
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
124 Chs


After Sada had slammed the door closed, Draco scratched his head and yelled, "Don't worry! I'll be out soon!"

While this commotion was happening, the two girls began to stir awake.

When Draco looked at the groggy Rebecca and Emma, he saw them look over to him in confusion.

"What's going on?" Rebecca asked, still half asleep.

"Nothing at all, I was just talking with a business associate." Draco casually replied.

Rebecca lazily nodded her head, and laid back down next to Emma, who then curled up into Rebecca's arms.

Draco watched this and ingrained the memory into his mind. After all, the two cute girls cuddled up in his bed was a sight he didn't want to forget.

After the girls had laid back down, Draco walked back towards the bedside. He then reached down to pick up his robes and slid them over his body.

Draco secured his robes, and then rushed to the bathroom. In there he saw that there was a complimentary toothbrush, and he promptly used it to hastily brush his teeth.

A minute later Draco was out of the bathroom and heading out of the door.

Outside the room he saw that Sada was standing outside of his door and tapping her foot impatiently.

"I'm ready to go." Draco said, finally feeling awake.

Sada just rolled her eyes in response and began to walk down the hallway. As they entered the elevator, Sada turned to look at Draco.

"Listen, I'm not judging or anything.. But, you should be more responsible with the things you do in your free time." she said.

Draco was slightly annoyed at getting lectured so early in the morning. "What, I can't have fun anymore?" he asked.

Sada shook her head, "That's not what I mean, Draco. You must remember that we are on a mission for the princess. You mustn't do anything to compromise our endeavors or else the princess would have both of our heads."

Hearing Sada's logic, Draco sighed and had to admit that he had gotten a little ahead of himself last night.

"Okay, okay." he relented, "I'll be more careful in the future."

Sada just nodded her head, and the two continued their elevator ride in silence until they reached the ground floor.

Stepping out of the elevator, the two of them headed out of the lobby and onto the street in front of the hotel. Parked in front of the hotel was a familiar white SUV, and Draco and Amira walked towards it.

"I'm driving." Sada said, getting into the front seat.

"Shotgun." Draco said to no one, chuckling at his own lame humor.

After starting the car, Sada began to pull off and drive down the street. Soon, the car was speeding off into the distance, and Draco figured that they were going a little too fast judging by the number of cars they were passing.

"Shouldn't you slow down a bit?" he said, more than a little concerned.

Sada suddenly let out a laugh, and hearing it for the first time Draco thought that it was actually a very rich and joyful sound.

"Slow down? For what? I'm never allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, there's no way I'm not taking advantage of this!" she said, her black eyes glowing with a subtle golden glow.

Hearing this, Draco didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't want to begrudge Sada her small joys, but he also didn't want to get pulled over by the police.

'Isn't Sada just a hypocrite? How is this reckless driving not jeopardizing our 'mission' worse than what I did?' he thought to himself amusedly as the car continued to speed through the London streets.

Miraculously, Sada and Draco didn't get pulled over by a single police car while speeding through the crowded London streets.

Draco had to thank the heavy traffic for slowing them down, or he feared they really would have been pulled over during their short joyride.

After getting caught in traffic, it took the two of them 15 more minutes to reach the Luwey Vitton store.

As they drove up to the store, Draco noticed that there was a long line extending past the doors and down the street. Draco imagined that there were easily a hundred people waiting to get into the store.

The store itself was a massive glass building with a silver trim along its edges. The building's doors were two large glass panels, and they had two guards in front of them.

In the past, Draco would have simply overlooked these guards as your typical hired security.

However, now that Draco's body had adapted to Progenitor blood, he was actually able to sense a faint ripple emanating from the men's bodies.

Draco felt trepidation when he realized that he could feel their power all the way from the car!

Sada parked the car on the side of the street, and when they got out of the car they spotted the Ḥāmin towards the front of the line.

Draco and Sada then crossed the street and joined the Ḥāmin at the front of the line, much to the annoyance of those in the back of the line.

"Looks like we made it." Draco said as they settled in next to the Ḥāmin.

"Indeed." Sada said with a nod before pulling a phone out of her robes and checking it.

"The store opens in two minutes, prepare yourself." she said, a severe look in her eyes.


As Draco and Sada were preparing for their 'life-and-death mission', Muhammed was flying high above the skies of Dubai, about to undertake a life-and-death mission of his own.

He was in one of the planes taken from his father's private hangar, and the plane he had chosen could only be described as a behemoth.

It was over 80 meters (260 feet) in length, and contrary to the theme of the Khalid Dynasty the plane was black. There was a shining gold light emanating from lines along its sides, and it was moving at a blinding speed over the skies of Dubai.

Muhammed was seated inside the incredibly large plane's cockpit.

He sat in a captain's chair in the middle of the cockpit, which was truthfully more akin to a command center than a cockpit.

Muhammed sat on the raised center of the room, and surrounding his podium were rows of descending terminals and monitors below him.

Seated at these computers were around ten Ḥāmin, who all tirelessly worked to maintain the plane's functions.

"Ḥāmin, set the airship to circle the UAE." Muhammed commanded.

As the plane began to slow down, Muhammed got out of his chair and headed out of a door behind him.

Muhammed walked down the long corridors of the plane, taking a few turns before stopping in front of a large metal door.

After pressing his hand against a keypad, the door slid open to reveal a room that could only be described as a hangar bay.

The floor of the room was completely open, and as Muhammed walked into the room his robes were blown around by the fierce winds coming from it.

There was a long walkway over the hole in the floor, and from either side of the walkway were two raised platforms.

Seated atop the two platforms were identical aircraft. They were both relatively small at around 9 meters (30 feet) in length, but still looked quite fearsome regardless.

The aircraft had two wide wings with hover blades fixed in the middle of them, and they were both the same black color as the main airship. With a large gatling gun attached on each wing, the little aircraft looked like small fighter jets.

Standing on the walkway across from one of the aircrafts was a lone Ḥāmin, and he was silently inputting something into a terminal next to the ship.

As the Ḥāmin saw Muhammed coming, he opened one of the aircraft's doors and headed inside of it. Following behind him, Muhammed also got into the aircraft and then closed the door.

Inside the aircraft was yet another Ḥāmin who was sitting at the pilot's seat and prepping the aircraft for takeoff.

As the other Ḥāmin sat down in the co-pilot's chair, Muhammed took a seat at the back of the miniature plane.

Soon, the aircraft's engines had started, and the platform it was on began to recede.

The aircraft then ejected itself from the bottom of the main airship, and looking out of the cockpit Muhammed could see the large airship was now flying off into the distance above them.

Below them was a vast island with many towering, shiny buildings. Surrounding the island were picturesque tropical waters, and the entire scene looked like something out of a movie.

"Head to Greed's tower." Muhammed told the Ḥāmin, not intending to stop to admire the view.

The plane then began to tilt and head towards a colossal tower below them, and even though they were still hundreds of meters above the tower Muhammed marveled at its splendor.

It was shaped like a narrow cone with a rounded top, but it's glistening gold and silver exterior made the tower shine bright even among the other luxurious skyscrapers around it.

The top of the tower was adorned with a myriad of different metals, and it made the top of the tower shine like a disco ball against the bright light of the sun.

Looking at the quickly approaching Tower, Muhammed took a moment to steel his nerves. Even though he was calm on the outside, inwardly he was very anxious.

After all, Muhammed was about to directly face one of the strongest Progenitors known to the world.

This Progenitor has been amassing power since time immemorial, and was once known as one of Humanity's seven deadly sins.

Muhammed was about to face Greed, the Progenitor of wealth of decadence.

He knew that he couldn't fail in the face of such an unpredictable being, for if he failed, Greed's wrath would likely scourge the lands of Saudi Arabia.