
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
124 Chs


After Sada had sat down next to him, she turned to face him, "Draco, was it?" she paused for a moment, "I wish to talk about earlier."

Draco said nothing, and instead raised an eyebrow as he looked at her.

Seeing this, Sada continued, "I know I came off a little standoffish earlier… but I want you to know that I didn't mean anything by it."

Draco smirked, "A little?" he sighed and continued, "It's fine though, I've honestly heard a lot worse."

Sada nodded her head, "Well, if we're on the same page then things should be much easier."

Draco also nodded his head, "I agree."

"This mission should be fairly straightforward, but we must stay vigilant. Failing the princess is not an option." Sada said solemnly.

Draco didn't know why she was taking this shopping run so seriously, but he just smiled and casually said, "Already ahead of you."

As this conversation was happening the plane began to move down the runway.

"Draco, how exactly did you meet the princess?" Sada suddenly said.

Draco thought about what to say for a moment, but in the end decided to tell the truth.

"I'm actually her drug dealer." he said with a laugh.

When Sada heard this, she remembered what Amira had said earlier about his backpack, and a strange look passed through her eyes.

"She's still doing those types of things?" Sada said, her voice saddened.

"Well why shouldn't she? She's her own person, and what she decides to do with her own body is up to her." Draco said.

"It's not her body that concerns me." Sada shook her head, "As the daughter of King Zain, her blood is much too powerful for any drug to cause more than temporary effects. What I'm worried about is her mind."

She continued, "I don't know if you knew this, but powered experience the effects of drugs much differently from normal humans. While the risk of overdosing drops to practically zero, the sensations and experiences become several times more intense."

Draco seemed to follow her line of thought, and said, "So, are you worried that Amira is going to get addicted?"

Sada nodded her head, "It is not my place to tell the princess what to do, but please keep in mind that what you're doing can hurt her in ways that you can't see."

As Sada finished, Draco fell silent in contemplation.

He didn't know that drugs had such a heightened effect on powered.

But when he thought back to it, it made sense considering how eager Muhammed and Amira were to get their hands on some of his product.

However, Draco was no stranger to this conundrum. After all, he was a drug dealer. Getting people addicted to drugs was his forte, as addicted people were usually your best customers.

The only problem with this way of thinking was that Amira now meant much more to Draco than some random customer.

He didn't know if he could continue providing Amira with drugs if she was at such a high risk for addiction.

As Draco was thinking this, he felt the plane picking up speed.

Not much later the plane began to take off, leaving the towering royal palace of Saudi Arabia behind.


Over the course of five hours Draco watched as the plane passed over numerous countries and landmasses.

The sight was just as mesmerizing as the first time, and he only stopped looking when the ground became blocked by clouds.

Draco saw the sight of the sun setting from tens of thousands of feet in the air, and he felt that few things could compare to its beauty.

Eventually, a fairly large landmass came into view. Although it was quite big, Draco could still tell that it was just an island.

Seeing this, Draco realized they were now approaching the United Kingdom. He figured it wouldn't be too long until they arrived in London, the United Kingdom's largest city.

After another hour or so, Draco could finally see the sprawling metropolis of the city below him.

It was almost dark now, and the shining lights of the city had begun to illuminate the night sky above it.

The city seemed to have many tall buildings, and although it had far less skyscrapers, it sort of reminded him of Los Angeles.

However, unlike Los Angeles, Draco noticed that London had a wide river stretching through it. The river had several large bridges crossing it and reflected the lights of the city in its waters.

Draco had never actually seen London before, but seeing the familiar site of a sprawling metropolis brought comfort to him.

Draco could see that the plane was quickly approaching a runway, and not even five minutes later the plane had begun to touch down.

They had landed at Heathrow Airport, which was London's largest airport. There were hundreds of planes lining the terminals, and Draco could even see other planes touching down or taking off on runways next to him.

Soon, a small car came to taxi the private jet towards an area away from the central terminals.

Eventually the plane came to a stop, and shortly after Draco and Sada silently headed out of the plane. Draco had his backpack over his shoulder and Sada was carrying a small, rolling suitcase.

Walking down the plane's ramp, they saw that a lone white SUV was waiting for them on the airport's tarmac.

Standing next to the SUV was a white robed Ḥāmin, and Draco figured this was probably one of Amira's direct servants.

When Draco and Sada reached the SUV the Ḥāmin opened the door for them. After getting into the car, Draco heard Sada's voice.

"Alright, since it's night time the stores are closed. In the meantime we should head to our hotel rooms and rest for the night."

"Amira booked us hotel rooms?" Draco asked.

"The princess did, yes." she replied, putting extra emphasis on the word 'princess.'

She continued, "The first store opens in the morning, so if we want to buy her items we must be there before first light."

Draco nodded his head, "Sounds like a plan." He didn't pay much attention to Sada's annoyance at him calling Amira by her name.

As he finished saying that, the Ḥāmin had gotten into the car and started the engine. Not long after they were heading out of the airport and to their hotel.

While driving through London, Draco noticed that many of the streets were quite narrow, and that there were many tall buildings lining their outskirts.

A lot of these buildings looked very similar, and Draco thought that they had a Victorian-esque style to them.

Another notable thing was that they were driving on the left side of the road, and Draco was initially confused before he remembered that was how the roads worked in Europe.

Around fifteen minutes after they left the airport they arrived in front of a large hotel.

The hotel seemed around a dozen stories high, had a Victorian Era design, and was packed between two smaller buildings.

Once they stopped in front of the hotel, a valet came out to take their car while Draco, Sada, and the Ḥāmin headed into the building.

The lobby of the hotel had a classical style to it. It had a tall ceiling supported by several pillars, and beautiful murals lined its walls.

Throughout the lobby were also several fancy looking chairs and tables. Seated at some of them were a number of high-profile businessmen and women on their phones or laptops.

Once inside the Ḥāmin handed them their room keys, and then silently led them towards the elevator.

Their rooms were on the 9th floor, and after getting out of the elevator Draco noticed that there were only four rooms on the entire floor.

Draco's room was directly in front of Sada's, but he didn't see where the Ḥāmin's room was.

However, just when he was thinking this, Sada said, "Ḥāmin, go wait outside the Luwey Vitton store and reserve us a spot in line. Leave the car here, we will meet back up with you in the morning to purchase the items we need."

The Ḥāmin simply nodded his head and started walking towards the elevator.

Seeing this, Draco figured that the only reason Sada could order the Ḥāmin around was because Amira had allowed her to.

As the Ḥāmin was getting into the elevator, Sada turned to look at Draco, "Draco, let's meet up at around 9:00 am, the store opens at 10 so we can head there after we wake up."

"Alright, sounds good. See you in the morning." Draco said, waving his hand as he headed into his room.

Entering the room, Draco was impressed by the size and quality of it. While his time in the Khalid Dynasty had warped his perceptions of luxury, he had to admit that this was definitely a luxurious hotel room.

The room was about 30 feet long and 30 feet wide, and was arranged into two rooms.

Walking into the main room, Draco saw that there was an open floored kitchen off to the side, and a large bedroom connected to it.

The room itself had tasteful furniture, beautiful artwork along its walls, and a massive TV.

Along the wall in the middle of the room was a magnificent king-sized bed. It was easily larger than any bed he had ever seen, and had gold trims along its sides.

Off to the side of the room Draco saw another door, and he imagined that this was the bathroom.

After appraising the room, Draco walked towards the bed in the middle of the room and put his backpack down on top of it.

He took a few moments to check that everything was in there, and then began to systematically remove most of his drugs and place them inside his robes.

Soon, several bags of the devils lettuce, c*caine, and pills had all disappeared within the fabric of his robes.

Looking at a clock on the wall, Draco saw that it was 10:21 pm. However, he had no intention to sleep.

'This is the perfect time to start selling, I wonder how much money I can make in London in one night.' he thought to himself, a smile creeping onto his lips.