

Marie and Trevor, childhood friends, who work in the Dalamos laboratory, obtain a fuel to power their time machine. The fuel is made from the life serum of a rare kind of wolf called the hiona wolf. During a ceremony to celebrate the achievement of the laboratory, Marie encounters Six in the female changing room and freaks out. Six calms her and tells her that he's from the future. He goes on to tell her that he's a werewolf, and using the life serum of the hiona wolf to power the time machine has caused the descendants of the hiona wolf to hunt humans in the future, turning most of them to werewolves. Marie involves Trevor in this, and together with Six and three of his friends from the future also, they embark on a journey to the future to save humanity from the disaster.

Victor_Obioma_9762 · perkotaan
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141 Chs


Before they left they spent a few more days in the region of the sprites, and with that, they got to learn the directions that lead to the region of wish-forms -- the regions to enter to get there faster and the safest places to take.

They left afterwards through a channel in the region of sprites they called 'The Ice Funnel'. They left through the Funnel' and found themselves in an icy region. The sprites had already told them of the nature of the region, and they already readied themselves with clothings and gadgets they could use to save themselves from the biting cold.

Not just clothings, they were also told of a warm place in the region of ice they could stay to keep themselves warm till the cold outside reduces. It was an abandoned igloo that was covered in ice, but within was relatively warm.

They found themselves in the igloo after a few searching, keeping warm there and making a fire with the lighters they were offered.