
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasi
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124 Chs


Draco got out of the armored bus and told Addo and Amber to come with him. 

He wanted Addo to come with him so the man could identify the best weapons to purchase, as well as the correct ammunition they needed. 

Snow told Draco that she was tired of sitting in the bus for so long, so he let her tag along as well. 

'I guess this is a field trip now.' Draco thought to himself with amusement.

The four of them walked into the store and were greeted with many rows of shelves filled with various ammunition and firearm supplies. 

The front of the store held clear glass cases filled with different pistols and revolvers. The wall behind these cases had rows of various rifles lining it. 

There was a man behind the cases, and he greeted Draco's group in Arabic.

Draco had Amber communicate to the man what they needed. When he heard that they planned to make a big purchase, he nodded happily and motioned behind him.

Addo took a look at the weapons on the wall, and pointed out a particular rifle in the corner. 

"The G36, sir. It is good weapon." Addo told Draco.

Draco didn't know this, but the Heckler & Koch G36 was a staple weapon for desert combat. It was reliable and affordable, making it suitable for use in large militaries. 

Draco nodded his head and walked up to the counter, "How many of those do you have in stock?"

After Amber translated his question, the man put up six fingers. He also said that they cost 4,200 dinars each. 

However, he would be willing to give them a discount for a bulk order.  

"We'll take them all." Draco said.

The shopkeeper smiled and went to the back of the store to fetch the weapons.

Draco then had Addo collect the correct ammunition, and the man returned with several boxes of ammo. The boxes read, '5.56×45mm NATO', and Addo had to make a few trips to get all of it. 

They cleared the store out completely of this ammunition, and Addo had to make several trips to get it all. 

By the time Addo was done the shopkeeper had already returned from the back with a cart carrying six long wooden crates. 

The man told Draco that the total came out to 24,200 dinars, and Draco paid for it all in cash. 

The shopkeeper was surprised that Draco was paying entirely in cash, but he didn't mind. After all, business was business. 

Draco was also given an additional crate to put the ammunition in, and he loaded it onto the cart. 

After paying, Draco pushed the cart out of the store and loaded the crates into the bus. He brought the cart back to the store and went back to the vehicle. 

Climbing inside, Draco told Addo to take them to another shop on the other side of the street. It looked like a tailoring shop based on the designs on the front. 

Once they were there Draco got out of the bus with Amber and went inside. 

He told the tailor in the store that he needed twenty uniforms. He wanted them to have desert camouflage, and he needed them to have matching jackets and pants. 

The tailor was shocked to receive such a large order, and said that it would take around two days to prepare. 

This made sense to Draco, so he left a deposit and left the store after placing his order. 

Draco had gotten back into the bus and was thinking about what they could do in the city for two days while they waited. 

However, his train of thought was interrupted by the sound of sirens and blue lights flashing behind him. 

Draco looked out the back of the bus to see that there were two cop cars behind them.

They shouted at them through a loud-speaker in Arabic, and Draco looked to Amber for answers. 

"They're saying to exit the vehicle." she said. 

Draco sighed, not understanding why this was happening. However, he figured it was best to comply for now. 

He knew that if things got too bad, he had a way to get out of any situation.

Draco got out of the bus alone, and when he did he was approached by four police officers who had their guns drawn at him. 

"Arfae yadayk!" One of the officers yelled at him. 

"I don't know what you're saying!" Draco responded angrily. 

Another officer stepped forward and pointed his gun at Draco's face, "Hands up, terrorist!" he shouted. 

'What the hell is going on?!' Draco wondered. 

Draco shook his head in annoyance and put his hands in the air, he didn't want to cause trouble just yet. 

He still had the horn Formica gave him tucked into his robes. 

He wanted to save his nuclear button for the perfect moment, so far he could still get out of this situation if he really wanted to. 

One of the cops came over and grabbed his arms and tried to put them behind his back, but he was unable to. 

He pulled at Draco's arm with all of his might, but they wouldn't budge. The cop started screaming at Draco, evidently frustrated. 

When Draco realized what he was trying to do, he complied with a sigh and put his hands behind his back. 

The cop then handcuffed Draco's wrists and tried to push him towards his squad car. 

Seeing that the cop was trying to push him towards the car, Draco simply let the man lead the way.

As Draco was being put into the cop car, he saw that three more cars had arrived on the street with their sirens blazing. 

Draco watched as police officers then surrounded the armored bus and began to haul his forces out of it. 

His people were lined up next to the armored bus and put into handcuffs, and the officers went into the vehicle to conduct a search. 

They came out with the crates of weapons he had just purchased, and the other weapons his soldiers were carrying. 

Draco clicked his tongue, 'This misunderstanding is getting annoying.'

One of the cops got into the driver seat of the car, and said something to Draco in Arabic. The man sounded angry, but Draco had no clue what he was saying. 

Every now and then he would catch words like, "Terrorist." and, "Scum."

Sighing to himself, Draco simply sat back as the cop began to drive away from the business district. 

Draco didn't know where they were going at first, but the large palace in the distance of the city began to get closer and closer. 

He was wondering if this was their destination, but when they pulled up at the palace gates with two more police cruisers in tow, Draco became sure of it.

Draco was clearly in deep sh*t, and he didn't even know what he had done wrong. 

The palace's courtyard was vast and expansive. There were rows upon rows of guard training on the courtyard's concrete pavilion. 

Draco saw that there were ten rows that had around fifty soldiers in each of them. In front of these rows was a powered captain, their strength apparent even from within the police cruiser. 

The soldiers in the rows were following the captains in drills, and they practiced combat stances for some strange martial arts technique. 

In front of the vast pavilion, the opulent palace towered over the near five hundred soldiers training below. 

The palace's green walls were gilded in gold and covered in ornate designs. It had three towers surrounding it, each topped by a golden dome. 

It was rather tall at around two hundred meters (650 feet) in height. However, this paled in comparison to the Khalid Dynasty's royal palace 

After all, the Khalid Dynasty's palace stood over five hundred meters (1600 feet) tall. 

Nonetheless, it was quite the sight. Draco held his breath as the police cruisers stopped in the center of the courtyard. 

The officer driving him then got out and opened his door, promptly letting him out of the vehicle. 

The officer led the handcuffed Draco towards the palace's wide doors. Draco walked up a tall set of stairs, and guards lined this staircase on both sides. 

Draco stopped in front of the palace's massive doors. The doors were made of some type of bronze-like metal, and they were gilded with intricate and beautiful designs. 

Once they reached the doors, two powered guards on either side of the doors began to push them open. 

The large doors squealed open, and once Draco could see inside he saw that there was a wide hall before him. 

The vast room had luxurious marble floors and raised ceilings supported by carved stone pillars. The pillars stretched upwards into darkness, and Draco couldn't even see the ceiling from where he stood.

This hall was likely a hundred meters long and wide, and standing within it were dozens of individuals. 

They wore luxurious silks and clothes, and Draco could tell from just a glance that they were either nobles or wealthy folk. 

The people in the room turned to look at Draco when he entered, and they muttered and pointed at him with looks of shock on their faces. 

Draco was led to the center of the room, and he stood facing a raised platform at the end of the vast hall. 

There was a young man sitting on a plush throne atop the platform. He was surrounded by four powered guards, and their strength impressed Draco.

They made no effort to hide their aura, and they were each easily stronger than several Hamin soldiers. 

The young man on the throne looked not much older than Draco himself. When he saw Draco enter the throne room, he stood up from his throne.

"Is this him?" the man asked, addressing the police officer behind Draco.