
The Vast Forest (PT.1)

(WARNING FOR THIS SERIES: NSFW, If you have a trouble with anything from gore to detailed mating, please do not read this series.)

This series contains the life of wild wolves, and there achievements and losses. These stories will take place over many wolves, this is our first. A two year old, male, gray wolf, named Cacciatore in the mountains of Yellowstone national park.

I scampered through the brush, as I followed the scent. I sniffed every tree root, everything in my path. Until the scent seemed to be stronger, I could only feel the emptiness of my stomach. 'Where is this!?' I thought harshly. 'Its been ages since I've eaten!' I added to myself in my head. Thats when I found it, the elk's body ahead of me. I darted at it, I didn't have time to hesitate. This was my meal, and my meal only.

I licked my chops as a few new scents drifted in the windless, 'Bison.. Elk Herd.. Bear.. Wolf?' I lifted my nose, as it seemed to be quite faint. Though it was distant, I couldn't lose my chance to maybe meet someone.. maybe a future mate? It smells of no pack, so it must be a dispersal like myself.

I pranced, following the scent that seemed to get stronger as I followed it. But suddenly it was.. too strong? Have they noticed my scent? I peered ahead as I saw a short, yet menacing looking fellow. I kept my head at a normal level, as I made sure to keep my tail to the ground, as I didn't want to show as a danger. I inched closer to get a better look, as they took a few steps. A gave out a tiny woof, as the wolf showed interest to approach me. I looked it up and down, as I examined its qualities. It was indeed a lone female as I had hoped. I lowered my head a little, as I took a few steps forward, the she didn't mind, as she too approached me, we were now only about a elk-length away, as I looked into her amber eyes. Now about a fox-length away, I dipped my head, and leaned forward to greet her, I put out my snout, giving her a few sniffs, forwarding myself to sit. She circled around me, sniffing, I could sense curiosity upon her. A gave another tiny woof, as she woofed back. I leaned forward to her, touching noses. I leaned down and wagged my tail. 'I wonder if she is interested in me..' I pondered. I crouched down and began to lick her chin, as I saw her tail thumping. 'I have finally found somebody who accepts me..' I stood up turning toward the kill from earlier. I woofed seeing if she would follow, and she did.

I approached the meal, as I woofed with my nose pointing at it, for her to eat. She seemed to smile back as she began to eat. I laid down, as I felt her rub against my side. I felt her heart beat, as I soon drifted into a state of sleep.