
God Vs Godslayer.

"Ikaris!" Dina called exerting her newfound divine mana in her demigod state and lighting the way of an endlessly deep hole, at her side using the light she provided was Arla and right above them Sara was falling as well while Usami had used several spears to reach the corners of the hole and create a foothold for herself to retreat to the surface above.

"What happened?"

[From my observation, she tried to suppress the explosion brought by her baby's mana awakening, I managed to extend the dimension only in the direction her mana travelled in order to prevent a collapse but it has resulted in this terrain, I will take you to her.] Alpha answered and then there was a snap and all three of them disappeared and reappeared next to Ikaris who was at the very bottom of the hold with a small cloud of mana holding her above ground.

"Ikaris," Dina reached her side first and slowly rested her hand on her. "What the heck, she's unconscious."