
The Wolf and the Wolfer : a story of love, tragedy and pain

Sun_flower1987 · perkotaan
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7 Chs

The Massacre

' It all happened so suddenly, we were all investigating a Taxi-driver, we suspected was a werewolf '

' George and Jackley were the ones who bacame the passengers in order to get close to him and use the "Werewolf gas", it was a sucess'

The entire group had surrounded Melissa, she was sitting on the sofa and everyone else had surrounded her.

A girl with pointy ears and a white gown was wrapping a series of band aids around Melissa's arm

'suddenly the breaks of the taxi stopped and a huge brown furred wolf came out running from the driver's seat, behind him were George and Jackley'

'we rushed in as soon as Martha lit the signal'

'It was not much of a problem dealing with him, the wolf was relatively weaker.

We took him down relatively quickly, he wasn't the fastest, or the strongest...

Somewhere around the B tier perhaps.'

'there you are all set' said the pointy ear girl. Interrupting Melissa.

The expression on her face was that of neutrality.

She did not seem interested in anything that Melissa had said so far.

'thank you kind lady Druid', Melissa said to her

Though with an expression of grim on her face,

It all felt hollow coming from her.

'the Hunt had ended or so we really thought, but it was then that it really began.'

'the first one to get taken out was our navigator,

Suddenly all contact from her was broken away, we had been using an old ambulance as our base of operation.

Welson was the 1st to reach the site.

He opened his microphone and told us what he saw.'

Seras remembered how most of the failed hunts had one thing in common.

The 1st Wolfer to get slain was always a navigator.

She looked at Sarah with fear an uncertainty in her eyes.

In the crowd Sarah looked back at Seras waving to her with a cheerful smile on her face.

Her eyes, as anigmatic as ever.

Seras always had an idea that Sarah was hiding something.

But right now amidst the tale of her fallen comrades it felt as if the weight of that fact was eating her away.

She had always looked upto Sarah, she and Johnathan had been around here for as long as Seras could remember.

Though they never spoke of their pasts, preferences and motivations,

For Seras Sarah was like an elder sister.

Melissa continued, 'he reported to us the sight he was witnessing.

The door to the back of the ambulance was open and there was blood everywhere.

It was clear that the navigator was dead.

Then suddenly we heard the sound of flesh being churned as something ripped it apart.'

' then suddenly, Welson had gone completely silent.

Everyone panicked and they all rushed towards the base station.

'and one after the other lost their lives' interrupted Sarah,

'this demon must be silenced', she had an expression of nothingness on her face.

'well if he was out for blood then why did he spare Melissa?'

Said another voice from the crowd.

'isn't it clear, he's mocking us. He sees us as nothing but fodder, he's the worst of the worst.' Sarah said with determination.

Seras looked around the crowd, seeing how everyone was just so gloomed up.

She had a single thought in her mind, all of these people here, they have seen the same hell as her.

From behind Johnathan emerged, he had skipped half of the conversation.

GUYS I hate to be the bearer of bad news but a footage just came up on the monitor,

Its residence No. 187, they have been completely annihilated.