
The word awakened and gained a system: why are all my quests perverted

The world awakens, dungeons form, animals and plants mutate, the gods spectate the world's happenings and find people they think are interesting, and humans gain powers and systems that are tailored to them (They're all the same thing, just with different designs). The usual stuff. It just so happens that our main character's version of the system is, for better or lack of words...flawed. --- Disclaimer: NSFW content will be marked accordingly: N+ for 18+, N- for darker themes, and N for a mix of both. Updates will aim for a chapter every week, with the potential for more depending on my schedule. Your feedback and ideas are greatly appreciated, even if it's just a "good job" or complete negativity. Questions are also welcome.

Resset_Potato · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Rika's Chemical X

I stood in the living room and watched as Mrs. Rosenberg yelled at and scolded the man who barged into Frey's room, who now had a red handprint on his cheek. "Seriously Erik?! What is wrong with you? I told you that an old friend came to visit Frey, and you just barged into her room?! What kind of sense does that make?" "Yeah, Dad, it makes no sense. What if we were doing something inappropriate? Even if we weren't, it's still an invasion of privacy to barge in like that." Frey chimed in. "Please, next time, knock before entering someone's room. It's basic respect," I added, feeling a mix of embarrassment and anger at the situation, although I couldn't deny the scene in front of me was kind of funny.

The man, Mr. Rosenberg, looked hurt. "Look, I'm sorry; I should have knocked. But when Emily told me that an old friend came over, I knew it was either Rika or your ex. The two people I was hoping to see again, for two different reasons, so I kind of ran in without thinking." I turned my head to look at Frey, whose face was extremely flushed with embarrassment and anger. "Frey…" Frey turned and looked at me. My face was calm, too calm, scary calm. "Y-Yes?" I just smiled. "Damn it, dad. Now I have to deal with scary Rika!" Frey threw a couch pillow at her father and ran up the stairs.

I slowly followed with my terrifyingly calm smile. Both Frey's parents felt bad for their daughter. I only got like this a few times, and it didn't end well for Frey. "Well, Erik, now we just pray that Frey can survive this."

As I entered Frey's room, Frey was nervously sitting on her bed. "R-Rik-ka, I-I c-can ex-explain." Frey stuttered. "Oh really?" I spoke in a honeyed tone so sweet that it could give someone cavities, but it terrified Frey. My eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint as I approached Frey, who felt a chill run down her spine. She knew she was in for a long night of dealing with my wrath.


I've been like this a few times before, usually when someone does something against me, even if they didn't do it intentionally. I myself don't know where this trait came from. The first time I got like this was in 1st grade. I got up to go to the bathroom, and Frey, not paying attention to where I went, gave away the toys she was playing with, thinking that I had left. When I came back and found out what happened, I had the same smile and tone I have now. I stayed like that for the rest of the day. My parents had to work late, so I went to Frey's house, and while I was there, I got my revenge. When Mrs. Rosenberg brought them snacks, I ate all the ones that Frey liked. Then, while Frey was busy eating what was left, I hid all of her favorite toys. Frey was confused and looking for her toys, while my smile and tone returned to normal. Frey only found out about what really happened that day a year later, when she mentioned she still hadn't found the toys.


Frey was now on all fours, and I was sitting on her back. "So, do explain now." My voice somehow became sweeter. "Well, a few weeks after you moved in with your grandma, I was lonely and wanted to forget about you—" "So you started dating some random chick to try to distract yourself, and it didn't go well?" I cut in. "Well…Yeah. But it was actually that guy who has been hitting on me since 5th grade."

 "Wait, he was still chasing after you? Talk about determination." "Well, he's persistent; I'll give him that," Frey chuckled. "But it didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't the one I wanted. It's still you and probably will continue to be you." "Aw, isn't that sweet? I'm still straight, and that's probably not going to change." Frey looked up at me in confusion. "Then why are you mad that I dated someone?" My smile could cause diabetes. "It's the fact that you did something stupid to try to smite me." To be completely honest, I had no clue why I was upset. Maybe I'm secretly happy with how Frey feels about me. Maybe I like the attention and the thought that someone is in love with me. Maybe I'm a bad friend who uses her friend's emotions to feel good about myself...Nah.

Frey sighed. "And of course, you knew that. I got punished enough when that dude tried to get in my pants. He was very persistent; every time we were alone, he'd ask. That's like the main reason I broke it off." My smile faded and was replaced with a smirk. "Serves you right. And I can see why your dad wants to kick his ass." "That's not why. I never told my parents about that. When I broke up with him, I came home crying because I missed you. They saw me and asked what was wrong. So I told them that he broke up with me."

I get off of Frey. "Well, he seems like a total jerk. You definitely deserve better." Frey smirked. "You?" "No, and why are you blushing so much?" Suddenly, a voice comes from downstairs. "Dinner's ready." Frey left the room immediately as if trying to avoid my question. I could only sigh and follow.