
The World’s Strongest Drug Dealer

In a world where the international drug trade is worth billions of dollars, Draco decides that he wants a piece of that pie. Money, power, beautiful woman, private planes, Draco wants it all! Who ever said that crime doesn't pay? Draco discovers that in this world there are actually miracle drugs that can do almost anything your heart desires. These drugs can give a crippled man unparalleled strength, or give a mentally ill one superhuman intelligence. However, wouldn't it be a waste to use it on them? Draco sees his path to power, and he doesn't hesitate to take it. *-------------------------------------------------------* This is a new story I've been working on for a while now. Give it a try, you'll probably enjoy it. In this story I guarantee that there will be great storytelling, pacing, and grammar.

StickyTar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
124 Chs


As Draco watched the nude figure take an account of their surroundings, he took account of them.

Draco sized the woman up, and when their attention passed over his spot he ducked down behind the pillar.

He was holding himself up with just his fingertips, but his fingers barely trembled at the effort.

When Draco glanced over the pillar and saw the woman's attention focused elsewhere he crept back up the tiny surface.

'I have the edge over them. Since I've found them first I can track their location to hold an advantage.' Draco concluded.

Draco continued to watch and attempted to formulate a plan of attack, but could think of nothing in the short term.

The woman was simply too far for him to do anything at the moment.

For at least half an hour Draco stalked through the shadows as he plotted.

He would occasionally hop down from a pillar to hide, but never long enough to lose track of the woman's position for more than a moment.

For some reason, whenever Draco lost sight of her figure she would suddenly pop back into his view.

Draco felt like a hawk with superhuman eyesight, and he didn't know why he could track the woman so well.

The woman seemed to be lost, and Draco observed that she would always approach each hidden pillar cautiously.

Draco made an informed guess on what direction the woman was going, and with swiftness he positioned himself accordingly.

After a while it looked like his plan was successful.

The woman came within two hundred feet of him, and it seemed that she was still closing in on his position.

Seeing this, Draco took the opportunity to quickly jump to another more hidden pillar and await their arrival.

Long minutes passed, but eventually Draco heard movement.

It was a series of light footsteps below him towards his right side.

The sound of the woman's bare feet against the stone was barely audible, but it was enough to put Draco on alert.

Eventually, a well endowed figure came into view right below him.

Draco couldn't help but admire the woman's curvy form as she bounded past him.

She seemed to be entirely unaware of his presence, and Draco intended to take full advantage of that fact.

Just as the woman passed below him, Draco dropped a few feet down onto a pillar to his left.

Draco feared that she would notice his presence so he quickly ducked behind a pillar and took cover.

Just as he guessed, the woman stopped in her tracks and began to look suspiciously around.

'She's got good senses!' thought Draco, alarmed.

After a few moments he dared to look past the pillar he was hiding behind, and caught a glimpse of the lady.

She was eyeing her surroundings with caution, so Draco knew that he had to continue to bide his time.

Eventually, the woman moved on, leaving Draco to follow behind her.

Draco prowled behind the woman for a long few minutes after this, somehow managing to evade her attention the whole time.

Suddenly, the woman was forced to stop in front of a series of pillars blocking her path.

'This is my chance.' Draco realized, seeing his opportunity.

Seeing this, Draco didn't hesitate and threw himself from the pillar he was in.

He launched his body towards the woman, throwing a punch directly towards their neck.

Draco was intent on breaking it in one go, for he didn't want to wait and see what powers or abilities she may have.

Normally, Draco wouldn't resort to violence against a woman.

After all, women were normally much weaker than men. In the past Draco would never have resorted to personally laying his hands on a girl.

However, in this new world he had found himself in, Draco was not willing to take chances with anyone.

With this resolve, Draco's fist continued to fly towards the unknown woman's neck at breakneck speed!

The lady only had time to widen her eyes in surprise as Draco's right fist slammed into her neck.

At the moment of impact a series of sickening cracks could be heard.

"AAAAAaa!" the lady shrieked, fear showing in her eyes.

Except, by all accounts, she was unharmed!

Draco looked down at his now deformed hand in abstract shock, then back at the white-haired woman.

The woman then pushed her arms out in defense, trying to shove at Draco.

However, she only succeeded in pushing herself backwards!

To Draco, it felt like two small metal plates had been gently slapped against his chest, and his body barely registered it as a tickle.

Draco watched in bewilderment as the woman fell off the pillar they were standing on, falling straight down towards the blood red sea.

He looked down and saw that there were a few stone pillars nearby, and he watched as she collided into one of them.

"Noo!! AAAh–" screamed the woman, before smashing into the pillar.

Draco involuntarily winced as he saw her bound off of that pillar and violently smash her head into another one.

The lady then fell from that last pillar and straight towards the sea below.

Draco gulped, for he noticed that chunks of stone were blasted off of the pillars with each impact!

Draco then looked back at his right hand, cursing as he saw the full extent of his own injuries.

His thumb was hanging limply to the side, and his fingers were a tangled mess of blood and bones.

As he saw the state of his hand, pain began to trickle into his mind.

Draco furrowed his brows and clenched his teeth together, but did not scream out.

Over his time spent within the bounds of the Khalid Dynasty he had developed a superhuman pain tolerance.

Unfortunately, this did not make the pain any less, and only allowed him to better ignore it.

'Is that b*tch made of steel or something?' Draco wondered, even though he felt like normal metal couldn't do something like this to him.

Suddenly, a high pitched yell caught his attention.


'Jesus Christ, she's so annoying.' thought Draco, looking back down.

Somehow, she had managed to grab a hold of a thin pillar far below him.

Draco could see that her fingers were digging into the very stone of the pillar, but she was still unable to pull herself up.

The woman's legs kicked uselessly at the effort, and Draco shook his head.

'Looks like she's done for.' he thought apathetically.

'I don't know what that girl's body is made of, but she's definitely dangerous.' Draco concluded, glad that it was so simple to finish her off.

Draco continued to watch as the woman struggled for her life, only wishing he had something to throw at her to speed up the process.

Eventually, their fingers began to fall out of the stone one by one.

The woman anticlimactically lost her grip, falling down towards the red sea.

At this point it was only a ten foot drop, and Draco made sure to watch her make contact with the sea.

Draco watched as a red splash blossomed into the air, and the woman's white hair disappear with it.

He nodded his head in satisfaction, 'All in a day's work. This sea is turbulent and no doubt filled with diseases or poison, she'll probably drown soon.'

Dusting his hands off, Draco turned to look at his surroundings.

'What's next?' he wondered, not knowing where he should go now.

He scaled a tall pillar that stood to the side and took a look at his surroundings.

Unfortunately, all Draco could see for hundreds upon hundreds of feet were an uncountable number of stone pillars.

This stone forest was something Draco had no hope of escaping in the short term, so he simply decided to wait.

He was unconsciousness the last time he was in one of these battles, so he didn't know what he had to do to get out of here.

His mind made up, Draco took a seat on a nearby pillar, ready to jump up at a moment's notice.

In this way he waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Only when twenty minutes passed did Draco start to wonder if he was going to be let out.

'Is she not dead yet?' Draco wondered, standing up to get a better view of the sea below him.

When Draco looked around at the surrounding sea he couldn't spot anything of note.

The sea's red waters were too thick and murky to see into, so Draco couldn't know for sure if there was anything lurking just beneath the surface.

Draco sighed, turning to get a look at his surroundings.

Suddenly, something white flashed in front of him, and Draco abruptly lost all of the air in his lungs.

Belatedly, his body registered a sharp pain in his right side.

He had been hit directly in the liver, and the hit had temporarily shocked his brain.

Draco spat out a mouthful of blood, and when his eyes re-focused from the impact he saw a man standing in front of him on the pillar!

The man was wearing the same baggy clothes that Draco wore, and he had a grim expression on his face.

"F*cker!" Draco coughed out, unable to stop his fall backwards.

He tried to reach out to the sides and grab a pillar as he fell, but all he felt was air.

As he fell directly towards the churning sea below, all he could do was curse his luck.