
The World Beyond Me

Tags: Isekai, High Fantasy, Time Travel, Reincarnation, Philosophy, Psychology. Premise: In the depths of despair, a shattered soul devoid of hope becomes entangled in a life of crime. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn when, during a police chase, a speeding truck alters his existence forever, transporting him into a realm of fantasy. Here, he is bestowed with a fresh start – a new body, a new name, and a second chance at life. Little does he know, malevolent forces lurk in the shadows, concealing the true nature of this extraordinary world. Can he find redemption? Can he find happiness? Can he save the world? Find out in "The World Beyond Me"

hawgaminghq · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Echoes of the Abbey

As the first rays of the ethereal dawn painted the sky, my horse-drawn carriage traversed through a realm untouched by the constraints of mundane reality. This enchanted land defied the logic of my past life, embracing the fantastical with every rolling hill and mysterious forest that unfolded before me. I could live as a typical person, doing the typical things for this world. Where I stumbled, I would get back up, dust myself off, and forge onward. I didn't have to be a low-life criminal anymore. I could do it all over again.

   Gone were the days of my existence as a low-life criminal. The threads of destiny rewove themselves, allowing me to embark on a new chapter, unburdened by the shadows of my past misdeeds. I marveled at the prospect of rewriting my story, starting afresh from zero that lay ahead.

   I will not say I died full of regret, but I had a miserable life. It's more like I want to achieve something better now. In the chapters of my former existence, I had my fair share of missteps, and I knew most of them. In the early chapters of my life in high school, a time when my awareness of personal faults was shrouded in the veil of obliviousness, much like many of our youthful selves. The echoes of teachers' scolding and the headmaster's reproach for minor acts of vandalism still resonate in my memories. In those days, the intricacies of their disapproval eluded my understanding. My friends and I reveled in what we deemed as innocent fun, unaware that the law categorized our enjoyment as an entirely different matter, as you might have guessed.

 Now, I can leave all those experiences behind me. Honestly, I'm not chasing anything extravagant—just a tranquil life, one that doesn't veer off course like my previous one did. That's all I aspire to.

   As I pondered these thoughts, the sun had fully ascended, casting its warm embrace upon the scene. Our carriage came to a halt, nestled against the backdrop of an ancient abbey constructed with bricks reminiscent of the Middle Ages. Dole and Jess gracefully disembarked from the carriage, moving with an unexpected vigor that belied their age.

   "I suppose their friends eagerly awaited their arrival," I mused, a tinge of bitterness coloring my thoughts as memories of companions from my past world resurfaced.

   "We've reached our destination," they declared in perfect unison.

   "Looks like you've recovered from your hangover; make yourself at home in one of the vacant rooms."

   "Sister Luna will be your guide," Jess affirmed, reinforcing the warm welcome that Dole had extended. The atmosphere crackled with eager anticipation, the ancient walls of the abbey seemingly murmuring the enigmatic secrets of a shadowed history.

   As I absorbed the ambiance, a revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning – the abbey was coeducational, a haven for both priests and nuns lived beneath a shared roof. In contemplation of my cultural roots, this disclosure marked a profound departure from the customs I was accustomed to. In places like Japan, and indeed many others, such a cohabitation would be deemed inconceivable, a potential breeding ground for societal incidents. Yet, in the tapestry of this unique religious enclave, it stood as an embraced norm, challenging preconceived notions Well, what do I know anyway?

While my grandparents adhered to the Japanese Shinto faith, I personally held little interest; I attended only when necessary. Despite my perpetual ignorance, I held the assumption that nuns and priests, in general, maintained minimal communication, often secluded in their respective mountain abbeys. But not in this world It seems like. The more girls I can see in my life, the better for me.

   The abbey before me, stood majestically. Its bell tower risen tall like it was reaching for the sky. In the bell tower an old copper sat, tinted by the greenish mark of time and weather. Its walls, fashioned from aged bricks reminiscent of a bygone era, emitted a timeless charm. The weathered bricks, marked by the graceful strokes of time, presented a warm and inviting facade.

   Stretching across the abbey, a grand hall doubled as a sacred church, echoing with the hallowed whispers of centuries. Adjacent to the church hall, two doors stood, each holding a passage. One, led to the dormitory wing of the abbey. It was this route that Sister Luna, a nun introduced to me earlier, led me to.

   "Huh, a girl leading me to a room, all alone—I know this scenario already," I mused with a knowing grin, as a sense of familiarity tinged with intrigue accompanied me on this venture into the abbey's hidden personal living quarters.


The girl, whom I had come to know as Sister Luna, stood about 10 cm shorter than me. Her shoulder-length blonde hair, partially concealed by a delicate veil, framed her face with an air of modesty. With each step, she led me through the hallowed halls, her movements marked by a natural grace that complemented her welcoming smile. Despite her shorter stature, there was an energy about her that defied expectations, and at first glance, she appeared to be around 18 years old, exuding a youthful vibrancy that added to the enchantment of our journey through the abbey.

In silence, she accompanied me on the short journey to my room. I speculated whether her lack of words stemmed from a distaste for strangers or if the gravity of her duty took precedence over engaging with a disheveled individual plucked from the street. The uncertainty lingered, leaving me to question the perception they held of me now. Was I a mere low-life drunkard, destined to be expelled from this humble abode once I regained my full health? The answer remained elusive.

Amidst my contemplation, we reached our destination.

   "Room 105, this will be your room for now" announced the priestess, her eyes emanating a genuine warmth that momentarily alleviated the doubts clouding my mind.

The door to Room 105 creaked softly as She pushed it open for me, revealing a small cell like room within the ancient abbey that seemed frozen in time. Quite a welcome, thanks to the police in my earlier life I was quite familiar with the cells in police custody. But this room wasn't like that, not even a little. The size might have been the same, but not the aura it gives out.

   The room, bathed in soft, golden hues from the filtered sunlight streaming through leaded glass windows, welcomed me with an air of peacefulness. The aged wooden floor beneath my feet groaned faintly, bearing witness to the countless footsteps that had traversed its surface over the centuries. A simple, sturdy wooden bed was pushed to the right side of the wall. Opposite the bed, a small wooden desk stood beneath the watchful gaze of a framed painting of an unknown saint. In one corner, a modest wardrobe stood, its doors revealing rows of simple attire.

   "Thank you, Priestess Luna" I thanked my guide.

   "Hm, hm, its nothing" she responded with a welcoming smile.

As I settled into the quietude of Room 105, the abbey's storied past became a silent companion, and the gentle ambiance wrapped around me like a comforting embrace from centuries past.

   "Damn, she was a really cutie" I concluded, as I lied down in my bed to try it out.

Had I mentioned, 'Try it out'? Well, I must have dozed off for about 4 hours, it seems, only to be roused by the echoing sound of the bell. Abruptly, a man with white hair, piercing green eyes, and a staff in hand swung the door of my room wide open, a door that, to my surprise, wasn't locked.

   "Good afternoon, traveler. I am the head priest of this humble establishment. My name is Rahmun." His unexpected entrance caught me off guard, pulling me from my peaceful slumber.

   "Good afternoon, Sir!" I sprang up from my bed, offering a respectful Japanese-style bow in greeting.

   "Haha, no need for that. I am not the king. While I may be the head of this place, I am just as much a commoner as yourself." After a brief, slightly awkward pause, he continued,

   "Anyway, what's your name, if I may ask?"

  "My name is Omen. I don't really remember anything, to be honest. So, I can't introduce myself properly, sadly. As you probably know, the traveling priests, Father Dole and Father Jess, found me drunk on a street corner. They brought me here so I could regain my health, and I am hoping to recover some of my memories too."

In truth, I did have memories, but they belonged to a life back on Earth—a life I preferred to forget. I held a silent hope that whoever I was now had retained some memories that could guide me forward. Well, an even better question loomed: who was I? Was I a noble? A commoner? Therein lay the challenge; let's utilize this time to uncover both myself and the world.

   "I see, well, we welcome whoever needs help after all, so make yourself at home," Rahmun said, his old yet vibrant green eyes now directed at me.

   "I sure will."

Well, it wasn't time for sleep just yet. It's actually the afternoon; our carriage arrived at dawn. After a brief nap, I awoke, realizing that I had a full day ahead to delve into the mysteries of the abbey and discover more about myself. First, I gotta know myself better.

I risen to my feet, and looked into the reflection the bowl filled with water that they used to use to face washing. And, so there I was.

   "HUH" I jumped back a bit, unable to believe what I saw.

Shoulder-length sky-blue hair tied into a ponytail tied the back of my head. The unexpected sight left me taken aback; blue hair was an anomaly I had never encountered in my life. Despite the initial bewilderment, I returned to the water, eager to further acquaint myself with this newfound revelation. Round brown eyes met my reflection, clear vision noting the occasional small facial hair. My face, slightly bony and rough, bore a tint of brown, a testament to the street dust of my past The day promised not only exploration of the abbey's secrets but also a journey into the depths of my own existence, now painted with hues of the unexpected. In the meantime it got dark outside.


   As I prepared to immerse myself in a relaxing bath, the realization dawned on me: "This body isn't so bad after all." It was no surprise; I had suspected it before.

My consciousness had taken residence in the form of a adventurer, concealed beneath layers of dust and blood on his chest armor, appearing to be around 20 years old. Contemplating the strangeness of my situation, I mused,

   "What am I even talking about? This isn't just some drunkard adventurer; it's me now. I do hope he enjoyed a good life, though." With a deliberate effort, I pushed the acceptance of my new physical form into my imagination, completing the act of undressing. There I stood, the transformed version of myself.

   Compared to my previous stature, I found myself shorter and less muscular, boasting a flat stomach, slender arms, and a relatively average build. It was what I would have termed a "background character look" back on Earth. The only distinctive feature that set me apart from the others was my shoulder-length sky-blue hair. Considering my new home in an old abbey in what seemed like the middle ages, it came as no surprise that there was no bath in my room. As expected, I draped a towel strategically around my more "important bits" and made my way to the communal bath.

   Walking on the narrow path adjacent to my room, I traversed a passage where the doors of neighboring rooms opened onto this shared space. My slow footsteps carried me towards the communal bath, nestled one floor below via a descending stairway. The second floor, in stark contrast, housed communal spaces, such as a kitchen and a food storage area, alongside the bathroom and toilet. Having navigated through this communal floor, I reached the entrance of the communal bath. The clock had struck eleven, casting an aura of solitude over the surroundings. Seizing the opportunity of an empty corridor, I confidently strolled with only a towel, shrouded in the hushed tranquility of the late hour. Approaching the wooden door to the bath, I proceeded with caution, mindful not to disturb anyone sleeping...

   I cautiously turned the doorknob, easing my way into the tranquil atmosphere of the communal bath. With a nonchalant demeanor, I stepped forward, allowing the door to close behind me. Casually, I unwound the towel from my waist, embracing the liberating feeling of being stark naked. However, my newfound freedom was abruptly interrupted by a melodic voice that resonated through the ambient sounds of running hot water:

   "Good night, Omen-san. It's quite late for a bath you know?"

   HAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I involuntarily shouted, startled by the unexpected company.

   "Don't be so loud, mister. It's only me, Priestess Luna. There are no monsters around," she reassured, her voice echoing in the spacious room.

   "Ye-yeah, t-that's the problem. You are here," I stammered, my face turned away in an attempt to respect the sanctity of the moment.

   "Yes, I am here because I came bathing after I finished my daily chores. Hmpf!" Luna responded with a hint of amusement.

   "I c-can-cannot look; that would be inappropriate," I mumbled, my hands instinctively covering my eyes.

   "Why not?" Luna inquired, a playful expression on her face as she placed her finger to her jaw.

   "Because you are naked?" I replied, attempting to justify my modesty.

   "Yes, and? This is a shared bath, you know; I don't know where you came from, but here we share a bath all the time," she explained matter-of-factly.

   "Really now?" I questioned, still shielding my eyes with my hands.

   "I don't know why you are even hiding your eyes," she giggled, dispelling the tension with a light-hearted demeanor.

With a slow exhale, I gradually uncovered my eyes, allowing the scene before me to unfold. Overcoming my initial hesitations, I gingerly descended into the onsen-like pool beside Luna, the warm water enveloping us in a shared moment of silent relaxing beneath the soothing glow of the small candle chandelier hang above the pool.

   Bathing next to me was an angel, or to be more exact Priestess Luna. She was beautiful, in the slightly transparent bath water illuminated by the light. Her beauty was nothing short of stunning, highlighted by the play of light on the water's surface. Adorned with beautiful blonde hair artfully tied in a bun to shield it from the water, her body was a canvas of purity – her face that radiated innocence, its whiteness delicately tinged with a hint of rosy blush. Descending further, her generously proportioned breasts, glistening in the soft illumination, drew my eyes toward them. Crowing the mounds soft and pink nipples, presenting a captivating and irresistible spectacle. Though leaning toward the larger side, her breast possessed an enticing allure, seemingly crafted to perfectly fit within the palm, an irresistible temptation. Beneath the surface, her stomach and legs gracefully remained veiled by the opaque bathwater, adding an air of mystery to each subtle movement. Priestess Luna embodied a harmonious convergence of propriety and sensuality, an elegant and alluring silhouette that maintained its magnetic charm even in the absence of clothing. Her naked form, a testament to refined beauty, managed to captivate with its purity while simultaneously arousing a primal fascination that lingered in the air.

With my blood flow quickly rushing to somewhere else, I moved a bit closer to Luna to take a closer look at her bottom parts. But just then, she spoke.

   "I know this is your first night here, but I have to ask, how are you feeling?"

   "Ah, well," I replied, "some aspects are notably different from where I come, while others are strangely familiar."

   "Hehe, interesting," she giggled with a playful smile.

   "So, Mister, you're an adventurer, right?"

   "Indeed," I admitted, unable to deny the evidence of my adventurer gear they found me in.

   "But I ended up drowning my sorrows in heavy drink after losing my teammate – and, well, a lot of memories along with it," I fibbed, weaving a tale to mask my true circumstances.

   "I see, my apologies. It's a sensitive subject," Luna responded empathetically.

   "If you've forgotten so much, perhaps I can assist with some books."

   "I appreciate that," I acknowledged, feigning gratitude.

 "You should know, I'm the librarian here. If there's anything you need to know, feel free to ask. Of course, there are other priests and priestesses who'd be willing to help too. Oh, by the way, I haven't properly introduced myself, considering the rushed welcome when you arrived," she continued.

   "I'm Luna, 18 years old, and I've been part of this abbey since as far back as I can remember. Left behind by my parents, the people here helped me grow. My passion lies in reading, which led me to become the abbey's librarian," Luna concluded, her words carrying a sigh of relief.

   "And I am Omen, I am 20 years old, even if I don't look that young. As you said, I used to be an adventurer before I got here. I had a sister, but she isn't with us anymore. There isn't much else I could say about myself, I am very uninteresting you see."

But then, she gently took hold of my hand, bridging the space between us with a silent reassurance.

   "Don't worry; everything will be okay. You'll recover your memories, and we'll help you, alongside others. Trust us. Trust me," she whispered with a comforting smile.

As her words sank in, tears welled up in my eyes, and suddenly, I remembered.

"Trust" – a concept I had never truly grasped. I had lived a solitary existence, devoid of anyone to rely on or trust. Even in teamwork, collaboration had been foreign to me; I operated on my own terms. It was that lack of trust that led to my demise; had I trusted my companions more, perhaps I would still be alive. Trust… What did it really mean? I yearned to understand, to grasp the essence of relying on others. In this new life, I wanted to cultivate genuine trust. I vowed to try, to face it head-on. This wasn't the old me anymore; I had a chance to make things right. I would earnestly attempt to trust, to truly trust.

I whispered, "I trust you..."

   "Hmm, I am glad" Luna responded.

She got out of the bath, dried herself, while I remained seated in the comforting warmth, my newfound determination resonating in my thoughts. I gazed into the mist-laden atmosphere of the room, the quiet ambience settling around me.

"I hope you're watching, sister. This time, I'll make you proud. Please, watch over us all."