
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasi
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124 Chs


Draco and his inner psyche spent the entire night practicing the third stage of the Moon Manipulation technique. 

He had his inner psyche try everything he could think of. 

Draco made the psyche use gravity to punch holes into the sand, throw various objects stored in Harry's storage dimension, and even crush rocks into dust. 

The psyche was getting good at crushing and throwing objects with gravity, but they had yet to discover a way to lift objects. 

Harry described mastery of the fourth stage as being able to lift up objects by lowering the gravity around them, and they were clearly not there yet.

Draco knew he was somewhere within the third stage, but he still doubted his mastery of this stage. 

'There's still a long way to go, and I only achieved the third stage through sheer luck.' Draco thought, deciding to practice until his inner psyche had full control of the technique. 

The sun was now rising at this point, and Draco wanted to see how the change in gravitational waves would affect his inner psyche's abilities. 

As the sun's intense pressure began to bear down on the Earth, Draco's inner psyche flew up and grabbed some of this intense gravity. 

Due to the strange properties of the sun's gravity, his inner psyche became covered in translucent flames. Luckily, it was starting to grow accustomed to the pain that came with manipulating this gravity.

As the psyche floated down to ground level, the gravity around the area increased tremendously. 

A large crater was punched into the sand as it landed, and the inner psyche hadn't even done anything except touch the sand for this to happen. 

Draco then had Harry pull out a sword from the storage dimension, and he promptly threw this artifact towards his inner psyche. 

The sword was a standard-grade artifact, but Draco's eyes widened in surprise as it landed on the sand next to the inner psyche.

This was because the sword became warped and twisted as the intense gravity pushed down on it. 

Eventually, the sword was unable to withstand the pressure, and it shattered into hundreds of pieces!

The powered aura of the sword dissipated into the air when this happened, and Draco watched the aura disappear with shock. 

Draco had never seen an artifact get broken like that before, and he didn't want to imagine what would happen to him if he was in its place. 

It was evident that the sun's gravitational waves were many times stronger than the moon's. 

As Draco and his inner psyche continued their practice, it became clear that there was a large drawback to using the sun's gravity for a prolonged period of time. 

After only an hour of using the gravity passed, Draco's inner psyche was becoming visibly worn out. 

The inner psyche's see-through body was slowly fading away, and it looked tired to say the least. 

Draco's eyelids were also beginning to feel heavy. He hadn't felt this drained of energy since he had been a normal human. Draco figured that it was because he and his inner psyche were connected, and the toll of using the sun's gravity was affecting both of them. 

Draco was currently still in the middle of the desert, so there was no way he was going to fall asleep here. 

'It's time for a break, mini-me. You did well, let's go back home and rest.' Draco said. 

Hearing this, Draco's inner psyche nodded its head sheepishly and floated back into Draco's body. 

Draco then activated his boots and flew into the sky. He proceeded to climb upwards until he was above the cloudline before deactivating the boots. 

Draco used his robes to glide himself back towards the city of Benghazi, and he figured it would take him another few hours to arrive.

After a full hour passed Draco started losing elevation, so he reactivated his boots and began to float back up. 

However, his eyes caught something interesting below him. 

There was a small convoy of vehicles traveling on the highway beneath his position. They were well over a mile away at this point, but Draco's enhanced eye allowed him to see that the convoy was under attack. 

One of the leading vehicles caught fire and exploded, and a squad of people surrounded the convoy with their weapons drawn.

Draco was feeling pretty tired so he considered ignoring this, but he eventually decided that this might be a good chance to test out his new technique. 

He dropped out of the air and soared down towards the convoy, and in less than a minute had arrived above it. 

Activating his boots, Draco slowly drifted to a stop in the air above the road.

The group attacking the convoy had already started firing shots into the vehicles, but when they saw Draco arrive they stopped what they were doing and yelled in fear. 

It couldn't be helped, for Draco currently looked like a supreme being. The sun shined behind him as he floated in the air, hiding his features and making him appear like an angel. 

They pointed their rifles at Draco's form, but they didn't shoot out of fear of what would happen. 

It mattered little to Draco though, for he was just trying to use these people as fodder to test out his new body art. 

'Hey, mini-me! Nap time is over, come out real quick for one final test.' Draco said. 

When Draco's inner psyche heard this, it slowly peeked its head out while rubbing its eyes groggily.

It was clearly peeved by Draco's request, for it had barely gotten an hour of sleep. 

Draco ignored his inner psyche's discomfort and pointed down towards the group of people surrounding the convoy. 

'Throw some gravity down there. The faster you take those guys out the faster you can go back to sleep.' he said. 

The inner psyche sighed as it floated up a few feet and reached out towards a wave of gravity. 

It promptly submerged itself in the gravity, and when it came back out of the wave it was covered in gravitational flames. 

Draco's inner psyche was obviously very annoyed, and it intended on quickly finishing things so it could return back to sleep. 

The inner psyche flew down towards the convoy below and crashed into the front where the majority of the attackers were. Its speed was astounding, and this speed meant that the resulting attack was many times stronger than normal.

Draco watched with his jaw agape as he witnessed the incredible destruction of the Moon Manipulation technique. 

After the inner psyche landed on the road, a massive crater was created that was several meters deep.

The first two cars of the convoy were completely crushed flat by the sun's gravity, and all of the surrounding attackers were reduced to a pulp.

The vehicles now looked like crushed soda cans, and all that was left of the attackers were red smears on the pavement. 

As the inner psyche flew back up to Draco, all he could think about was the utter power of this technique. 

This body art he had found made it possible to alter the gravity in an area to a hundred times its normal strength. Bones, flesh, and metal alike were nothing in the face of this sudden change of gravity. 

The remaining people in the convoy climbed out of their vehicles and dropped to their knees in the face of Draco's domineering display of power. They shouted out cheers and cried out in worship of the floating figure above them. 

To them, Draco was a god of destruction. 

Although Draco's inner psyche had unintentionally crushed some of their own people, they held no ill-will. 

The remaining attackers fled from the scene as they retreated back into the desert. Some of them even dropped their weapons as they ran, any intention of fighting lost as they tried to escape with their lives.

Draco paid them no mind as his inner psyche returned into his form. He then promptly soared back into the sky, eager to return home. 

As Draco flew through the air, he was simply satisfied with the performance of his new technique.

He was now eager to test it out on stronger opponents.