
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasi
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124 Chs

Light Sword

The main tent in the bandit's compound was currently filled with combatants.

A thick stench of blood permeated the area, and the occupants within were fighting for their lives.

Draco had just killed two powered bandits, but without getting a break he was immediately charged by another one. 

While Draco was engaged in his own melee, Saalim's two guards were fighting back to back as they faced off against four of Hassan's men. 

One of the guards sliced out at a bandit holding a spear, knocking it out of the way to enable the other guard to send his head flying off of his shoulders. 

Two more bandits with swords rushed them at the same time, and one of Saalim's guard's blocked both of their strikes while the other pierced a bandit through the chest. 

Kicking the bandit's body off of his saber, he turned just in time to avoid a staff strike aimed at his head. 

He ducked under the strike, but another bandit appeared behind him and pierced him through the side with his sword. 

Saalim's other guard charged into the man who had just stabbed his comrade and tackled him to the ground, bashing his head against the ground until it exploded. 

The remaining bandit with a staff had seized this opportunity to finish off Saalim's wounded guard, but Saalim himself appeared behind him and kicked him in the back.

This kick shattered the bandit's spine, and sent him flying straight out of the tent's flaps and into the carnage outside. 

Saalim was forced to turn around to block a strike from Hassan, but his lapse in concentration allowed Hassan to land a blow on his chest and send him skidding backwards. 

Meanwhile, Draco was fending off the furious blows of a bandit with a longsword. 

He had pulled out his electrified sword to block the man's strikes, but this man was clearly more skilled than the rest of the bandits in the tent. 

Draco felt the vibrations from each of the blows in his bones, but Draco could tell that he had the strength advantage over the bandit. 

However, the bandit was much more skilled with a sword. 

Draco attempted to parry a slash from the bandit and was helpless as the man twisted his sword out of the way to get past Draco's guard. 

The man's sword slashed into Draco's arm, leaving a deep gash on his forearm. 

The hair on Draco's arm meant that he had avoided having his arm severed at the elbow, but things were not boding well for him. 

Draco realized that he had to capitalize on his strength advantage, or he would slowly be whittled down. 

When the bandit slashed out towards Draco again, he was ready. 

Draco blocked the man's strike with his sword, sending sparks of electricity flying through the air.

When the bandit went to counter-slash at him, Draco used his elbow to smack the flat side of the sword out of the way. 

Seeing that the sword was knocked off of its course, Draco rushed forward before the man could stabilize his blade and hit him with a fierce headbutt. 

Draco's head smashed into the bandit's nose, and he heard a sickening crack as the man recoiled from the impact.

Blood leaked from the man's broken nose like a faucet, and before the man could recover Draco was already upon him again. 

He stabbed out at the man with his sword, piercing him straight through his ribcage. 

Draco activated his sword and watched as arcs of electricity began to course through the man, causing him to shake and spasm uncontrollably. 

The bandit dropped to his knees and Draco pulled out his sword, watching the man fall to the ground with smoke escaping from his mouth and ears. 

Since Draco had found the silver pendant in Khalifa Haftar's office, he had always kept it tied around his neck.

Draco looked down at his arm to see the cut flesh re-knitting itself.

His arm was visibly being repaired under the influence of the artifact, and in only a few seconds only pink skin could be seen under his arm hair.

The healed portion of his arm felt a little itchy, but it was otherwise good as new.

When Draco turned to the rest of the melee in the room, he saw that Saalim and his two guards were already facing off against Hassan. 

Saalim was slashing at Hassan with a long saber, forcing him to block the blows with his own sword as he was pushed back. 

Hassan was unable to gain ground with the added support of Saalim's guards, and when Draco joined the fray the man began to look around frantically for his options. 

Hassan jumped back behind a table at the end of the room, and he kicked it upwards just in time to block a blow from the two guards. 

When he reappeared from beneath the table, he was holding a strange black object. 

Hassan flicked something on the side of the object, and Draco was left in shock as he saw a white blade of light extend from it. 

Hassan twisted the light sword in his hands, flourishing it before his four attackers.

Saalim's face turned grave, for he knew that he had to finish his brother off quickly before he could turn the tables on them. 

Hassan turned to face Saalim, and he blocked several fast blows before landing an unexpected slash on Saalim's leg. 

Saalim's leg sizzled with the intense heat of the blade as a black gash was left on his calf. 

Saalim was forced backwards as Hassan took the initiative, pressing onwards as his light sword created sparks from each hit that Saalim blocked. 

However, he had left himself open to Draco. 

Draco jumped over the table and aimed his desert eagle at the man's head, and when he had a clear shot he took it. 

Draco watched with bated breath as his shot connected, exploding through Saalim's cheek and blowing half of his jaw off. 

Hassan staggered backwards from his position and clutched his now ruined face in horror. 

All he could do was gurgle incoherently as he saw Saalim descending on him with his saber.

However, Hassan was determined to fight until his last breath. 

Hassan ducked Saalim's strike, and turned around to slash at one of his guards with his light sword.

The guard helplessly watched as his Sabre was cut in half, and the light blade continued towards his body.

Hassan's lightsword connected with his waist, and it cleanly cut him in half before continuing on to the next guard.

Saalim's remaining guard blocked the blow with his saber, but he was thrown backwards from the force of the blow.

However, the first guard's death was not in vain, for Saalim seized the opening to pierce Hassan through his back. 

Saalim's saber poked through the other side, and Hassan attempted to twist around to fight back. 

Draco was right there though, and he saw an opening of his own as he slashed down at Hassan's wrist. 

Draco kicked his body into overdrive, and his muscles bulged as he put his all into the slash. 

He watched with satisfaction as his blade cut into Hassan's wrist, cleanly severing the man's weapon hand. 

Hassan's light sword clattered onto the ground, flickering off as its safety mechanisms were activated. 

The remaining guard appeared in front of Hassan and stabbed out at him, piercing him through the heart. 

Hassan fell to his knees, looking at his severed stump of a hand with a perplexed expression on his face. 

He didn't even realize when his head was sent flying off of his body by Saalim.

When Draco saw Hassan's lifeless body collapse on the ground, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"That was a close one. Your brother was a tough nut to crack." Draco said, wiping the sweat from his brow. 

Saalim nodded solemnly, "I lost one of my prized guards, but this should make up for it." he said, reaching down to pick up the light sword Hassan had dropped.