
Gracing a fly's family

After showering and dressing, I played with little Tau a bit until he fell asleep due to exhaustion.

I passed him to Hau, who then laid him in his room to sleep. Opening my wristband the screen popped up about thirty spans (inches) in width and half of that in height I scanned various information, sparing Hua a glance when she returned. I spoke in an absent-minded tone, while perusing a cloth with a silky soft feel to it.

"I have selected a few things for the family, I need to double check and see if everything has been arranged the way I desire,"

Hua stood there a moment as if thinking before replying in a respectful tone filled with unabashed praise.

"Master, I believe you have arranged everything perfectly,"

I nodded in acknowledgement, pondered once more before speaking in a somewhat pleasing tone. Hua truly is a helpful servant, discarding her help might be a loss I will not willingly accept. While speaking I spared her a smile while Hua nodded, standing straight aside.