fulfill her presumed duty weighed heavily on her, for her sole purpose, it seemed, was to bear the heir who would inherit the prestigious role of the town's next Mayor.

As the physical and verbal assault intensified, Ayaka found herself caught in a relentless storm of degradation, each harsh word and strike further eroding her sense of self-worth. The very foundations of her being were shaken, yet within her, a flicker of defiance ignited—an ember of strength that, despite the darkness surrounding her, held the promise of a flame that refused to be extinguished.

In the heat of the moment, mustering her courage and she run away crying and locked herself in a room and fell asleep in tears.


   In the stillness of one night, Ayaka awoke to an unsettling cacophony. An otherworldly chant echoed through the walls, relentless and demanding:

   "Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!" The very fabric of her surroundings seemed to pulse with the sinister incantation. The voices, disembodied and haunting, infiltrated her thoughts, accusing and goading her.

   "He is forcing you to submit, isn't he? He is the only one chaining you, Ayaka! If you eliminate him, you will be free! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

The relentless repetition of those words reverberated through her mind, a relentless drumbeat of desperation. Ayaka's head began to spin under the weight of conflicting emotions—fear, confusion, and the desperate desire for liberation. The walls, now seemingly alive with whispered torment, presented a twisted choice that danced on the precipice of her sanity.

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! The voices continued.

   "I have to," she whispered with an unsettling smile. The word "kill" escaped her lips, and an eerie laughter followed, reverberating in the stillness of her room. A vision of freedom, like a mirage, took hold of her thoughts, compelling her to sit up in bed. Amidst the chaos of despair and the intoxicating lure of revenge, a blinding anticipation of freedom enveloped her. The walls seemed to distort, melting away before her eyes, revealing a vivid scene of endless fields stretching into the horizon. It was a glimpse of the liberation she craved. It was freedom.

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! The voices raged on.

She smiled hearing them.

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! 

"I despise the powerful; they wield strength to snatch away the freedom of others. They manipulate and toy with people as if they were mere objects," she mused, bitterness tinting her words. "In this world, there is no semblance of equality, only rulers and the ruled. "Which one I want to be?"

"I want to be free."

In an unsettling calm, she rose from her bed, a knife clutched in her hand. Swift and purposeful, she made her way to her husband's room, slipping quietly beside him in bed.

   "My dear, I apologize for today," she whispered with a deceptive sweetness, concealing her true intentions beneath a veil of false charm. "How about we try again, indulge in me as much as you desire?" she teased, a cunning smile masking the darkness that lurked beneath.

   "Sure thing, m'lady," he responded, unaware of the impending storm that loomed in the guise of Ayaka's deceptive calm.

Just when her husband was about to put it in her, she grabbed the knife and. STAB straight into his neck.

   "GRAAAAAaaa" A guttural roar erupted from deep within her as an inexplicable force compelled her to continue. Stab after stab, the knife found its mark—into the stomach, the heart, everywhere. Each thrust carried a chilling determination.


Her primal scream echoed in the room, a symphony of rage and release. The voices, now spurred on by the gruesome spectacle, intensified their sinister chorus. "Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!" they urged, their encouragement merging with the relentless rhythm of her stabbing.

   "WAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" she laughed as she beheaded her husband.

Her naked form, bathed in the bloody aftermath, gazed upward at the ceiling with a twisted smile. "Is this what you wanted?" she taunted the unseen forces, her voice carrying a strange blend of satisfaction and derangement. The guttural roars persisted as she continued her relentless stabbing, each plunge of the knife bringing forth a fresh cascade of blood that painted her naked body. With every stab, the room seemed to pulse with a morbid rhythm, a grotesque dance that mirrored the dark symphony playing out in Ayaka's fractured psyche.

Abruptly, the voices that echoed from every corner fell silent, bringing an eerie stillness. Time seemed to freeze, suspending the flying droplets of blood and halting Ayaka's knife mid-air.

A mysterious voice pierced the hush.

   "I will grant you the power you seek, Ayaka," it spoke, its tone carrying a weight of otherworldly authority.

   "Your longing is for freedom, is it not?" The voice persisted, encouraging Ayaka to embrace a life of liberation.

   "Be free and set others free," it declared, outlining a profound purpose for her existence.

"HUH?" Ayaka, momentarily stunned, halted her cold-blooded assault.

A man in a long greyish coat jumped into the room trough the window.

"I am Shouxian. Join me and we can free those who yearn for freedom."

The room was bathed in an eerie silence as Ayaka, her eyes ablaze with fury, confronted Shouxian. The stark contrast between her naked, blood-streaked form and Shouxian's composed demeanor set the stage for a chilling confrontation. Shouxian, with his short green hair and a mysterious object clutched in his hand, met Ayaka's accusatory gaze. The tension hung thick in the air, as Ayaka's voice echoed through the room, shaking the very foundation.

   "ARE YOU THE ONE WHO DID THIS TO ME?" Ayaka's scream reverberated, a raw and anguished cry that demanded answers.

   "No, Ayaka, this was you. Your pure hatred, a dormant force within you, erupted in a torrent that manifested in this gruesome scene. You did this."

The truth hung heavily between them, a revelation that pierced through the shock and confusion. Ayaka's rage, once concealed within the depths of her being, had now surfaced in a violent outburst. The room seemed to shrink as the weight of responsibility settled on Ayaka's shoulders. As Shouxian continued, his voice held a somber tone,

   "Your emotions, the darkest corners of your soul, finally found their release. The pain, the anger, all hidden away, erupted like a tempest, leaving this chaos in its wake."

   „This is the freedom you yarned for."

   „You freed yourself."

Ayaka's eyes, still burning with intensity, shifted between Shouxian and the aftermath of her unleashed emotions. The realization of her own inner turmoil mirrored in the disarray around her.

   "I am a member of the Ancient Chronos race, i am a demon that can control time, tasked with observing and aiding those who seek more than what the ordinary confines offer. In the past, present, and future. Ever since your initial call for freedom, my watchful gaze has been upon you." His gaze, a piercing sky-blue, bore into Ayaka, unraveling the layers of her being.

   "Countless souls find themselves ensnared in situations akin to a prison," he continued, his words resonating with an ancient wisdom.

   "Though I cannot directly intervene, I possess the ability to bestow guidance and provide the tools necessary to liberate them from earthly suffering."

   "Be my Apostle," he implored, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

   "Achieve the freedom that eludes so many."

   Ayaka, her mind tainted by a toxic blend of anger and insanity, remained oblivious to the deeper meaning behind the man's proposition. His words, a slow and deliberate flow, acted as a poison to the already fractured soul of the despairing girl. In the midst of her internal turmoil, Ayaka failed to grasp the significance of the choice laid before her. The demon's offer, a tempting yet enigmatic path, danced on the fringes of her consciousness. The celestial hue of his eyes mirrored the ethereal nature of the choice, a decision that could lead to salvation or further descent into the abyss.

   Ayaka rose from the bed with a determined expression, bridging the distance between herself and the enigmatic visitor. She extended her hand, a silent invitation for something unknown, a connection beyond the tangible.

With a somber confession, she spoke words heavy with the burden of her past,

   "I don't have anything to care about, anyone to care for. My life, if it can be called that, is a mere existence. Even if I were to continue living, the impending death sentence awaits me for taking a life."

The demon, an ancient entity with a purpose unbeknownst to Ayaka, responded by extending his hands towards her. A black ring materialized in his grasp, a symbol of a pact that would redefine Ayaka's existence.

   "Thy ring shall mark," the demon intoned, "you belong to me. Your body and soul are mine. You are now my Apostle."

As the dark ring slid onto Ayaka's finger, an alchemical transformation unfolded. From the pools of blood that marred the floor, a crimson dress emerged, enrobing her form. A fiery sensation enveloped her, a blend of newfound power and a profound sense of longing imprinted in her mind.

   In that moment, Ayaka experienced rebirth, shedding the shackles of her past self and stepping into an unknown future. A complex relationship unfurled between Ayaka and Shouxian, the time-controlling demon.