
The world's end

DaoistTLWFua · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Have you ever wondered what would happen if those stories we all grew up on, about superheroes and supervillains, chaos and order, super powers all those, actually came true?

well that happened...and unlike what the books say, the heroes, they don't always win, in fact they ended up losing the war for this planet. heroes are a dying breed now, a flickering ember under the flowing waterfall that is villainy. don't get me wrong heroes do still exist, but under the rule of villains any who claim to be a hero gets killed without any regard or remorse.

me? oh I'm no hero I can assure you of that, I'm not so suicidal to save people who would just turn around and stab you in the back, no I'm what people call, and outsider. there's less then 50 of us left, and all of us are descendents of hero's who fought in the great war. we aren't heros though, simply people who don't live under the rule of the villains and do whatever we can to undermine them.

anyway back to what I was saying, I'm atlas, the son of Chiron one of the greatest heros to roam the land for the short half a century before the villains took it over. maybe these recordings can help give you future generations an insight into how our life was. and if your all still enslaved under villain rule, maybe be the thing that finally Kickstarts a revolution.